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Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women

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  • Junkers gave a speech yesterday where he blamed "arrogant refugees" for refusing to be relocated outside of Germany. Not surprisingly the migrants want to stay in the countries with the biggest welfare payouts and do not want to move to countries with less generous welfare laws.

    Who would have guessed?

    I think it is far to say that access to welfare and not having to work is indeed a major motivation for many. Call it being lazy, call it opportunism, call it being smart, call it what ever you like but it seems to be a fact.
    Try for discussion and debate.


    • Originally posted by Dinner View Post

      Junkers gave a speech yesterday where he blamed "arrogant refugees" for refusing to be relocated outside of Germany. Not surprisingly the migrants want to stay in the countries with the biggest welfare payouts and do not want to move to countries with less generous welfare laws.

      Who would have guessed?

      I think it is far to say that access to welfare and not having to work is indeed a major motivation for many. Call it being lazy, call it opportunism, call it being smart, call it what ever you like but it seems to be a fact.
      I can easily understand why a refugee would not want to be relocated outside of Germany.

      Germany has good wages and relatively low unemployment. It thus looks like one of the best countries for a refugee seeking work.

      I can't see evidence to suggest "not having to work" as a motivation for refugees (perhaps for a minority). Refugees do face certain difficulties finding work. Their first language is rarely, if ever, the language of the host country. Their qualifications, if any, are seldom recognised. There are not many jobs for unskilled people with poor language skills.


      • Originally posted by Dinner View Post
        My own source said in 2014 in Sweden 58% of ALL immigrants worked, I already went over the various catagories with you once, but that the non-European rate was lower. That source went on (in the second link) to write the specific numbers for the first half of 2015 which were 50% in Sweden for non-European immigrants.
        Do you remember how we'd already established that these are the figures for ALL immigrants? Meaning that the figures for immigrants OF WORKING AGE will be higher?

        So most of the immigrants of working age are working. Accept it.

        These new groups however do not seem to have that stigma as life long sitting on welfare, apparently, is perfectly fine to them.

        So how do you deal with this problem? Clearly, they will not work unless forced to do so and they teach their kids to do the same
        Aaaaaaaaand yet most of them are working, as your figures demonstrate. And others of them will be working once they've had chance to get settled.
        The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


        • Originally posted by Dinner View Post
          I can't help but feel you are attempting to minimize the hundreds of sexual assaults reported (not to mention the hundreds more of robberies) in Cologne on New Year's Eve. Not to mention all the other cities in the EU where similiar attacks took place (though smaller in scale).

          Do you just feel these are not serious problems? I ask because your remarks that there were only two rapes seems to imply that.

          You persist in using the term "Muslim Rape Gangs", but can only find two reported rapes in Cologne (a city of over a miilion inhabitants), on one of the nights of the year where spikes in sexual violence are always seen all over the Western world, and haven't provided any evidence that Muslims were involved in those two reported rapes. Two reported rapes is within statistical norms and no evidence of a surge at all.

          Sexual violence against women is always a serious issue, and a chronically under-reported one. However where there is a media focus on the issue, reporting rates increase. The reported rates of minor sexual offences certainly rose, but I'm not convinced that the committal rates would have been wildly different from any traditional New Years Eve where drunk men get wandering hands.

          To talk of "Muslim Rape Gangs" has no basis. If they existed, where were the rapes?
          The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


          • Originally posted by Ellestar View Post
            And why exactly Pegida shouldn't protest? More importantly, why you advocate that their portests should be ignored on the grounds of "it's rightist propaganda"?
            For this you have to see the demonstrations or get an insight into their speeches.
            They don´t try to win over people with arguments, but rather play with unsubstantiated fears of the people like (as in their title) the islamization of the occident ... that a majority of the asylum seekers don´t come here for refuge, but rather because they want to proifit from the higher living standards here .... that they (asylum seekers) are a dirty pack and animals (both said by Lutz Bachmann, the founder of Pegida) and so on.
            There is a position paper of Pegida that lists points (and can also be found on the english wikipedia entry regarding Pegida) ... the fact is, however, that the position paper (and its points) usually have mno part in the Pegida demonstrations and that interviewed people taking part in the Pegida demonstrations don´t even know of it (and rather list their opposition to asylum seekers in general and Islam as reason for taking part)
            Therefore, whether in those Pegida demonstrations "rightist propaganda" is used is of a high importance ... especially if we take into account the violence regarding asylum seekers/foreigners/foreign looking people and refugee homes (and the people living or working there), I posted a link to a lengthy article about this, in one previous posting.
            We definitely don´t have a use for more people who think that violence against asylum seekers is O.K., and unfortunately Pegida demonstrations with their populist speeches (and also because right wing organizations like the NPD are telling their members to take part and recruit new people) are the perfect breeding ground for new hate

            Originally posted by Ellestar View Post
            I don't think your explanation is really good. What we see is that races flipped sides in certain cases, usually locals were treated better than foreigners, but with that "tolerance" faith spreading foreigners are treated better than locals in some cases. In either case some nationality is treated better than the other, so it's not about a different kinds of racism (positive/negative, there is no such thing), it's about nationalities switching places.
            Positive and negative racism are generally used terms ...
            and I would say that they are clearly distinguishable is a difference if I treat someone worse because of his ethnicity and treat someone better because of his ethnicity
            (example: Someone who is hiring has negative racism towards turks, because he thinks that all turks are lazy and unintelligent ... therefore he doesn´t hire a turkish applicant , despite his better qualifications/credentials. Another person who is hiring has a (positive) racism towards koreans and he thinks that those are extraordinary hard-working and reliable ... so, when a korean is among his applicants, he mmediately hires him, despite his only average credentials (and there being people with better credentials among his applicants).
            The latter case definitely isn´t a case of (negative) racism against all ethnicities except koreans ... but rather a case of positive of racism.
            But of course both, negative as well as positive racism are subsets of racism in general)

            Although I have to admit that in case of more lenient sentencing towards refugees by some german judges, perhaps racism is definitely not the right explanation ... rather it is a mix of fear (to be called racist if you punish them harshly) and pity (those poor boys already have a hard time to integrate into the different society ... and they already said they felt sorry ... I have to give them another chance to integrate by punishing them lightly, so they can get out of the criminal scene)
            Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
            Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


            • parties like pegida pediga what's the name are opportunistic, racist and don't solve anything.

              Migrant flows are very difficult to direct.
              They will go where there are jobs. Measure unempoyment in Germany:4,4%. One of the lowest ever and it's a big country.
              Their chance of finding a job there are maximal compared to other places.

              So they go there.

              An organized way of dealing with the migrant flows would be welcome but many eastern european countries don't want to take "mooslims" (but they will take EU structural funds and security enhancements)

              What happened in cologne in New Year will not be replicated because the police will be out in full swing next year, so that issue is done.

              And, yes that bbc article was good because it shows that, in european countries with large immigrations, assimilation is key. (we're not talking like canada taking a few thousand "moooslims" and how well they assimilate them, that's like germany taking 1 "moooslim" and then having parties about how well he is assimilated)
              Creating ghettos is not something that should be encouraged

              and most muslim kids use the koran in a half arsed way. They haven't even read it, but it's cool to be a "moooslim" seeing as the americans hate them and the others are "Afraid" of them

              It's kind of like the goths, with more beard


              • Being "different" is always cool. Be that "mooslim", "left wing activist", or the vomit inducing "nazi parties".

                These always intermingle with crime.
                You're not really a petty criminal, you're just "Serving a higher purpose" (sic)

                However the birth giving instances of crime are always the same" poverty, alienation, segregation, racism. And it's at those roots that efforts should be done not at the half arsed adopted "ideologies"


                • Also migrant flaws are extremely volatile.

                  when austerity measures crashed the greek economy and skyrocketed unemployment, Greece got empty.
                  The only immigrants who stayed were those that had many many years here, bought property and had families and a steady job.

                  The others went where jobs are, or returned home.

                  As long as Syria and the like are unstable, and Libya and other places, afganistan, pakistan, the migrant flows wil keep coming (and by unstable I mean you walk on the streets and a bomb falls on your head, that unstable)
                  And the migrants/refugees will always go where the jobs are. When this changes, they will leave and again go where the jobs are. They are already deracinated.

                  There are only two options: do everything to bring quickly stability in those countries of origin or turn fortress europe into a nice north korean republic with beautiful iron gates that will keep the "invaders" out.
                  There is no middle way


                  • Sure because Germany has millions of jobs for uneducated, untrained people who don't speak German, that's how we reached this level of workforce productivity.
                    Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!


                    • Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
                      parties like pegida pediga what's the name are opportunistic, racist and don't solve anything.
                      Saying they are opportunistic isn't saying anything. This is what you leftists do. So what if they are opportunistic? So stop making retarded arguments.

                      How has the left solved anything? All they have done is brought a much of migrants into Germany to assault women.
                      I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                      - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


                      • Originally posted by Dinner View Post

                        Ok, where do people stand on this one? Justified or not justified?

                        A public swimming pool in Germany has banned all male migrants due to the fact that large numbers of them kept sexually harassing female bathers to such an extent many simply stopped going.
                        Well, if certain groups are incompatible then something should be done about it. But just closing it isn't a good idea.
                        They can count a number of visitors, and, say, if they have three times as many women as male migrants, they can make it 3 days for women, 1 day for male migrants, or something. Seems fair to me. Everyone has time in a pool, and uncompatible population groups don't mix together.
                        Knowledge is Power


                        • Originally posted by Main_Brain View Post
                          Sure because Germany has millions of jobs for uneducated, untrained people who don't speak German, that's how we reached this level of workforce productivity.
                          Why does it have 4,4% unemployment when countries are struggling with unseen numbers of 28% and 30%?


                          • Originally posted by Kidicious View Post
                            Saying they are opportunistic isn't saying anything. This is what you leftists do. So what if they are opportunistic? So stop making retarded arguments.

                            How has the left solved anything? All they have done is brought a much of migrants into Germany to assault women.
                            Blame reality


                            • Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
                              Blame reality
                              stop making retarded arguments.
                              I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                              - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


                              • Stop supporting nazis

