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  • Originally posted by Aeson View Post
    But so far you have made 3 verifiable claims, and each is verifiably incorrect.
    Hmm, let's see..

    Verifiable Claim 1: You're extremely boring and long-winded. PROVEN
    Verifiable Claim 2: You overestimate how much anyone cares about you and Lancers trafficking business. PROVEN
    Verifiable Claim 3: You used to be (and it appears still are) extremely easy to troll. PROVEN


    • Originally posted by kentonio View Post
      Sure, you were super cool and definitely didn't squeal like a little girl about any of it.
      While you are trying to be sarcastic, it is in fact the truth. I decided after about a year of "letting it go" (largely because I had little to no internet access) and watching the attacks on innocent people's character constantly increasing ... it should stop. I decided on a tactic to use to stop it. I implemented that tactic. It stopped. Apolyton is a better place because of it.


      • Originally posted by kentonio View Post
        Hmm, let's see..

        Verifiable Claim 1: You're extremely boring and long-winded. PROVEN
        Verifiable Claim 2: You overestimate how much anyone cares about you and Lancers trafficking business. PROVEN
        Verifiable Claim 3: You used to be (and it appears still are) extremely easy to troll. PROVEN
        Claim 1 is subjective. Pretending it is a factual matter that can be proven shows clearly you do not understand the difference between objective and subjective.
        Claim 2 is mind-reading with arbitrary, nebulously defined delineations. Your claim it's proven show clearly that you do not understand the difference between reality and fantasy or what constitutes proof.
        Claim 3 is irrellevent. I will always defend those who I care about from unwarranted attacks. You seem to think this is a failing, but it's not. Whether I am "trolled" or not by such attackers is irrellevent. While this is subjective, you are clearly wrong from any moral or ethical perspective worthy of consideration.


        • Kent, why are you doing this, what exactly are you hoping to achieve?

          You're not exactly covering yourself in glory...


          • 1. I'm sorry I brought the Lancer thing up.
            2. In this context, "trolling" appears to mean "bullying, but ironically, so it's funny and not just mean."
            3. IIRC, Lancer did say something extremely mean about Aeson's wife, which is generally considered out-of-bounds. Not saying Lancer's bad now--I barely noticed the whole thing--but it's not like Aeson has no right to be upset.
            4. With all that said, I think the argument's not going to go anywhere good from here, so can you two try to let it go? I get that you're mad, but really, no good is going to come of this.
            1011 1100
            Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


            • Originally posted by NICE MOBIUS View Post
              Kent, why are you doing this, what exactly are you hoping to achieve?

              You're not exactly covering yourself in glory...
              I'm not trying to achieve anything. I made the foolish mistake of thinking Aeson was a normal human adult, and would read a throwaway joke about Filipino sex trafficking in the same whimsical sense in which it was made. Which previously he has actually done. This time however he decided to have a little emo cry about it.

              His additional little comments about how foolish I must be to risk offending the owner was just pathetic quite frankly, and deserved to be called out.


              • Originally posted by Elok View Post
                3. IIRC, Lancer did say something extremely mean about Aeson's wife, which is generally considered out-of-bounds. Not saying Lancer's bad now--I barely noticed the whole thing--but it's not like Aeson has no right to be upset.
                Sure, the stuff between Aeson and Lancer was personal, but a lot of people trolled later and it was quite blatantly obvious they were only trolling. Both Lancer and Aeson got sucked in by it pretty much everytime. I don't know why Aeson is getting so pissy anyway, Lancer got far, far worse than he did.


                • Sometimes I think I am literally the only nice poster on this forum...


                  • Originally posted by kentonio View Post
                    I made the foolish mistake of thinking Aeson was a normal human adult, and would read a throwaway joke about Filipino sex trafficking in the same whimsical sense in which it was made. Which previously he has actually done. This time however he decided to have a little emo cry about it.
                    Again you are incorrect in your depiction of what happened. This exchange started not because of a joke about sex trafficking. You claimed I had done something to hide those threads. You claimed I was Lancer's accomplice. You were wrong on both counts. I pointed out you were wrong on both counts. You decided to double down on your ignorance.

                    His additional little comments about how foolish I must be to risk offending the owner was just pathetic quite frankly, and deserved to be called out.
                    You are arguing with a sentence fragment and thus missing the point. (The part you are ignoring is the "ignorant" aspect.) The point being there is no way that what you are doing here ends well for you. Either I address you as a poster (as I have done, and have always done) and can easily show you to be making verifiable incorrect claims, or you do get to me and your posting here ends. You choose to post here, and have done so for years, so the "I don't care if I can't post here" seems to be a bluff.

                    I suppose I may be wrong and you are a masochist who just enjoys being made fun of, or that you really don't care about posting here and will prove it by never posting here again. If either of those are confirmed I would admit I was wrong about you being a moron in this specific case. Otherwise, you are behaving like a moron.

                    (Though even if I did get to the point I'd discard my ethics and misuse the position to end a personal conflict, I guarantee you my actions would be far more interesting than a simple ban.)

                    Sure, the stuff between Aeson and Lancer was personal, but a lot of people trolled later and it was quite blatantly obvious they were only trolling. Both Lancer and Aeson got sucked in by it pretty much everytime. I don't know why Aeson is getting so pissy anyway, Lancer got far, far worse than he did.
                    I'm not pissy ... I'm gloating. Of all the people who cared enough to get involved in those exchanges, I am the only one who is still here and willing to take the stance I did take in those exchanges. I am proud of what I accomplished, and how I behaved in those exchanges. It wasn't just some mudslinging over irrellevencies. It was **** cast at loved ones of mine which affected them in real life. I acted to stop that.

                    You think you understand them, but with everything you've said, you clearly are ignorant of what happened. You certainly have shown yourself to be ignorant about my own reasons for being involved, my actions, the results, and even why we are having this conversation.


                    • Originally posted by Aeson View Post
                      Again you are incorrect in your depiction of what happened. This exchange started not because of a joke about sex trafficking. You claimed I had done something to hide those threads. You claimed I was Lancer's accomplice. You were wrong on both counts. I pointed out you were wrong on both counts. You decided to double down on your ignorance.
                      Jesus christ, you thought any of that was serious? You really need to get out more.

                      Originally posted by Aeson View Post
                      The point being there is no way that what you are doing here ends well for you. Either I address you as a poster (as I have done, and have always done) and can easily show you to be making verifiable incorrect claims, or you do get to me and your posting here ends. You choose to post here, and have done so for years, so the "I don't care if I can't post here" seems to be a bluff.
                      No, its like this, you can choose to address me poster to poster, in which case I'll continue to tell you when you're full of ****, or you can decide that you being the owner means you mere mortals don't get to speak to you like everyone else, in which case you can ban me. That choice is completely up to you.

                      Originally posted by Aeson View Post
                      (Though even if I did get to the point I'd discard my ethics and misuse the position to end a personal conflict, I guarantee you my actions would be far more interesting than a simple ban.)
                      Ooh intriguing, please elaborate.


                      • at the both of you.
                        "Ceterum censeo Ben esse expellendum."


                        • Originally posted by kentonio View Post
                          I'm not trying to achieve anything.
                          If you're not trying to achieve anything, why don't you stop - not trying to achieve anything.

                          His additional little comments about how foolish I must be to risk offending the owner was just pathetic quite frankly, and deserved to be called out.
                          ...actually looks like a joke to me...

                          I'm trying to figure out your position. Bringing up some long lost crap because of a flippant remark by Elok?

                          I don't remember the full Phils saga, apart from Lancer definitely made himself persona non grata on poly. My recollection is that for a while I covered Aeson with the same brush as a co-conspirator of his. When the **** went down between Lancer and Aeson, I for one changed my opinion of Aeson as whatever his motives for going over there in the first place, he at least seems sincere in what he's trying to achieve.

                          Anyway, that **** went down years ago - it's old history. So I don't know what you're trying to achieve except for openly admitting to trolling Aeson, not to mention simultaneously accusing him of taking things too seriously - and taking things too seriously yourself. Basically appearing like an all-round ass (IMHO).

                          I'm trying to understand, because last time you blew up like this, you apologised to the person in question for going overboard.

                          My friendly piece of advice is that I'd operate some damage limitation and STFU...


                          • Also, arguing with Aeson is a waste of time, because he is tenaciously stubborn and will keep replying.

                            Do you really want to keep wasting your time wading through a wall of text post after post!?


                            • Originally posted by NICE MOBIUS View Post
                              If you're not trying to achieve anything, why don't you stop - not trying to achieve anything.

                              ...actually looks like a joke to me...

                              I'm trying to figure out your position. Bringing up some long lost crap because of a flippant remark by Elok?

                              I don't remember the full Phils saga, apart from Lancer definitely made himself persona non grata on poly. My recollection is that for a while I covered Aeson with the same brush as a co-conspirator of his. When the **** went down between Lancer and Aeson, I for one changed my opinion of Aeson as whatever his motives for going over there in the first place, he at least seems sincere in what he's trying to achieve.

                              Anyway, that **** went down years ago - it's old history. So I don't know what you're trying to achieve except for openly admitting to trolling Aeson, not to mention simultaneously accusing him of taking things too seriously - and taking things too seriously yourself. Basically appearing like an all-round ass (IMHO).

                              I'm trying to understand, because last time you blew up like this, you apologised to the person in question for going overboard.

                              My friendly piece of advice is that I'd operate some damage limitation and STFU...
                              **** your advice. I said something throwaway meant as a lighthearted joke, something which Aeson has previously taken as nothing more than a joke, and he decided to go full throttle pompous ass about it. Which you'd know if you'd actually read the posts, and not just tried to be a smartass.


                              • Maybe Aeson went 'full throttle pompous ass about it' when you followed up your light-hearted joke with the comment about that whole episode being funny as hell. I doubt he thought it was funny as hell at the time, not to mention the fact that seeing as it's clear you two seem to have serious history, nothing can really be 'light-hearted' if the other person can construe it as being a dig.

                                Anyway, he only initially responded by calling you a moron. Surely on poly that's a term of endearment - or he's just called you a carrot in Welsh (I kid you not!)...?

                                In fact even this 'hint' at abusing moderator powers you've referred to was mentioned first by Elok.

                                So, yeah I read the posts, and in my humble opinion, you don't, shall we say, come off favourably...

                                Anyway, I tried, but if that's the route you want to take, well OK then...

