I've been browsing the site and coming across some monumental idiots. I'm going to post some of the funny tidbits from their profiles. However, I think it's best that we avoid linking to specific individuals. Feel free to contribute. Text is copied and pasted... complete with spelling and grammatical errors.
Agree. But the fact you mentioned that you aren't desperate means that you are.
Mentioning sex does not necessarily make one a whore. However, it's the same as the "desperate" remark.
Also, your boys aren't family?
I'm a hard working, fun loving woman.
Just because I'm on here does not mean that I am desperate.
Just because I'm on here does not mean that I am desperate.
The six things I could never do without
*My boys
*The Beach
You should message me if
Your not looking for a dirty whore.
Key word was NOT....
*My boys
*The Beach
You should message me if
Your not looking for a dirty whore.
Key word was NOT....
Also, your boys aren't family?