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I think I'm beginning to understand Russia a little

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  • Originally posted by molly bloom View Post
    Not when she was around.
    Oh come on, just play a game of Crusader Kings-2

    The Protestant guys steered clear of the Catholics. Being just Sophie from Anhalt-Zerbst though, she quickly figured out that it was better to convert to Russian Orthodoxy and be Empress of Russia than just a minor German Protestant noblewoman from somewhere in Prussia.
    Sure thing.

    Recently ? Probably not. But I doubt much was made of her German origins during the Stalinist era.
    Nothing really. Sure I haven't lived back then, but when I was in school in 80's I don't recall anything negative about Catherine because of her German origin, not in school books or movies. Who cares where she was born, if she became a Great Russian Empress who ruled the country for the best national interest of Russia?
    Last edited by Serb; February 9, 2014, 10:56.


    • Originally posted by Serb View Post
      if he became a Great Russian Empress
      would that be legal back then ?
      With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

      Steven Weinberg


      • oops
        my keyboard sucks


        • Originally posted by Serb View Post
          . Sure I haven't lived back then, but when I was in school in 80's I don't recall anything negative about Catherine because of her German origin, not in school books or movies. Who cares where she was born, if she became a Great Russian Empress who ruled the country for the best national interest of Russia?
          Ah yes, as we all know, Russians love every nationality equally. Especially the Poles.
          Vive la liberte. Noor Inayat Khan, Dachau.

          ...patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone. Edith Cavell, 1915


          • I don't know about Stalin's day, but honestly my bio of Catherine did say her subjects loved her, if only because she made a clear effort to learn the language and customs in her early years. Also, it was a choice between her and her husband, who openly favored the Prussians and despised everything about Russia. Pretty easy choice.
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