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Five phrases Christians should not say.

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  • Five phrases Christians should not say.

    5 Phrases I Think Christians Shouldn’t Say
    Posted: May 17, 2012

    Sometimes I curse. I don’t pepper my language liberally with curse words like people might pepper a house salad, but sometimes I curse.

    It surprises people to hear that pastors sometimes curse. But really, that’s all I can do sometimes. When you see terrible tragedy where you have absolutely no response other than sadness and despair, cursing happens…because you can do nothing else.

    Likewise, sometimes when I see utter beauty a word will slip through my lips, brought from the very depths of my emotional being where words live only to be used in situations where no word seems appropriate. Usually that’s a curse, too.

    Pastors sometimes curse. Christians sometimes curse.

    And, really, I hear things slip from Christian mouths with reckless abandon that I believe are far worse than curse words. Here are just 5 (there are undoubtedly more):

    5) “That’s not Christian…”

    I’ve heard this a lot. I once told a person that I meditated. They responded, “Well, that’s not Christian you know…”


    See, the problem with that line of thinking is that it narrows what can be identified with living a life in Christ. Rob Bell does a great job in his book Velvet Elvis on dissecting the danger in turning the word “Christian” from a noun (as it’s used in the Bible) into an adjective. In the noun form, a Christian is a follower of Christ. In the adjective form, it describes an action…presumably an action that a follower of Christ should/shouldn’t do, and therefore sets up categories that have definite barriers. And in doing so, it implies some judgment that is unwarranted at best and untrue at worst. Consider these phrases that I’ve actually heard:

    “It’s not Christian to fire that person.” (Implication: A Christian can’t do some things because they’re seen as “mean”)

    “It’s not Christian to think those sexual thoughts.” (Implication: A Christian isn’t sexual, or if they are, they don’t think about it because God hates sex and real Christians can control such things)

    “You can’t do yoga! It’s not a Christian practice…” (Implication: A Christian can’t borrow from other faith traditions…or, apparently, stretch with intentional breathing on rubber mats)

    “You can’t get a tattoo; it’s unchristian to defile the temple of God.” (Implication: God has an opinion about the tribal band around your ankle)

    People say it all the time, and while a generous interpretation of their words might be to assume they are calling a specific action/thought into question, the reality is that they just end up calling the person doing that thought/action “unchristian”…to hurtful consequences. For those questioning or skeptical of faith, it erects another barrier, and further narrowly defines who is in or out of a relationship with God.

    What if someone were to say, “It’s unchristian to make that amount of money”? Or, “It’s unchristian to have a house that large because you really don’t need that much space”?

    We should ban “Christian” in the adjective form. We can’t use it with any consistency.

    4) “I love the sinner but I hate the sin..”


    See, the problem that I have with this phrase is that it assumes that “sin” is a specific action that is done/can be undone. If that’s the case, name the specific action that you hate.

    “I love you, Tommy, but I don’t like it when you break my glasses.” “I love you, Sarah, but I don’t like it when you kick my shins.”

    But really, I haven’t heard this phrase used in those ways. I’ve only heard it used when people are talking about identity.

    “I love gay people, I just hate that they act on their homosexual orientation…”

    There we go. There’s an honest statement.

    And an unhelpful one.

    It’s unhelpful because, you can’t love me apart from my sexuality. I really don’t think you can. It’s part of what makes me who I am, even if it’s not the whole of my definition. So, if you were to say to me, “I love you, but I hate that you’re heterosexual…” I would probably stop listening right then and there because, well, I wouldn’t believe you.

    You can’t love me and yet hate an essential part of me. This phrase is disingenuous.

    3) “You need to surround yourself with some good Christian people…“

    I once had a well-meaning friend tell me this when I was trying to sort out a problem. I think they were suggesting that I seek faith-based advice. I understand that sentiment.

    But one of the problems with this sort of thinking is that, well, when you live in a bubble all you breathe is soapy air, and you may begin to think that is all there is.

    As a pastor, people want me to have office hours at church. But in all seriousness, I can’t all the time. If I don’t go to the coffee house a couple times a week, I suffocate in my bubble. I need diversity because it is only in diversity where my thoughts, beliefs, and ideas are challenged.

    And really, if I only see Christians all the time, I’m a pretty crappy pastor.

    It is narrow to believe that somehow surrounding yourself with only one worldview will help you see the world better.

    And besides, sometimes Christians surrounded people and then burned them on stakes…

    2) “You just have to do God’s will…”

    I am utterly suspicious of people who claim to know the specific will of God.

    I’m even more suspicious of people who claim that God’s greatest wish is to have us be in a relationship with God. I think this is where much “praise and worship” music get it’s singular focus.

    In the abstract, I get what they’re saying. I think God does desire for humanity to live in shalom with it’s creator. But to claim that this will takes precedence over God’s desire to have humanity live in shalom with one another, and with the environment, and with other creation is, I think, short-sighted. Theology runs into a similar problem when it focuses so much on “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus” and fails to mention the other persons of the Trinity.

    We run into real problems when we begin to think that with regard to specific situations (like, say, my future husband/wife) that God has one will.

    I cannot see how that can be true. I love my wife. But do I think she’s the only person in the world I could have married? Do I think that I’m the only person in the world she could have married? No. I don’t. She’s bright, beautiful, and funny. There are lots of people who would have asked her to marry them (and still might…she’ll just have to say “no”). Likewise I’m beautiful and funny (jury is out on the “bright”), and could have found another partner.

    I just found her and we decided to do this. (It was actually much more complicated than that…and a bit more romantic…)

    I hope this gives some freedom to those in the world who believe that there is only one right job, one right spouse, one right school, one right anything that they must find or else they’re missing out on God’s will for their life.

    And this leads me to the number one…

    1) “It’s all in God’s plan…”

    That you lost your baby. That your sister was murdered. That you got cancer. That your life is in shambles.

    I really can’t think of a worse thing to say to someone, especially when they’re in pain.

    We cannot use God to fill in the gaps between events and the people they effect. We want to give solace, to promise that there is a purpose behind madness, but if there is one thing that the cross shows us definitively, it’s that God takes the pain in the world and makes resurrection.

    But we should not think that this means that God makes the world’s pain, or the specific pain in a person’s life. It’s an important distinction.

    One of the reasons I left faith for a while was because I had heard too many times that God was flipping switches on people: causing children to die, cancer to spread, poverty to happen, etc.

    Not only do I think that saying this to someone is adding hurt to hurt, I think it breaks the second commandment. When we say such things, we use God’s name in vain; we use it “uselessly” as the word is better translated.

    So when you’re confronted with the news of your friend’s tragedy or a relative’s pain, stand in solidarity with them and scream, “Dammit!” I’m a reluctant Christian at times because I think that those who call themselves Christian don’t think enough about their words.

    Frankly, I wish they’d just curse more.
    I agree with this author. Especially with his point on "love the sinner, hate the sin" nonsense and with his point on "it's all in God's plan," when confronted with someone's grief, loss, or pain.

    With "love the sinner, hate the sin," it makes no sense to use that condescending phrase toward gay people, for an example. I'm gay 24 hours a day, seven days a week, regardless of my actions and my behavior; I'm not gay only when I'm just having sex with my fiance. So when you tell me, "love the sinner, hate the sin" when discussing Christianity and homosexuality, you're basically still hating me as a person, because my being gay is a part of who I am. "Love the sinner, hate the sin," only makes sense with actions that are not innately tied to a person's identity. As the article's author points out, you can't love someone and still hate something that is an essential part of that person; it's disingenuous.

    And the phrase, "it's all in God's plan," only adds more hurt and especially more confusion to the aggrieved person, as the author of this article points out. Really? You believe in a God that gleefully inflicts grievous, traumatic losses on random people everyday, around the world? Well, the God I believe in, is not sadistic. The God I believe in, is a loving, compassionate God. So keep your stupid, useless "it's all in God's plan" thought to yourself, thank you very much; no matter how much you think you're comforting the other person. I really do not think it's God's will that a person got cancer, or that someone died in an awful car accident.
    A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.

  • #2
    Especially with his point on "love the sinner, hate the sin" nonsense
    Yes, because we all know we should accept and revel in sin.

    So when you tell me, "love the sinner, hate the sin" when discussing Christianity and homosexuality, you're basically still hating me as a person, because my being gay is a part of who I am
    This is contrary to Christian teaching, where Paul teaches in Romans 6:

    For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin— because anyone who has died has been set free from sin.
    Paul is pretty clear here. You love the Sinner, but hate the sin, because the sin has been separated from the sinner. At least in Christians who have accepted Christ and repented.

    Have you repented of your sins, Mr. Fun? No? Then you are still in them. That is what folks have been trying to get across to you for a long time. You have to repent and turn away from them.
    Last edited by Ben Kenobi; January 21, 2014, 17:07.
    Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
    "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


    • #3
      Yes. Jesus died for YOUR sins!!! If you aren't sinning constantly, HIS death is meaningless!!!!!!!!!!!
      There's nothing wrong with the dream, my friend, the problem lies with the dreamer.


      • #4
        5) that aint Christian

        Is Jesus guilty of doing that? Yes... As for tattoos and the bodily temple, Jesus explained defilement - it aint what you do to your body (he was accused of defilement for unclean acts) its what comes from your heart. Evil emanates from within, this defiles the body.

        4) love the sinner, hate the sin

        Eh, the problem is we're more inclined to hate the sin in others and not ourselves and our biases contaminate our calculations

        3) surround yourself with Christians

        Jesus does recommend parting company with people who reject him even saying his message will bring strife to families, but he associated with non-Christians - he came for them too. At what point do you give up on sharing the message with others?

        2) Doing God's will

        Why is that a bad thing? Is it God's will to treat others as you'd have them treat you? Is it God's will to love your neighbors?

        1) God's plan

        I'd agree on that one - the rain falls on the good and bad, but God's will and plan are related.


        • #5
          Well...that article isn't Christian, but I love the author...just hate his sin. If he would just surround himself with Christian people then he could do God's will. I guess it is all just in God's plan.

          So...judge me for my thoughts or JUDGE NOT LEST YE BE JUDGED?

          I love ya McFun! (I don't think your sexual orientation makes you a sinner though....OMG...THAT wasn't Christian! ......or was it? )
          "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Clinton, 2003


          • #6
            Originally posted by PLATO View Post
            Well...that article isn't Christian, but I love the author...just hate his sin. If he would just surround himself with Christian people then he could do God's will. I guess it is all just in God's plan.

            So...judge me for my thoughts or JUDGE NOT LEST YE BE JUDGED?

            I love ya McFun! (I don't think your sexual orientation makes you a sinner though....OMG...THAT wasn't Christian! ......or was it? )
            A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


            • #7
              While I don't really care about the opinions of this pastor I haven't heard of, I'd like to take a minute and applaud MrFun for actually appending significant commentary to his copy-pasted article this time.
              1011 1100
              Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


              • #8
                That's a huge stride.
                Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
                "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
                He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


                • #9
                  He should have added a saying very popular around here: "Not I, but Christ." This was Jerry Falwell's enduring legacy. Ok Jerry, back in the 60's you advocated closing the public schools to evade desegregation, advice that was taken up by a half dozen school districts in Virginia. You urged on racists, and you want to lay the blame for that on Christ?
                  "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


                  • #10
                    #3 makes sense - if you are surrounded by nutcase people you probably will make nutcase desicions
                    With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

                    Steven Weinberg


                    • #11
                      He should have added a saying very popular around here: "Not I, but Christ." This was Jerry Falwell's enduring legacy. Ok Jerry, back in the 60's you advocated closing the public schools to evade desegregation, advice that was taken up by a half dozen school districts in Virginia. You urged on racists, and you want to lay the blame for that on Christ?
                      The man's dead, Jim. Buried some seven years.
                      Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
                      "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
                      2015 APOLYTON FANTASY FOOTBALL CHAMPION!


                      • #12
                        too soon?


                        • #13
                          May 17, 2012? Mr Fun, are you reposting things you saw on Facebook again?
                          “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                          - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui View Post
                            May 17, 2012? Mr Fun, are you reposting things you saw on Facebook again?
                            Yeah. This is the same article I shared on my Facebook.
                            A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


                            • #15
                              From Manitoba's Conservative Leader of the Opposition, a week before Christmas -
                              WINNIPEG -- Manitoba's Opposition leader has offered his holiday wishes to groups of people including "infidel atheists," leaving online commentators divided as to whether the phrase was insulting or an awkward attempt at humour.

                              Brian Pallister gave an impromptu holiday message last week to a citizen journalist armed with a video camera. In the recording, which has thousands of views on YouTube, Pallister offers seasonal greeting to Christians, Jews and others.

                              "All you infidel atheists out there, I want to wish you the very best also," the Progressive Conservative leader says on the video.

                              "I don't know what you celebrate during the holiday season. I myself celebrate the birth of Christ, but it's your choice, and I respect your choice. If you wish to celebrate nothing and just get together with friends, that's good too."

                              Read more:
                              Phrase #6 - "All you infidel atheists out there, I want to wish you the very best also,"
                              Last edited by Uncle Sparky; January 22, 2014, 04:13.
                              There's nothing wrong with the dream, my friend, the problem lies with the dreamer.

