Yeah, will definitely post pictures.. spent 3 hours building today, the sauna will be awesome! Yard work is a lot of work though...
It seems to me that I feel better by the day, and what is happening that I'm exercising more, and I'm definitely dropping out more, as in I'm less and less part of the "rat race" and what society expects of me. I did not know the hold it had on me. Now that I don't care anymore and in a sense have broken free to some extent, do what I want, think what I really want and follow up on that, not really thinkign what others MIGHT think (be it legal or illegal), having no boundaries or rules but "don't hurt others, look after your family" I can say that I'm happy now. Very different than before, but I do not regret. I'm thinkign other people might benefit from this as well. Stuck up on their boring lives. If you hate your jog, quit. Quit tomorrow I say! Don't even go there. If you do, make sure you steal something, some good stuff too.
That subtle strangle hold society has had on me surprised me. I'm not talking about market forces telling me what to want or what to feel like. This is much more powerful. Maybe it the propaganda starts in school. Maybe we need new schools. Or at least new curriculums with less "our country is best" kind of ****. More critical thinking, more freedom - more absolute freedom. More positive stuff, more hey, we have a short life, let's enjoy it. Work is not important. Life is. Life is not work nor work is life.
It seems to me that I feel better by the day, and what is happening that I'm exercising more, and I'm definitely dropping out more, as in I'm less and less part of the "rat race" and what society expects of me. I did not know the hold it had on me. Now that I don't care anymore and in a sense have broken free to some extent, do what I want, think what I really want and follow up on that, not really thinkign what others MIGHT think (be it legal or illegal), having no boundaries or rules but "don't hurt others, look after your family" I can say that I'm happy now. Very different than before, but I do not regret. I'm thinkign other people might benefit from this as well. Stuck up on their boring lives. If you hate your jog, quit. Quit tomorrow I say! Don't even go there. If you do, make sure you steal something, some good stuff too.
That subtle strangle hold society has had on me surprised me. I'm not talking about market forces telling me what to want or what to feel like. This is much more powerful. Maybe it the propaganda starts in school. Maybe we need new schools. Or at least new curriculums with less "our country is best" kind of ****. More critical thinking, more freedom - more absolute freedom. More positive stuff, more hey, we have a short life, let's enjoy it. Work is not important. Life is. Life is not work nor work is life.