Of course then there would be the possibility that the Turks might have convertd to Orthodoxy, seized Constantinople, then proceeded to steadily conquer the Balkans and the Middle East. Byzantium might have wound up speaking Turkish. Would a Christian Turkish empire begin to decay after 3 centuries as did the Turkish Caliphate?
India today woud be solidly Hindu or there might even still be a Buddhist presence in India. Indonesia would be Hindu.
With a large Orthodox empire and / or the Mongols blocking the way to India and China western Europe would have still gone out exploring and colonizing. The naval technology was bound to develop, naval technology was too important to the English and the Dutch.
India today woud be solidly Hindu or there might even still be a Buddhist presence in India. Indonesia would be Hindu.
With a large Orthodox empire and / or the Mongols blocking the way to India and China western Europe would have still gone out exploring and colonizing. The naval technology was bound to develop, naval technology was too important to the English and the Dutch.