"As a remedy for this relativistic mentality, which is becoming ever more common, it is necessary above all to reassert the definitive and complete character of the revelation of Jesus Christ. In fact, it must be firmly believed that, in the mystery of Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Son of God, who is the way, the truth, and the life(Jn 14:6), the full revelation of divine truth is given: No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal him (Mt 11:27); No one has ever seen God; God the only Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, has revealed him (Jn 1:18); For in Christ the whole fullness of divinity dwells in bodily form."
"all men and women who are saved share, though differently, in the same mystery of salvation in Jesus Christ through his Spirit" - Benedict, Dominus Iesus.
Welcome out of the Church of Norway, Nikolai, I pray God blesses you for your courageous step towards Him.
"all men and women who are saved share, though differently, in the same mystery of salvation in Jesus Christ through his Spirit" - Benedict, Dominus Iesus.
Welcome out of the Church of Norway, Nikolai, I pray God blesses you for your courageous step towards Him.