How convenient for them that they can change their opinions with the same speed as those winds.
James Inhofe-Moore federal aide: Oklahoma senator says tornado aide package "totally different" than Sandy bill he opposed.
This is "totally different", says Inhofe. They misused the money; we're going to make sure it's spend wisely. Conveniently, he didn't specify HOW that would be achieved.... Where's the accountability going to magically come from?
Coburn says they will offset the disaster relief with cuts elsewhere... Hmmm. We'll see.
The point is that even though Coburn and Inhofe are right to push for disaster funds to be spend wisely and offset elsewhere as possible, they should still have been decent and supported that same immediate funding benefit to those left in need after disaster strikes, just like they are now in Moore. When it's your own people suddenly left out in the cold, you come to understand that rather quickly.
Oh, and by the way: Oklahoma is third in the nation when it comes to disaster declaration and federal aid.
Oklahoma's Two GOP Senators Repeatedly Opposed Disaster Relief For Others In Need - Forbes
James Inhofe-Moore federal aide: Oklahoma senator says tornado aide package "totally different" than Sandy bill he opposed.
This is "totally different", says Inhofe. They misused the money; we're going to make sure it's spend wisely. Conveniently, he didn't specify HOW that would be achieved.... Where's the accountability going to magically come from?
Coburn says they will offset the disaster relief with cuts elsewhere... Hmmm. We'll see.
The point is that even though Coburn and Inhofe are right to push for disaster funds to be spend wisely and offset elsewhere as possible, they should still have been decent and supported that same immediate funding benefit to those left in need after disaster strikes, just like they are now in Moore. When it's your own people suddenly left out in the cold, you come to understand that rather quickly.
Oh, and by the way: Oklahoma is third in the nation when it comes to disaster declaration and federal aid.
This is not the first time Oklahoma has found itself in need of help in the face of such a tragedy. The state currently ranks third in the nation—behind Texas and California—when it comes to its dependency on federal emergency relief to deal with devastation as a result of natural disasters.