This is directed at any here who hate secular humanism. Maybe no one here hates Secular Humanism, in which case I expect to watch the thread slowly sink into Page 2 oblivion.
But any here who hate Secular Humanism may use this thread as an opportunity to record the many issues they have with it, which will be a fun project, and I think I'll enjoy reading it.
For purposes of disclosure, I think we are all human here, right? So a philosophy that is human-o-centric makes inherent sense and I don't see anything obviously wrong about it. It's probably more reasonable to be opposed to trees or gold or something.
But any here who hate Secular Humanism may use this thread as an opportunity to record the many issues they have with it, which will be a fun project, and I think I'll enjoy reading it.
For purposes of disclosure, I think we are all human here, right? So a philosophy that is human-o-centric makes inherent sense and I don't see anything obviously wrong about it. It's probably more reasonable to be opposed to trees or gold or something.