It will make him even more unelectable in a general election but he was already unelectable and wasn't going to win the nomination anyway. Really, the GOP has a major problem in that the party elites want Romney because he's backed by banker money and is seen as a viable candidate in the general election but the tea bagger dominated primary voters hate him because he's a Mormon instead of an evangelical and because he flip flops all over the place making voters think they can't count on him being a die hard tea bagger (which is correct but it's also true a die hard tea bagger can't win a national election). That means the win nuts and religious fundamentalists are flailing around trying to find somebody, any body, who isn't Romney to rally behind. They first loved Michelle Bauchmann until she spoke and everyone realized she was a moonbat & a crank, then they switched to Donald Trump but it was obvious to everyone with half a brain Trump wasn't serious and was just trying to promote his reality TV show, then they all switched to Rick Perry until (in about one week flat) it became obvious Perry was a drooling idiot who wasn't ready for prime time... So that really only left Herman Cain who isn't even a real candidate who has never had the organization to run a ground game (vital for get out the vote campaign efforts), who still isn't bothering to build any ground organizations (because he's not a serious candidate), and who is really just on a book tour trying to sell books and become famous so he can make more money speaking at partisan events.
Herman Cain won't win because he can't win. Most of his money has come just from the Koch Brothers because he's one of their hand picked spokesmen and it seems no one is more surprised than him that he's actually leading in the wingnut polls but he knows he can't win and that's why he's not bothering to assemble anything remotely like an actual campaign team or organization. The wingnuts just have to know deep down that they're being played for fools but they don't want to admit it not even to themselves. Romney will be the nominee because their party the party elite has decided that is the way it will be.
Herman Cain won't win because he can't win. Most of his money has come just from the Koch Brothers because he's one of their hand picked spokesmen and it seems no one is more surprised than him that he's actually leading in the wingnut polls but he knows he can't win and that's why he's not bothering to assemble anything remotely like an actual campaign team or organization. The wingnuts just have to know deep down that they're being played for fools but they don't want to admit it not even to themselves. Romney will be the nominee because their party the party elite has decided that is the way it will be.