Ok, let's see if I've understood this correctly.
The initial Royal Proclamation chose 72 members of the Senate.
By my understanding only 70 actually sat, and 2 immediately resigned. Both of the immediate resignations were filled, but the other two, NB 12 and ONT 23 were not filled.
The NB seat was eventually filled by Glasier.
That means that there were only 23 Ontario seats throughout the first parliament in the Senate. Can anybody explain why there were only 23? Yes, there were appointments and replacements, but at no point were there 24 Ontario Senators.
Why? It makes no sense to me that there would be only 23. Is there a senator that I am forgetting? I know about William Todd, which explains the delay with NB 12, but not the Ontario seat.
The initial Royal Proclamation chose 72 members of the Senate.
By my understanding only 70 actually sat, and 2 immediately resigned. Both of the immediate resignations were filled, but the other two, NB 12 and ONT 23 were not filled.
The NB seat was eventually filled by Glasier.
That means that there were only 23 Ontario seats throughout the first parliament in the Senate. Can anybody explain why there were only 23? Yes, there were appointments and replacements, but at no point were there 24 Ontario Senators.
Why? It makes no sense to me that there would be only 23. Is there a senator that I am forgetting? I know about William Todd, which explains the delay with NB 12, but not the Ontario seat.