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H1N1 and bird flu virus produce dangerous hybrids

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  • #16
    Originally posted by loinburger View Post
    I thought you were a dumbass? And then you confirmed it with yet another flu thread.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Docfeelgood View Post
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      • #18
        Originally posted by loinburger View Post
        I thought you were a dumbass? And then you confirmed it with yet another flu thread.
        Think of it as this way, If I had not made this post then you would not have had that rush of feeling superior that you get when you insult people. If not for me you would prob have to take it out on a puppy or a little baby or your wife if you are married.


        • #19
          Originally posted by loinburger View Post
          Oh, pardon I did not know you were gay.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Docfeelgood
            Think of it as this way, If I had not made this post then you would not have had that rush of feeling superior that you get when you insult people. If not for me you would prob have to take it out on a puppy or a little baby or your wife if you are married.
            Originally posted by Docfeelgood
            Oh, pardon I did not know you were gay.
            Well gawrsh, now that you've put me in my place I'd better go poop in a hooker's mouth to get over my sense of moral inferiority. And thus has Docfeelgood proven that the flu menace is real.
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            • #21
              Tell me? Does it feel good to pick on people? I bet that when you were younger, you were picked on a lot and this is your way of getting satisfaction. I feel sorry for you. You have to belittle other people to just make up for something your lacking.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Docfeelgood
                Tell me? Does it feel good to pick on people? I bet that when you were younger, you were picked on a lot and this is your way of getting satisfaction. I feel sorry for you. You have to belittle other people to just make up for something your lacking.
                Tell me? Do you think that the fake psychologist schtick fools anybody? Because it doesn't. Particularly when you started this farcical exchange by insulting my intelligence, you hypocritical douchebag.
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                • #23
                  Originally posted by loinburger View Post
                  Well gawrsh, now that you've put me in my place I'd better go poop in a hooker's mouth to get over my sense of moral inferiority. And thus has Docfeelgood proven that the flu menace is real.
                  Do you have any friends? Are you this mean to your pet tarantula?


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by loinburger View Post
                    Tell me? Do you think that the fake psychologist schtick fools anybody? Because it doesn't. Particularly when you started this farcical exchange by insulting my intelligence, you hypocritical douchebag.
                    Truth hurts?


                    • #25
                      So, if I've got things straight, you can go about insulting people's intelligence and questioning people's sexuality without this being a negative reflection on yourself, while at the same time playing Sigmund Freud on anybody who justifiably calls you a dumbass, and you don't for a moment see the hypocritical idiocy of your actions?
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                      • #26
                        Originally posted by loinburger View Post
                        Who gives a damn about the common cold? How many people does it kill? If they found a cure for the common cold I'd be pissed off that they wasted time and resources on such a pitiful disease.
                        You were not trolling? pardon me.


                        • #27
                          Jesus Christ.
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                          • #28
                            Originally posted by loinburger View Post
                            So, if I've got things straight, you can go about insulting people's intelligence and questioning people's sexuality without this being a negative reflection on yourself, while at the same time playing Sigmund Freud on anybody who justifiably calls you a dumbass, and you don't for a moment see the hypocritical idiocy of your actions?
                            I'm comfortable with myself. Your not? I don't have to have a daily fix for picking on people to make myself feel better.


                            • #29
                              The only reason you're comfortable with yourself is because you're far too dishonest to admit what a ****ty poster you are. Example: you continued with your trolling even after supposedly admitting that you "mistakenly" started this brouhaha. You're a lying ****nugget.
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                              • #30
                                Originally posted by loinburger View Post
                                The only reason you're comfortable with yourself is because you're far too dishonest to admit what a ****ty poster you are.
                                Yep, I make a terrible nerd.

