You know the shirts... made by Ralph Lauren, Lacoste, etc. Short-sleeved, collared, with typically 2-3 buttons, usually have an animal on the breast...

My question is do you wear them casually? As in, not just to work, but would you wear them if you go out, go to the store, etc.?
I always thought by definition they were casual shirts because they're sport shirts (hence why they're called POLO, TENNIS, and GOLF shirts), but a certain Canadian homosexual believes that they're formal business attire or something.

My question is do you wear them casually? As in, not just to work, but would you wear them if you go out, go to the store, etc.?
I always thought by definition they were casual shirts because they're sport shirts (hence why they're called POLO, TENNIS, and GOLF shirts), but a certain Canadian homosexual believes that they're formal business attire or something.