In my view, had Russia collapsed in 1941 due to Hitler perhaps driving for Moscow sooner and an armistice agreed with the Soviets, then the US/UK would have been unable to invade Europe.
Even with the vast distraction that the Russian front provided and the defection of Italy the Allies made slow progress in Italy. D-Day was a dangerous gamble even with most of the German army having been torn to shreds in Russia and with resources so stretched.
Take away the Russian front and have Germany flush with Russian/Ukrainian raw materials then the US/Uk who generally needed a vast superiority in men, armour, artillery and air power to go toe to toe with the Germans would have lost had any landings been made.
The Russians with Allied support won WW2. The US weren't even the biggest players at D-Day and the Western Allies killed very view Germans comparative to what happened on the Eastern Front. The notion that the US would eventually win had Germany taken Russia down quickly is just as laughable as the idea Germany could ever invade the USA.
Even with the vast distraction that the Russian front provided and the defection of Italy the Allies made slow progress in Italy. D-Day was a dangerous gamble even with most of the German army having been torn to shreds in Russia and with resources so stretched.
Take away the Russian front and have Germany flush with Russian/Ukrainian raw materials then the US/Uk who generally needed a vast superiority in men, armour, artillery and air power to go toe to toe with the Germans would have lost had any landings been made.
The Russians with Allied support won WW2. The US weren't even the biggest players at D-Day and the Western Allies killed very view Germans comparative to what happened on the Eastern Front. The notion that the US would eventually win had Germany taken Russia down quickly is just as laughable as the idea Germany could ever invade the USA.