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Obama signs!

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  • #31
    Agree with ecofarm here. I don't see the issue with missile defense systems.
    Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
    "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


    • #32
      Originally posted by HalfLotus View Post
      Come September we're bumming rides from the Russians to the Space Station. How long before we're renting nukes from our future overlords?!
      The Russians or the Chinese or the Saudis? I'm still trying to figure out which it is...
      I'm consitently stupid- Japher
      I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned


      • #33
        these treaties are only for show. both russia and usa know they got to many nukes already. just away for both to reduce maintenance cost and score some political points.

        its kind of funny how they word the treaties tho. make it sound like they are makeing sacrifices but in reality they only "prevent" them from dropping them for ****s and giggles.


        • #34
          Sound strategic move so far.

          Reducing missiles to a level where power can easily be projected still, while increasing the leverage that can be applied to prevent non-nuclear states reaching that level is a no brainer to me.

          The logic does seem to escape certain commentators though.

          Missile defence and nuclear weapons are clearly inter-related and a matter of concern to the Russians. Which is a largely irrelevant issue in many respects, as having a weapons gap where the US has a non-fallible missile shield is an impossibility.

          One area the US can learn from the French/UK is diplomatic power.
          As more nations move towards developed status, and some with nuclear deterrents, having influence in these fields become more important.

          The French, seriously the f***ing French, have a large say in the current set up of the EU. The largest free economic market in the world.

          This is the type of factor that the US needs to intelligently realise the current world situation and outline a course for.

          As in.
          Cut the deficit by introducing consumption taxes such as VAT.
          Reduce overspending and redundancy on arms for increased diplomatic leverage and influence.
          Respond to increased calls for social welfare by becoming more intelligent in the nature of government and taxation.

          Not hard to outline.


          • #35
            Originally posted by HalfLotus View Post
            Come September we're bumming rides from the Russians to the Space Station. How long before we're renting nukes from our future overlords?!

            We don't need a ride, we're sending bots.

            The United States Air Force's secretive X-37B robotic space plane blasted off from Florida late Thursday on a mystery mission shrouded in secrecy for the U.S. military.

            The unmanned military Orbital Test Vehicle 1 (OTV-1) – also known as the X-37B – lifted off at 7:52 p.m. EDT (2352 GMT) atop an Atlas 5 rocket on a mission that is expected to take months testing new spacecraft technologies.

            The X-37B is a reusable robotic space plane built by Boeing Phantom Works. Its mission is being carried out under the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office with participation by NASA.

            Key objectives of the space plane's first flight include demonstration and validation of guidance, navigation and control systems – including a "do-it-itself" autonomous re-entry and landing at California's Vandenberg Air Force Base with neighboring Edwards Air Force Base as a backup.

            The X-37B is the first vehicle since NASA's space shuttles with the ability to return experiments to Earth for further inspection and analysis, Air Force officials said. [X-37B spacecraft photos.]

            "This is a new way for the Air Force to conduct on-orbit experiments," explained Gary Payton, Air Force deputy under secretary for space programs, during a Tuesday press teleconference.

            The designed maximum on-orbit duration for the X-37B is 270 days, Payton said. "In all honesty, we don't know when it's coming back for sure. It depends on the progress that we make with the on-orbit demonstrations," he added.

            Thursday's launch capped a long road to orbit for the X-37B spacecraft. NASA initially began the project in 1999 and later transferred it to the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) in 2004 due to a lack of funding. The Air Force stepped in 2006 to take over the project.

            Tight-lipped affair

            Circling the Earth, the X-37B space plane has a full agenda of shaking out new technologies, including advanced guidance, navigation and control. Once the vehicle's payload bay doors open to space, power is provided by a deployable array of gallium arsenide solar cells coupled with lithium-ion batteries.

            But after that action item is checked off, what else the X-37B will do becomes a tight-lipped affair.

            "Actual on-orbit activities we do classify...for the experimental payloads that are on-orbit with the X-37," Payton said. There's enough payload room, he added as example, to house a couple of small satellites in the range of a few hundred kilograms each.

            Given the X-37B's secretive duties, some analysts contend that the mission is provocative, perhaps fanning the flames for war in space.

            "Truthfully, I don't know how this could be called 'weaponization' of space," Payton said. "Fundamentally, it's an updated version of the space shuttle kind of activities in space," he added, a new vehicle that could potentially help the Air Force do its space missions better.

            Perhaps a key show and tell feature of the X-37B is its self-guided entry and landing in California. In the event the vehicle strays off course as it swoops down over the Pacific Ocean, the space plane is outfitted with a destruct mechanism.

            The X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle 1 was built by Boeing in Seal Beach, Calif. It is about 29 feet (9 meters) long and has a wingspan of just over 14 feet (4 meters) across. It stands just over 9 1/2 feet (3 meters) tall and weighs nearly 11,000 pounds (about 5,000 kg).

            This X-37B graphic illustrates some details of the space plane and its relative size.

            The Air Force has already ordered a second X-37B, presumably the Orbital Test Vehicle 2, which is slated to launch in 2011. But that mission, and any new flights of this first vehicle, hinge on the performance during orbital and landing maneuvers, Air Force officials have said.

            Tale of the V-tail

            The X-37B carries two short vertical stabilizers in the back rather than one vertical as seen on the shuttle orbiter.

            There were several reasons for the V-tail 'ruddervators'...a high-tech wordsmithing of rudder and elevator, explained Angie Blair, an Air Force spokeswoman for the project. For one, the short V-tails provide better packaging within the 5 meter in diameter Atlas 5 fairing than a single, taller vertical stabilizer, she said.

            Secondly, the more forward wing location of the X-37B enables the V-tails to be very effective in the high angle of attack, hypersonic portion of the entry trajectory. That reduces the amount of reaction control system propellant needed for trim and control of the craft, Blair said.

            As the craft draws a bead on its landing locale, a speed brake will be employed.

            "A split ruddervators/speed brake like the space shuttle is not feasible in a small vehicle like the OTV," Blair noted. Aerodynamic testing and other studies, she said, led to the vehicle's upper center line speed brake and V-tail ruddervators as the best performing system solutions for the X-37B.

            Readiness for re-flight

            En route to the runway, new thermal protection systems will be evaluated. So too will be avionics, high temperature structures and seals, conformal reusable insulation, as well as lightweight electromechanical flight systems.

            Even after touching down, the X-37B is to yield insight into fast turnaround, operations and maintenance. The craft does carry some vehicle health monitoring subsystems to speed its readiness for re-flight, Payton told

            "If these technologies on the vehicle prove to be as good as we currently estimate, it will make our access to space more responsive, perhaps cheaper, and push us in the vector of being able to react to warfighter needs more quickly," Payton concluded.

            Everybody knows...Democracy...One of Us Cannot be Wrong...War...Fanatics


            • #36
              Originally posted by Ecofarm View Post
              Bipolar? I don't get that.
              I think he means geostrategically, not manic-depressive.
              John Brown did nothing wrong.


              • #37
                So are Republicans still promising to block this since Obama signed it and therefor, according to the right wing, anything he does must be evil?
                Try for discussion and debate.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Drake Tungsten View Post
                  Mr Obama said it was a key milestone, but only the "first step on a longer journey" of nuclear disarmament.

                  I really hope Obama doesn't actually believe this.
                  Why? The US is at a much better advantage in any conventional war, and your military R&D is not likely to be matched anytime soon.
                  In Soviet Russia, Fake borises YOU.

