God, what a start to my day.
I've been working for the last few weeks on my spreadsheet. I was just about finished it last night. I was quite looking forward to send it out today.
Here's the deal. Vista was *****ing about wanting to do an update. I told it to wait until I had the time, which was not right now as I was busy.
My file is saved I go to bed and I crash. Get up, Vista has completed its update and I am asked by Open Office if I want to do a document recovery. I'm like wtf? I click yes. Open office recovers my document from 3! days ago!!
What the hell?! It overwrites my current version of the spreadsheet meaning I've lost 3 days of work. Is there any way I can restore the earlier version?
I've been working for the last few weeks on my spreadsheet. I was just about finished it last night. I was quite looking forward to send it out today.
Here's the deal. Vista was *****ing about wanting to do an update. I told it to wait until I had the time, which was not right now as I was busy.
My file is saved I go to bed and I crash. Get up, Vista has completed its update and I am asked by Open Office if I want to do a document recovery. I'm like wtf? I click yes. Open office recovers my document from 3! days ago!!
What the hell?! It overwrites my current version of the spreadsheet meaning I've lost 3 days of work. Is there any way I can restore the earlier version?