Now, I'm not the biggest fan of Keynesian economics by any means...but I do understand the logic of 'smoothing the dips by trimming the peaks'.
The problem is, governments have never paid for 'smoothing the dips' BY trimming the peaks. Too unpopular.
The best way would be to set aside tax revenue in 'good times' in some sort of valuable, inflation-resistant form like metals or energy or whatever.
Then you could dip into that 'rainy day' fund during recession.
Problems: Everyone thinks good times will last forever, and the temptation to spend money rather than 'waste' it 'just sitting there' is intellectually stupid but politically virtually irresistable.
So instead we get the silliness of the government using inflation to 'smooth the dips' rather than reducing spending or saving.
Basically two questions:
1. Will it ever be possible for government, or government departments to save and set aside tax revenues, for rainy day funds and long term capital projects?
It seems to make a heck of lot more sense than always borrowing.
2. Will it ever be possible for politicians to drastically cut spending? Why not? Why stupidly wait until events force ones hand?
The problem is, governments have never paid for 'smoothing the dips' BY trimming the peaks. Too unpopular.
The best way would be to set aside tax revenue in 'good times' in some sort of valuable, inflation-resistant form like metals or energy or whatever.
Then you could dip into that 'rainy day' fund during recession.
Problems: Everyone thinks good times will last forever, and the temptation to spend money rather than 'waste' it 'just sitting there' is intellectually stupid but politically virtually irresistable.
So instead we get the silliness of the government using inflation to 'smooth the dips' rather than reducing spending or saving.
Basically two questions:
1. Will it ever be possible for government, or government departments to save and set aside tax revenues, for rainy day funds and long term capital projects?
It seems to make a heck of lot more sense than always borrowing.
2. Will it ever be possible for politicians to drastically cut spending? Why not? Why stupidly wait until events force ones hand?