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My Life as a Teacher

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  • My Life as a Teacher

    I was dumb enough to start teacher specialisation on my historical studies some time ago, and ended up having internship (?) in liceum (kids 16-19 yo) for a month, and now in primary school (kids 7-13) and gimnazjum (13-16). Liceum was actually sort of nice. Some kids were annoying, but in general, they were calm, quiet and some even interested in the subject. One class I really liked, and they seemed to enjoy my lessons, perhaps because in this class, I was lucky to get good topics (Spartaaa!!!). Anyway, it was a pleasure, because it was during my holidays, I had nothing else to do, and it was in my former school in my hometown.

    Now, however, I am in Warsaw, I have to get up at 6:45 to get there on time, and...

    It is common to say that gimnazjum is the worst thing, and gimnazjum students I've met in my hometown could be used to support this claim.

    But here, gimnazjum students, in general, act almost as good as liceum ones. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that gimnazjum in Gliwice (next to the liceum, which is not regionalised though) is in the worst quarter of Gliwice and full of children of "bad families", while gimnazjum I currently teach in Warsaw seem to be full of children of wealthy people.

    But the same applies to primary school... Children of 4th and 5th class are, well, children, and are completely calm. But the 6th grade (13 yo) is teh horror. I will not mention stuff they were doing when I, all of the sudden, was charged with taking care of them during their noel. It was all funny and stuff, but I was too lenient and I guess I ruined my authority in this class forever. All because I really like that one specific class, it's the only one I know children by name. They are wuvely, all of them, but they act as a bunch of monkeys, and even when they do try to be good, it turns like this:
    - mr, Mike is acting bad
    - no, she's acting bad! Look at her
    - shut up you too!
    - you shut up!
    and so on. Lord.
    I really am too lenient, and some girls actually advised me to hit the desk and shout at them. And I guess I should. I've had a lesson with them today and it was better than last time, but still it was a great mess. I was really sad, because I did write down one F grade... I did warn that pupil lots of times. But I actually should've given Fs to like half of the class. But I feel guilty when I'm supposed to do that. I really prefer to encourage good by good grades than discourage evil by bad grades, but it seems there's no choice.

    All of teachers seem to have problems with that class.

    Mybig problem is also that the bell ring is broken and I don't really know when the lesson starts or ends, because every clock works different. I simply use my clock and don't let them out until it's time on my clock, but they do mind that.

    I'm not going to be a great teacher, and I don't think I'm going to work more than I'll have to to get pernament allowance to teach as well to finish my studies, and I think I did many mistakes during my lessons, but sometimes it's really nice as well.

    Have any of You worked as a teacher?
    "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
    I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
    Middle East!

  • #2
    Originally posted by Heresson View Post
    Have any of You worked as a teacher?
    It has been my profession since '05. I've been part-time almost always since being qualified and still working towards becoming full-time; specifically, within the secondary panel (grades 9-12, ages ~14-17) of a public school board in Ontario, Canada .
    PolyCast Co-Host, Owner and Producer: entertaining | informing civ
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    • #3
      I've subbed a few times. Always an interesting experience.

      Why do you think you'd be a failure Heresson? Like you said all of the teachers have trouble with that class, not just you.

      I've not really had any discipline problems with my classes, they were all well behaved so it made things easy.

      If I had them, I think my first approach would be to get folks to switch seats, and get the ones acting up in the front.
      Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
      "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


      • #4
        I taught 8th grade (13-14 yr olds) History and it was an absolute blast! I really enjoyed it and I loved the kids. After that I subbed off and on for the elementary school my mother works at.

        One day the school secretary had my mother call and beg me to sub at the very last minute. It seems that the substitute had found out what class she was supposed to teach and made a beeline out of there. The class was 6th grade (11-12 yr olds) and every teacher called it the worst class in the school. When the students started coming into class, each and every one of them explained how terrible they were and that this was not going to be easy for me.

        I kept a firm hand and a tight reign along with a good sense of humor. And although I confiscated dozens of spit wads, thrown pencils, and thumb tacks (a girl was spitting the tacks at people), I showed the kids that if they would be cool, I could also be cool. It was not easy by any means, but at the end of the day the class was begging me to come back and sub and I didn't have to send anyone to the principal's office (which was apparently some kind of miracle).

        I, however, was furious with the adults who had told this class they were bad. It was insulting and embarrassing to the students, and so they decided to live up to the name and act like they didn't care. What they really needed was someone who thought they were good and wanted to work with them. I was half tempted to leave a note to the teacher telling her that she really needed to re-evaluate her strategy in teaching that class. Instead I just told the faculty what a wonderful day I had had teaching that class (you should have seen the looks on their faces!).

        I know that this doesn't exactly relate with your OP, but it's a good story nonetheless.
        In the beginning the Universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move. - Douglas Adams


        • #5
          Originally posted by Heresson View Post
          Have any of You worked as a teacher?
          Umm... yes. Did you not read any of my posts regarding it. The first day you have to make them think you are heartless and absolutely will not put up with any ****, or you will be ****ed the whole year.
          I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
          - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


          • #6
            Originally posted by Kidicious View Post
            Umm... yes. Did you not read any of my posts regarding it. The first day you have to make them think you are heartless and absolutely will not put up with any ****, or you will be ****ed the whole year.
            That's so true. I was too kind at first and it didn't pay.

            Originally posted by Ben Kenobi View Post
            I've subbed a few times. Always an interesting experience.

            Why do you think you'd be a failure Heresson? Like you said all of the teachers have trouble with that class, not just you.
            Ah yes. They've already thrown one out, and are thinking about throwing out some more...
            But my third time with them was nice, in fact.

            You see, last 2 weeks I was sick. It changed a lot; at first, only my throat hurted, then I could not speak, and now my voice is returning. I managed to keep them quiet most of the time, and even sort of interested in lessons, especially when I was talking about Louis XVI and the guillotine.
            But it was really hard making lessons when I could hardly speak at all. Really hard.
            But most of the classes were really polite, even gimnazjum (13-16).

            If I had them, I think my first approach would be to get folks to switch seats, and get the ones acting up in the front.
            My grand mistake in the II time with VI class was actually to allow switching places so that they could sit next to someone they wanted to. I will never do that again.

            taught 8th grade (13-14 yr olds) History and it was an absolute blast! I really enjoyed it and I loved the kids. After that I subbed off and on for the elementary school my mother works at.

            One day the school secretary had my mother call and beg me to sub at the very last minute. It seems that the substitute had found out what class she was supposed to teach and made a beeline out of there. The class was 6th grade (11-12 yr olds) and every teacher called it the worst class in the school. When the students started coming into class, each and every one of them explained how terrible they were and that this was not going to be easy for me.

            I kept a firm hand and a tight reign along with a good sense of humor. And although I confiscated dozens of spit wads, thrown pencils, and thumb tacks (a girl was spitting the tacks at people), I showed the kids that if they would be cool, I could also be cool. It was not easy by any means, but at the end of the day the class was begging me to come back and sub and I didn't have to send anyone to the principal's office (which was apparently some kind of miracle).

            I, however, was furious with the adults who had told this class they were bad. It was insulting and embarrassing to the students, and so they decided to live up to the name and act like they didn't care. What they really needed was someone who thought they were good and wanted to work with them. I was half tempted to leave a note to the teacher telling her that she really needed to re-evaluate her strategy in teaching that class. Instead I just told the faculty what a wonderful day I had had teaching that class (you should have seen the looks on their faces!).
            Oh yes, I guess often someone calls a class bad and later it's just repeated without a reconsideration. And even if a class is hard to handle it doesn't mean lessons with it are bad. I must admit I liked this naughty class a lot.

            11-12 year old? That would be current polish V class. I did teach those as well, a very nice class. They shout gremially GOODMORNING each time I approach, even on corridor. I did have to take some stuff from them as well: something they used to mirror the sunlight for making shapes on the walls; a self-made yo-yo; and something else.
            I have guilty conscience, because I told them some wrong (well, not 100% wrong, but not quite full( information during my lesson. I've told them that roman senate was not ordering consuls, but advising them, which was true except for the fact that this "advice" (senatusconsultum) was (almost?) always carried out; it was a custom, not a law, but that's the way it was. Also, I told them that senate was made of members of greatest roman families, which is fully true only when it comes tot the beginning and they should remember that senate was made of ex-state officials. I don't recall making any mistakes during my other lessons in primary school and gimnazjum, but here, I did. I hope they're gonna forget this lesson, then. I guess I should've recalled roman history better, than I did.

            Strangely, I remember really many names. In fact, a kid from this class was suprised at that and told that math teacher still doesn't remember their names, and she teaches them for years. I did remember some of their names, but mostly of those who make the most trouble

            "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
            I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
            Middle East!

