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Another Round Begins in The Middle East

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  • Originally posted by Sirotnikov View Post
    willie pete.
    If you really want American support, you should start using our terminology...


    • I thought it was wooly peter


      • Originally posted by Naked Gents Rut View Post
        If you really want American support, you should start using our terminology...
        i was under the impression willie pete terminology was more popular.

        at least google says so, because all results for whiskey pete are from clubs and bars, and WP results are hard to find.


        • Originally posted by Sirotnikov View Post
          The Palestinians are running a grass roots campaign for over a decade now, and they easily have the upper hand. Israeli bureaucracy is incredibly inefficient and lacks proper skills or ways of thinking to deal with that.

          I'm rather sad that Israel is not good at manipulating world media as the pals are. Palestinian organizations get their people operating local news agencies. Palestinian organizations record everything they do, edit it, and post viral and effective propoganda. Israeli officials are busy in their interlocked bureaucracy to get a clip running. And then they would post it in proprietary format with a huge Israeli logo on top.

          Chubby Israeli foreign affairs officials are busy eating cheap pastry, or fighting over air time on places like FOX that are already pro-Israeli while abandoning hundreds of more important arenas.
          You think that's it? That is soooo delusional.

          Your problem is that Israel is supplying the Palestinians with so much more material.
          "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


          • I'm rather sad that Israel is not good at manipulating world media as the pals are

            Well, ok, the World media maybe I see your point. It does a damn good job over here.

            grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

            The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


            • If we were not all internet junkies the media wouldn't seem quite so biased. There are too many ches out there that are rather vocal.
              "The DPRK is still in a state of war with the U.S. It's called a black out." - Che explaining why orbital nightime pictures of NK show few lights. Seriously.


              • Originally posted by Sirotnikov View Post
                For everyone's education:
                Images deleted by Ming.
                Yes, the images you posted Kid were very distrubing and explicit... and are against the rules of this site. Please check the FAQ if you have any questions or contact me via PM.
                Last edited by Ming; January 14, 2009, 13:16.
                I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                - Justice Brett Kavanaugh



                  White Phosphorous and Dense Inert Metal Explosives: Is Israel Using Banned and Experimental Munitions in Gaza?

                  Israel is coming under increasing criticism for its possible use of banned and experimental munitions. Human Rights Watch has accused Israel of illegally firing white phosphorous, which causes horrific burns if it comes in contact with the skin, over crowded refugee camps in Gaza. Medics and human rights groups are also reporting that they are seeing injuries distinctive of another controversial weapon, Dense Inert Metal Explosive, known as DIME, that was designed by the US Air Force in 2006. Those struck by the weapon who survive suffer severe mutilations and internal injuries. We go to the Gaza border to speak with Marc Garlasco of Human Rights Watch and to Norway to speak with Dr. Mads Gilbert, who just returned from the Shifa Hospital in Gaza City. He says Gaza is “truly a scene from Dante’s Inferno.”

                  As the assault on Gaza enters its 19th day, Israel is coming under increasing criticism for its possible use of banned and experimental munitions.

                  Human Rights Watch has accused Israel of illegally firing white phosphorous over crowded refugee camps in Gaza.

                  White Phosphorous shells cause horrific burns if they come in contact with the skin. Under international law, phosphorus is allowed as a smokescreen to cover troop movements and protect soldiers, or to be used for illumination, but is considered illegal if used against people.

                  In addition to white phosphorous, medics and human rights groups are reporting that they are seeing injuries distinctive of another controversial weapon. The munition, called DIME, for Dense Inert Metal Explosive, was designed to create a powerful blast over a small area. It was developed by the US Air Force in 2006.

                  Those struck by the weapon who survive suffer severe mutilations and internal injuries. The weapon causes the tissue to be torn from the flesh.

                  Unlike traditional munitions, there is said to be no shrapnel. Instead, particles of metals can be found in the bodies of those affected. Those residues have been found on victims in Gaza.

                  Israel has denied it is using either white phosphorous or DIME weapons.

                  Joining us now on the telephone from Norway, is one of the medics who first accused Israel of using DIME explosives. Dr. Mads Gilbert is an expert in emergency medicine. He and his colleague Erik Fosse have just returned from the Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, where they were volunteering through the aid organization NORWAC. Shifa Hospital is the largest hospital in Gaza City.

                  We are also joined by Marc Garlasco on the northern border of Gaza. He is a senior military analyst for Human Rights Watch investigating Israel’s use of white phosphorous.

                  Marc Garlasco, senior military analyst for Human Rights Watch. He is on the northern border of Gaza.

                  Dr. Mads Gilbert, a Norwegian doctor who worked at Al Shifa hospital in Gaza during the Israeli assault.
                  I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                  - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


                  • So now we know that not only are you ignorant, but so are the contributors to democracynow.

                    Screening munitions are not the same as those used for incineration. The article I quoted, written by weapon experts, clearly explains that smoke bombs are
                    a) allowed according to the geneva accords
                    b) employed by all modern armies in urban combat
                    c) are not lethal
                    d) have side effects only if a person is exposed to an unusual concentration of smoke in extreme proximity.
                    None of these terms are fulfilled in gaza.

                    The text I quoted clearly references recorded experiments done on soldiers and their reaction to the smoke.

                    Your text is written by amateurish wannabes who know next to nothing about smoke bombs. More so, besides quoting wikipedia for WP incineration effects, they have been so far unable to present a case where the horror scenario came true.

                    Moreso, several hours ago I watched an AP video of an area in Gaza shrouded in smoke from a dozen bombs, that was filmed this morning. It showed people running around in the smoke. A few people felt ill and were treated for smoke inhalation. None of them were burned or scorched or incinerated.

                    Claiming that smoke bombs burn people alive is ignorant.


                    • In addition to white phosphorous, medics and human rights groups are reporting that they are seeing injuries distinctive of another controversial weapon. The munition, called DIME, for Dense Inert Metal Explosive, was designed to create a powerful blast over a small area. It was developed by the US Air Force in 2006.

                      Those struck by the weapon who survive suffer severe mutilations and internal injuries. The weapon causes the tissue to be torn from the flesh.
                      I have no idea whether Israel uses DIME or not, but the description is so funny it hurts my side.

                      There's nothing controversial about one sort of munition over another. Bombs are designed to kill people. Anyone who survives an explosion is very mutilated, since all explosions tear skin and flesh and so on.

                      Unlike traditional munitions, there is said to be no shrapnel. Instead, particles of metals can be found in the bodies of those affected. Those residues have been found on victims in Gaza.

                      1) If this weapon has no shrapnel - how do you call metal parts found in bodies of people effected?
                      2) If this weapon has no shrapnel - it only proves that there is less risk to innocent civilian bystanders, than from regular weapons, which proves Israel tries to minimize civilian casualties.

                      he munition, called DIME, for Dense Inert Metal Explosive, was designed to create a powerful blast over a small area
                      If anything, this only proves that Israel is attempting to cause less damage to those not involved.

                      This article is utter rubbish. It is incoherent, based on speculation rather than fact, and contradicts itself.


                      • Actually that was only the article intro.

                        if you haved bothered to actually read your own link you'd see you're pwned out of your way:

                        MARC GARLASCO: [...] right now, we can tell it’s being used as an obscurant, but we have no further information to state whether or not they’re using it as a weapon, and we have not stated that.

                        DR. MADS GILBERT: [...] When it comes to the weaponry, we did not see clear evidence in patients that we received that they had been hit by white phosphorous, but we were told by the doctors and colleagues in Shifa that during the first days of the invasion, the ground invasion, they had seen this affecting as a side effect of the smokescreen use of the white phosphorus. And that was inhalation injuries... and burns.

                        I underline we don’t have proof, but we have strong evidence that these amputations we’ve been seeing in Gaza for the last eleven days must come from some type of weapon that we don’t know of.

                        DR. MADS GILBERT: If you look at pictures from sites where these patients have come, you don’t see fragments in the walls in the house around, maybe fifteen, twenty meters apart from the explosions. And you see only some stripes of power in the sand on the ground, and these actually are the examples that the power dissipates very quickly, maybe within five or ten meters of the explosion, [b]so that you will not have this kind of collateral damage, as it’s called[b]. But in Gaza, again, so densely populated, that these DIME weapons will have a devastating effect. Also, they are, by some, classified as nuclear weapons.

                        MARC GARLASCO: Well, only what we’ve read about. I mean, I left the Pentagon long before these were developed.[...]

                        And you have to remember, these weapons, interestingly, were developed to save civilians, to minimize civilian casualties, so that if the weapon explodes and kills anyone within the blast radius of, let’s say, ten meters to twenty meters, it immediately drops off in power, and so no one dies outside that area, whereas the standard bomb today, when it explodes, you have many hundreds of meters of blast and fragmentation damage.


                        MARC GARLASCO [...] To be honest with you, we have to remember one thing. At this point, there are a lot of rumors, and nothing has yet been substantiated.

                        I think you should have read your own damn article, Kid.


                        • Regarding media fairness, here's a clip from Israeli SNL.
                          It's slightly amusing and in some instances truthlike.

                          In general thought, the show is very much against the war and is heavily critical of Israeli action. I'll see if I can find bits.


                          • I just translated, subtitled and uploaded another bit of the same show laughing at Israelis trying to explain Israel's position abroad

                            Notice the jabs at Israeli arguments and logic.

                            And then there's the general making fun of Israeli accent and limited vocabulary.


                            • Round them up and crucify thgem


                              • Give'em free beer.

