These two 20somethings invited me for party accorss the hall. and all are wearing cocktail dresses. And 3:1 ratio 9n my favor) and there little same age friends are non military 20 something pussioes. and even old and fat, I can tell I have more ability to take them. Plus these gi9rls totally went to an effoprt with fancyu invitations and nice food. WTF! And each of the hostesses friend;s comes up to talk to me. I really need to lose weight. No way, I should be conceding anyth9ing. This one Chinese firls was stacked. stacked and thin. and in a cocktail dress. I eventially had to leave. did show 4 of the girls my apartment thogh.
I do not deserve this. I shouold be more old and pathetic. I do not desfreve oit.
I do not deserve this. I shouold be more old and pathetic. I do not desfreve oit.