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  • #31
    1. Executive branch is the Queen.

    2. Prime minister is the head of the government in the commons, much akin to Harry Reid in the US. The Prime Minister is selected by the leading party, but unlike in the US, does not need to be a representative.

    3. Judicial branch is the Supreme Court of Canada.

    Unlike in the US, the prime minister may directly appoint any of the justices, which gives him powers more similar to the president.

    The problem in Canada is that the role of Prime Minister is not defined well in the constitution, which has resulted in a 'super president'. Whereas the President cannot pass spending bills, the prime minister can. Instead of bicameral, the system is very nearly unicameral. Think of a President, who can declare wars, and finance them, and you have the Prime Minister of Canada.

    On top of that there is no direct election of the PM. The PMs are chosen by the Party and even if they should lose their seat in parliament, the party can simply exchange seats such that the Prime Minister would be able to sit in parliament. Thus it is much harder to get rid of a prime minister then it is to get rid of a president.

    There are no term limits either, a Prime minister may serve as long as they wish. A prime minister can also lose an election, remain in the commons and win again to return to power. Some of our greatest prime ministers pulled off this feat. Only the greatest managed to do it twice, being defeated, and returning, and then defeated and returning for a THIRD time.
    Last edited by Ben Kenobi; November 27, 2008, 02:04.
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    • #32
      Nice explanation. Now if any Brit can explain Mr. Blobby to me and how he ever got popular, I'll be truly enlightened.
      "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


      • #33
        Originally posted by Alinestra Covelia
        Nice explanation. Now if any Brit can explain Mr. Blobby to me and how he ever got popular, I'll be truly enlightened.
        I think the general public were just glad to see less of Noel Edmonds really.
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        • #34
          much akin to Harry Reid in the US
          Actually Pelosi would would be the equivalent, as the House or Representative is clearly the equivalent of the House of Commons and is constitutionally granted greater powers then the Senate. The Speaker of the House is also 3rd in the line of succession ware as the Pro-temp of the Senate is 4th a clear indication of superior rank.
          Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche

