How is this in any way restricting freedom of the press? The first amendment doesn't guarantee reporters the right to sit on a campaign's plane. That's a priveledge granted by any particular campaign.
Nobody is restricting the right of these reporters to report the news as they (or, more precisely, their editors) see fit.
You can employ whatever methods you want, no one will stop you. But if your point is to compare this situation to the black civil rights struggle, you can expect to rightly be called at least racially insensitve and stupid.
The Fairness Doctrine does not mean what you think it means. It says nothing about censoring views.
Moreover, it's a doctine that, according to the SCOTUS, the FCC has every right to enforce, should they so choose. That right there tells you it's not unconstitutional, which means it ain't censorship.
I don't know Ben, what message did McCain send when he booted Klein from his plane? If you're not upset over that, then your little outrage fit here is utter hypocrisy.
The Obama campaign has said--and at least the DFW newspaper has agreed--that the decision wasn't based on their endorsements. In fact, if it were, why is it that the campaign has allowed FOX news to remain? If the message was "play ball or go home," wouldn't they be the first to go?
How exactly has Fox news been critical?