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I fear McCain is going to win

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  • WASHINGTON — Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska is the nation's most prominent Republican officeholder to publicly question whether Sarah Palin has the experience to serve as president.

    "She doesn't have any foreign policy credentials," Hagel said Wednesday in an interview. "You get a passport for the first time in your life last year? I mean, I don't know what you can say. You can't say anything."

    "I think they ought to be just honest about it and stop the nonsense about, 'I look out my window and I see Russia and so therefore I know something about Russia,'" he said. "That kind of thing is insulting to the American people."

    Hagel said today in a conference call he had received no reaction from fellow Republicans on his Palin comments.

    Palin herself addressed the question of her foreign policy experience in a recent interview with ABC News.

    "We've got to remember what the desire is in this nation at this time," she said. "It is for no more politics as usual, and somebody's big, fat résumé, maybe, that shows decades and decades in that Washington establishment where, yes, they've had opportunities to meet heads of state."

    "I'm ready," Palin said. "I have the confidence in that readiness and knowing that you can't blink."

    Hagel offered a couple of caveats on his assessment of Palin: Experience is not the only qualification for elected officials — judgment and character are indispensable.

    Washington experience isn't the only kind of experience, Hagel said, and he noted that many White House occupants have been governors with no time inside the Beltway.

    "But I do think in a world that is so complicated, so interconnected and so combustible, you really got to have some people in charge that have some sense of the bigger scope of the world," Hagel said. "I think that's just a requirement."

    So is Palin qualified to be president?

    "I think it's a stretch to, in any way, to say that she's got the experience to be president of the United States," Hagel said.


    • You realize that Hagel is the left's Libermann, right?
      “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
      - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


      • "The Obama campaign jumped on those remarks, replaying them in a campaign ad, even after McCain clarified his comments. He said what he meant was that American workers are the fundamental strength of the economy and that the country will rebound with their help."

        -From Z's source

        This is like Carter's comments on inflation in 1979. It's bad for the economy and bad for a politician's popularity among voters who care about the economy.
        I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
        - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


        • It's patriotic to raise taxes. I hope for more rhetoric of this sort from the Obama campaign.

          Biden calls paying higher taxes a patriotic act
          By DOUGLASS K. DANIEL, Associated Press Writer
          Thu Sep 18, 9:15 AM ET

          WASHINGTON - Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden said Thursday that paying more in taxes is the patriotic thing to do for wealthier Americans. In a new TV ad that repeats widely debunked claims about the Democratic tax plan, the Republican campaign calls Obama's tax increases "painful."

          Under the economic plan proposed by Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, people earning more than $250,000 a year would pay more in taxes while those earning less — the vast majority of American taxpayers — would receive a tax cut.

          Although Republican John McCain claims that Obama would raise taxes, the independent Tax Policy Center and other groups conclude that four out of five U.S. households would receive tax cuts under Obama's proposals.

          "We want to take money and put it back in the pocket of middle-class people," Biden said in an interview on ABC's "Good Morning America."

          Noting that wealthier Americans would indeed pay more, Biden said: "It's time to be patriotic ... time to jump in, time to be part of the deal, time to help get America out of the rut."

          McCain released a television ad Thursday charging that Obama would increase the size of the federal government amid an economic crisis. Contending that "a big government casts a big shadow on us all," the ad features the image of a shadow slowly covering a sleeping baby as a narrator misstates the reach of the Obama tax proposal.

          "Obama and his liberal congressional allies want a massive government, billions in spending increases, wasteful pork," the ad says. "And we would pay — painful income taxes, skyrocketing taxes on life savings, electricity and home heating oil. Can your family afford that?"

          The McCain campaign said the ad is set to run nationally.
          I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
          For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


          • Well, the GOP should know. They've given us the biggest government bureaucracy and the biggest national debt in history.

            This is what ticks me off -- ad campaigns that are either distortions or outright lies, saying nothing about what your own candidate would do.

            If you're going to lie to me, lie about your own empty promises, dammit.

            Leave the smearing to Sean "Infanticide" Hannity.
            Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
            RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


            • Originally posted by DinoDoc
              It's patriotic to raise taxes. I hope for more rhetoric of this sort from the Obama campaign.
              Actually what he said, it waw unpatriotic for the richests Americans to cling to their tax cuts, which they don't need, while the rest of Americans suffers.

              "Obama and his liberal congressional allies want a massive government, billions in spending increases, wasteful pork," the ad says. "And we would pay — painful income taxes, skyrocketing taxes on life savings, electricity and home heating oil. Can your family afford that?"
              The "pork" McSame is referring to is probably the increased spending for education, for healthcare, and for grants for alternative energy inventions. These things are probably more desired by Americans than are Palin's "Bridge to Nowhere" or McSame's "War to Nowhere."

              Painful income taxes = repeal of the Bush tax cuts for those making over $250,000/year. Yeah guys, I feel your pain.

              Obama has NOT proposed increased taxes on life savings (with the exception on interest off those savings for those making more than $250,000/yr), on electricity, or on home heating oil. McSame is merely continuing on down the road with his Forked-Tongue Express.

