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I fear McCain is going to win

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  • I think this lays out pretty well how "President McCain" would approach foreign policy:

    John McCain believes the Vietnam War was winnable. Now he argues that an Obama administration would accept defeat in Iraq, with grave costs to American honor and national security. Is McCain’s quest for victory a reflection of an antiquated pre-Vietnam mind-set? Or of a commitment to principles we abandon at our peril? Is there any war McCain thinks can’t be won?

    I think it's a good, balanced article. It's not a hit piece, nor is it a suck-up job.

    I found things in there that I admire, and things that honestly worry me a great deal (or will, if he wins).

    grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

    The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


    • Originally posted by Arrian
      I think this lays out pretty well how "President McCain" would approach foreign policy:
      FTA regarding Vietnam

      “I think it was winnable,”
      Why can't people accept that the North Vietnamese chewed the US up and spat it out. McCain sounds like Otto from A Fish Called Wanda.

      McCain's foreign policy problem will be that him winning will mark a change from the US being listened to to it being tolerated by other countries.
      Only feebs vote.


      • Originally posted by Agathon
        Why can't people accept that the North Vietnamese chewed the US up and spat it out. McCain sounds like Otto from A Fish Called Wanda.
        Because they didn't if you know anything about what happened on the ground in Vietnam.

        That war was lost at home in the USA.
        *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


        • We didn't lose Vietnam, we just got bored a left.


          • Originally posted by conmcb25

            Because they didn't if you know anything about what happened on the ground in Vietnam.

            That war was lost at home in the USA.
            Stabbed in the back by traitors at home!!

            I wonder where I heard that before...

            They kicked yer little hide there... they whupped yer ass real good!!
            Only feebs vote.


            • Originally posted by Agathon
              Stabbed in the back by traitors at home!!

              I wonder where I heard that before...
              I didn't say anything about the traitors at home, I guess thats the only way to win a debate though by trying to fabricate what you can in a vain attempt to rescue your pathetic arguement.

              The North even admitted they could not beat the USA militarily. So no we "didn't get our ass whipped".

              They did however win the propaganda campaign. I will concede that.

              My whole point being that McCain has got a good point from a certain point of view. Whether you agree with that point or not.

              Tet was the turning point of that war more than any other. And it was a resounding USA military victory. Most of the invasion thrusts were puished back immediately and Hue was retaken after a month. The uprising in the South that the North hoped for never occurred. But thats not how it was portrayed or percieved back home however, and was pretty much the beginning of the inevitable end.
              *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


              • Here's how I see Vietnam:

                1) Militarily, the USA was obviously superior, but you don't win wars solely by winning battles.

                2) South Vietnam was a cluster**** of a country. We backed a horse with a broken back, IMO.

                3) Given 2, 1 simply wasn't enough.

                Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right. No way to know for absolutely certain, but I think there is ample evidence of #2 being correct.

                grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                • The US may have done a few stupid things but nobody can keep up with the europeans in that regard.
                  Long time member @ Apolyton
                  Civilization player since the dawn of time


                  • Originally posted by Arrian
                    Here's how I see Vietnam:

                    1) Militarily, the USA was obviously superior, but you don't win wars solely by winning battles.

                    2) South Vietnam was a cluster**** of a country. We backed a horse with a broken back, IMO.

                    3) Given 2, 1 simply wasn't enough.

                    Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right. No way to know for absolutely certain, but I think there is ample evidence of #2 being correct.

                    Yes agreed on all points. The US could indefinately continue to win the battles but the North Vietnamese won in national will. We were not prepared to do what it took to "win". The US did not have the National will.
                    *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


                    • "Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. "


                      • Wow. She thinks and responds on her feet much better than Obama does. He would've thrown about a thousand "ums" in there.


                        • Keep believing that.

                          The debates are going to be awesome.
                          "Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. "


                          • They better be awesome for Obama and Biden. They have a lot of ground to make up now.


                            • Now the dems are about to attack older folks and the computer illiterate.
                              Long time member @ Apolyton
                              Civilization player since the dawn of time


                              • Obama's ad team is just embarassing at this point.

