Only you can manage to make yourself look like more of a douchebag with each successive post. 
It's your "ignorance is bliss" attitude that explains your complete and utter failings as a human being. You don't know **** all about philosophy, it's why you've ran away to the far east to teach people who don't know any better. You don't know **** all about technology and business, which is why you have me on ignore. You don't know **** all about economics, which is why you told everyone to buy Apple shares when they hit $200 in late Dec 2007.
You don't know **** all about anything, and it stays that way because you ignore contrary facts, because when you learn the truth about the real world, your whole fantasy world crumbles down around you. Grow up.

It's your "ignorance is bliss" attitude that explains your complete and utter failings as a human being. You don't know **** all about philosophy, it's why you've ran away to the far east to teach people who don't know any better. You don't know **** all about technology and business, which is why you have me on ignore. You don't know **** all about economics, which is why you told everyone to buy Apple shares when they hit $200 in late Dec 2007.
You don't know **** all about anything, and it stays that way because you ignore contrary facts, because when you learn the truth about the real world, your whole fantasy world crumbles down around you. Grow up.