Originally posted by Naked Gents Rut
Actually, it appears that Solzhenitsyn is the one who made his story up.
Actually, it appears that Solzhenitsyn is the one who made his story up.
But that doesn't mean that McCain couldn't have lifted the story from him. From your link: "It doesn't necessarily rule out the possibility that McCain or his biographer, Mark Salter, picked up the tale that this happened to Solzhenitsyn elsewhere and embellished it for their own purposes."
In fact, the article goes on to say how popular the story is among certain right-wing circles.
[quote]McCain's story is supported by one of his fellow POWs.
Um. . .I'm not going to rely on a source that has a menu with a link titled "liberal fascism."

All this defenisiveness of it only proves that it's not true and that McCain did a poor job at the debates and that Obama is the most perfect candidate ever and whatever else I want to use this for showing my distorted view of the campaign.
