ah-rab, Ben? Practicing your Texan today?
To answer your question, assuming that the "revelation" in the email is true (given the steaming pile of crap that many of the assertions clearly are, I'm doubting it), I thought Obama billed himself as a guy whose background is a mixture of things - both international and specifically American - not that he's claimed that he's 50% white and 50% black. Further, the email is specifically targetted to play on xenophobic fear of Arabs and Muslims. That's plain as day.
To answer your question, assuming that the "revelation" in the email is true (given the steaming pile of crap that many of the assertions clearly are, I'm doubting it), I thought Obama billed himself as a guy whose background is a mixture of things - both international and specifically American - not that he's claimed that he's 50% white and 50% black. Further, the email is specifically targetted to play on xenophobic fear of Arabs and Muslims. That's plain as day.