Everyone benefits from stable markets. Hell, what we have right now isn't even a market, because people can't agree on prices.
The people who have been winning over the last while lose out when the market shifts. It's a fact of life. Houses are overpriced, and demand is dropping, therefore the prices are going to come down. It doesn't matter what you do. After the correction, prices will go back up again.
The idea of a 'stable market' is a myth unless you invoke price caps, to make an artificially stable market, which has massive massive problems when prices no longer match the supply and demand.
You used to be able to predict what the price of a house would be in the future.
Now there is too much uncertainty. That means that people won't be able to sell or buy for what they think house is worth.
And then of course there's the problem of actually getting a loan for the house. The banks are going to be extra cautious about the loans they give because they are also uncertain.
What I'm saying here is much
As well as they should. more important to understanding this problem than supply and demand analysis for the simple fact that there really isn't a market right now.
As well as they should. more important to understanding this problem than supply and demand analysis for the simple fact that there really isn't a market right now.