Low home prices isn't just an effect of a poor economy, it's also a cause.
Consumers spend much less money when the price of their home decreases.
Sure some people don't own houses, but the spending effect of those people is minimal compared to the effect of the spending of homeowners, and generally their income is lower.
You've definitely jumped the shark here. I think it's mixed blessings, yes some people are hurt by the correction, whereas these worthless people are actually helped because now they can actually afford a house.
California especially, but California is a huge part of the US economy,
It totally depends on where you are as to whether this is a crisis or not. Places that missed out on the boom aren't going to suffer at all.
and generally the US economy will follow the California economy, although it's not a certainty. In this case the recession will reach into the whole US economy.
Hey! I'm a generation X'er, not a boomer!
What makes you guys think that people aren't going to speculate on home prices like they did before.
But for now, that prices are low, it's a good deal if you have the money to wait for them to bottom out.
You missed my point though. More houses will be built when prices are stable. Then both consumers and builders can make better decisions.