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The weirdest place to find a hair...

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Krill
    AC, I'm suprised that a search for "weird Durham Graduate" doesn't come up with you as the number 1 link.
    I dunno, my housemate Bing was pretty odd too. He got really bored once and started futzing around with a wedge of brie cheese. Before you knew it he'd made a little Imperial Star Destroyer out of two white chocolate truffles, and a bridge made out of mozzerella. Then his girlfriend came over (may she rest in peace) and they vanished into his bedroom and presumably did something sexy with it because he wouldn't let anybody else eat the cheese ISD, citing "hygiene reasons".

    When I went to Beijing to see Bing, postgraduation, he thought it would be funny to take incendiary pictures to try to rile up a Chinese riot or something. (This was during the Hainan spy plane incident when relations between China and the US were not particularly good.) He got me dressed up in a U.S. Embassy Beijing shirt and paired me off against JingHan, his sparring partner in martial arts.

    JingHan was also a member of the Chinese Public Security Police, and he wore his olive fatigues to his martial arts classes as he didn't have time to change after work. Bing got a few pictures of me, a somewhat foreign looking woman wearing US Embassy paraphenalia, fighting bare knuckled against a Chinese policeman in army uniform.

    We circulated these photos online to friends and some of the responses were entertaining.

    Bing also took part in the DU Assassin society and had a brush with the police. Apparently he took a picture of himself holding a water pistol and when he went to get the film developed, Boots thought he was some sort of terrorist and informed the police. They picked him up and questioned him for a few hours but let him go without charging him.

    I think he got disqualified from the Assassins though.
    "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


    • #92
      The first story, really needs the vomit smily...the second, do you still haev the pics? Could make for a good avatar. The third story is just typical dumb student though.
      You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


      • #93
        We had several pics on the Enixine website awhile back, but nobody's maintained that for a while.

        Trawling through my emails, I can find this one pic that he took and developed and scanned. I'm sure there were many more and I know there was a good one of him standing over me pretending to kick me in the side, but this is all I can get my hands on right now.

        For some reason on my computer it was titled "wushuvengeance.jpg". The Wushu bit is obvious, but I'm not sure why we called it vengeance. Doubtless a silly part of the backstory.
        Attached Files
        "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


        • #94
          Originally posted by Alinestra Covelia
          We had several pics on the Enixine website awhile back, but nobody's maintained that for a while.

          Trawling through my emails, I can find this one pic that he took and developed and scanned. I'm sure there were many more and I know there was a good one of him standing over me pretending to kick me in the side, but this is all I can get my hands on right now.

          For some reason on my computer it was titled "wushuvengeance.jpg". The Wushu bit is obvious, but I'm not sure why we called it vengeance. Doubtless a silly part of the backstory.
          You studied Martial Arts?

          I ask, most newer students have a similiar pose with their feet.

          You obtainmore torque and focus of power with you feet pointed toward the target.

          The way your sending your kick will result in only about 65% or potential power and even less potential of placing the foot on the intended target.

          In addition, that pose makes a multiple kick attack very difficult and as the picture clearly demonstrates extremely easy to block.

          Not PiSSing on your pic, just noting obvious flaws in techniques.

          Meant to help not insult.

          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


          • #95
            (Heheh, actually that picture was posed, of course. He's actually helping me support my leg in the air )

            Yeh, I did a fair bit of wushu and sanda in China, and in Britain I settled for judo and karate. It was just something I did for health's sake and not for personal combat. I liked it more than I like any team sports, so I did it for a while. I've taken up rock climbing and swimming since then and I can't find a good martial arts school where I live now, so it's pretty much on hiatus.

            HMB (Bing) was really good though. He had been doing it since he was 8 or so and he was reasonably strong and very very fast, especially with his kicks. I literally could not block his kicks, they were that fast. The only person in our training group who could (apart from the teacher) was Bing's little brother, who apparently could "read" his moves by watching his face. I don't pretend to understand it all, but it was interesting to watch your friends and what makes them different. Sadly, he knackered his left knee doing a judo kazegatami throw on somebody and they fell on it. He doesn't do much martial arts anymore.

            I remember seeing a pic of you performing a high side kick in slightly younger days. Although I'm not so sure that was a kick, actually. In the same thread somebody mentioned "Big Balls" and it's possible you were merely trying to make a point
            "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


            • #96
              Originally posted by Alinestra Covelia
              (Heheh, actually that picture was posed, of course. He's actually helping me support my leg in the air )

              Yeh, I did a fair bit of wushu and sanda in China, and in Britain I settled for judo and karate. It was just something I did for health's sake and not for personal combat. I liked it more than I like any team sports, so I did it for a while. I've taken up rock climbing and swimming since then and I can't find a good martial arts school where I live now, so it's pretty much on hiatus.

              HMB (Bing) was really good though. He had been doing it since he was 8 or so and he was reasonably strong and very very fast, especially with his kicks. I literally could not block his kicks, they were that fast. The only person in our training group who could (apart from the teacher) was Bing's little brother, who apparently could "read" his moves by watching his face. I don't pretend to understand it all, but it was interesting to watch your friends and what makes them different. Sadly, he knackered his left knee doing a judo kazegatami throw on somebody and they fell on it. He doesn't do much martial arts anymore.

              I remember seeing a pic of you performing a high side kick in slightly younger days. Although I'm not so sure that was a kick, actually. In the same thread somebody mentioned "Big Balls" and it's possible you were merely trying to make a point
              No double Entendre meant.

              Literally, emotionally and Physically, I posess both
              Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


              • #97
                That block your friend is doing is most excellent.

                From the Hammer Fist/forearm block, when doing an outside as seen here, once you lock and block the leg, use the other leg to do a low snap kick just below the opposite leg or the one that is on the ground and then very quickly a reverse kick with his other leg, landing a hook kick, with either the heel or the ball of the foot.

                Alternatly, instead of the hook kick, an axe kick up and over the legf he just blocked and down across your head, landing either on your face or collar bone.

                Then follow up with a flurry of knife hands or reverse punches to various parts of your now vulnerable body.

                Punishment intended to thwart an opponent from reengaging in combat.

                Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                • #98
                  Grandpa Troll can be hired for all your babysitting needs.
                  The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


                  • #99


                    • Another weird place to find a hair. (Puke warning.)
                      "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                      • WTF is that? (PM or spoiler tag, please.)
                        Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                        RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


                        • Not a picture, but a medical explanation of wtf that thing is. Besides gross.

                          The cake is NOT a lie. It's so delicious and moist.

                          The Weighted Companion Cube is cheating on you, that slut.


                          • That, or it's a Rush Limbaugh on the ass of a cyst.
                            The cake is NOT a lie. It's so delicious and moist.

                            The Weighted Companion Cube is cheating on you, that slut.


                            • Originally posted by Alinestra Covelia
                              Another weird place to find a hair. (Puke warning.)
                              Damn, that's one hairy ovary...
                              I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


                              • Yeah, it's a teratoma (a cyst with some dermal cells that grow hair as normal skin would). Normally these are non-life-threatening growths that pop up in the ovaries, and they're self-contained so they can be safely removed. Cutting them open does reveal all sorts of yuck, though.

                                Sometimes they even have teeth and other specific organ-like tissue. I've heard you can even get eyelashes, fingernails, and eyeballs and stuff, which is really really gross.

                                The picture I linked to was already pretty tame by teratoma standards. A quick search on Google Images turned up a load of far worse pictures.
                                Last edited by Alinestra Covelia; October 2, 2008, 08:40.
                                "lol internet" ~ AAHZ

