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The weirdest place to find a hair...

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  • #61
    I couldn't figure out what could possibly be keeping this thread alive. But now I see.
    Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
    RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


    • #62
      This thread was a really good thread, untill it became a top thread on google for Tonsil Hair searches

      Now its a GREAT thread.
      Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


      • #63
        It's #3

        Happy Putin is still #1


        • #64
          Originally posted by Alinestra Covelia

          I should probably have written "non-concurrently" somewhere in that post. Reading back it sounds even more like a GGG movie.

          Well, I went to the dentist today about the loose tooth from biting down on a fork. She said everything looks fine and it'll heal up on its own, given a few weeks of light eating.

          I've found I can't eat any sandwich bread or other tough food that requires incisor work. But fruits have no problems, and I find that bananas are pretty good.

          A question for you, Grandpa Troll. When you were lost in the jungle beating around the bush in a humid region below the equator, did you by any chance come across a bald man in a leaking boat?
          Why yes, yes I did, and because of extensive studies and applied practical applications, through mere sublime intervention, through a series of regimented and delicately applied ressucitation procedures, I was able to give life and while he did succomnd to violent and thrashing wave motions, tsunami-like ripples if you will, I held on tenderly as he tried to slip below the waves.

          I had to wrap my arms around moorings, actually placing the moorings about my shoulders, pressures normally enough to crush a mans skull, but I was diligent, yes, evn with hands holding back the forces exerted upon myslef, I did the only thing I could, gently but firmly bit the mans collar while using my tongue as a paddle, keep the waves from drowning him.

          He of source was exhausted and fell silent from being overcome from all this activity.

          Me, well, just the look upon the harbor master, she looked and I accepted a heartfelt thank.

 I departed, she cried out, yes, as I was once again pressed into service. The balding man was so excited he fell back and lay prostrate in the mounting swail. This look like a perfect job, I am going to have to go around the other side of the trail, and approach from the rear to get the best position to bring this next one in, and yes, caverns pose no problems for me, I am not scared of the dark and not overwhelmed by dank and musky sensations, afterall, if you are to suceed, you must commit to the rescue of the person in need, not be botehed by any trivial matters.

          I do so, not because of accolades, but of personal satisfaction in the knowledge of another job well done.

          You see, I dont consider myself a hero, but merely a person with the stewardship responsibilities of using my talents to help those poor innocents in need of ssaving.

          You see maam, some balding me in the boat, well, they have been promised deliverance but have merely bobbled along, never having been able to experience the pleasure of having their ship come in

          Me, Im just doing my part to carry on the tradition of our family tree
          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


          • #65


            • #66
              Sometimes when the canoe is already leaking, you just have to paddle harder or you end up going down.

              I learned that much in my military service in the UK during high school.
              "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


              • #67
                They make highschoolers serve in the military in the UK?

                No wonder they don't have the guts to stay in Iraq...
                <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Alinestra Covelia
                  Sometimes when the canoe is already leaking, you just have to paddle harder or you end up going down.

                  I learned that much in my military service in the UK during high school.
                  People can say what they want about military Snoop369, I agree, some are extreme for sure, some times unecessary even.

                  @ Alinestra, I have served in Special Support Services and while I dont want to expose any protective secretes, I have a deep bell diving certificate. It actually came upon quite by accident.
                  I was doing a tandem dive, my third or forth.

                  The previous had been somewhat complex but when you break it down it boils down to completing the mission. We were taught to deal with any and all subversive attacks.

                  Thats in training and classroom, however, when you come face to face with a hard situation, well you learn to work around it.

                  That was until preparations previously studied and applied went out the window. The day I came face to face with what I at first thought was insurmountable, but quickly learned we dig deep and can bear what is cast upon us.

                  It was dark, and we were deep when the enemy, for really it was not an enemy after all, but a member of the opposing forces had just popped up while I was deep in the trench line. I never heard it coming, and when i was started to see a shadow overhead, not wanting to lose the man in the boat, I remained focused.

                  But you know what they say, once a victim or potential victim gets excited, hard to quiet them down.

                  Anyhoo, here is this man thrashing about, and here is this so called enemy now loading up to discharge his weapon, I was in direct line of fire.

                  I did what any trained survivalist would do, merely blended in and after the first shot fired, well, katey bar to the door it was on.

                  Here I am been blown back against the bottom of the cave, the precipice I once looked down into now I was at the bottom and well, resigned myself I was not going to be taken alive, I would do whatever it took to survive. My left arm could not free itself and the "enemy pumped several shots my way.

                  The man in the boat of course was just flailing away and heck, next thing I know, I am totally pinned, the bald man is dragging me toward immenent danger and yeah, I took a few shots acorss my shoulder but was unable to avoid being sprayed as he turned the gun back around.

                  They say you learn to deal with adversity. The man in the boat actually nearly drowned me, I dont blame him, heck, got darned excited myself. It turned out not to be as bad as some stories I had hear, of folks taking fire from the enemy. I wasnt scared, no it seemed to awaken something within.

                  Well, as with all subversive missions, this was not spoken of by my boys, the balding man in the boat, well, he couldnt say much, he was out of it, you know adrenaline and such pumping away.

                  As for the enemy, he may not have known how close we almost came to each other.

                  However, one important feature was we had documented film.

                  I was contacted at a later date, and that my friends, would make the sinking of the Titantic look like a dingey springing a leak.

                  until next we speak of surviving deep within the jungle

                  I am Gramps the Gunners mate
                  Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by snoopy369
                    They make highschoolers serve in the military in the UK?

                    No wonder they don't have the guts to stay in Iraq...
                    No no, Snoopy, you misunderstand. We make colonial teenagers serve in the UK army.
                    You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Krill

                      No no, Snoopy, you misunderstand. We make colonial teenagers serve in the UK army.
                      Both of you are off the mark. (Unlike Gramps, who appears to have put his finger right on the sweet spot, probably owing to decades of experience in literary stimulation and other oratory forms of rousing.)

                      The school I went to was a boarding school in England. They made all students in the 14/15 year old year group serve at least one year in the CCF (Combined Cadet Forces). The closest American equivalent I can think of is the J-ROTC. I served for one year in the RAF and during that time I learned how to pilot Chipmunk light aircraft. They also let me take the controls in a DC-10 they used for personnel transportation.

                      It was an eye opening experience watching the maintenance team at work, actually. I'm convinced that if you were somehow to pick up an RAF DC-10 and tip it downwards, you'd get all manner of nuts, bolts, screws, and nails all rolling down the plane to the nosecone.
                      "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                      • #71
                        The somewhat oddities in various nosecones potrusions would exclude many maintenance workers from entering confined spaces to work under the belley of such a massive piece of equipment.

                        The ideal PM(Preventative Maintenance) procedure is to schedule at earliest possible time, a time to "take down" or stand down the behemoth in question.

                        Often times when you park one in its hangar, it can only be worked on the nosecones and front of the fuselage. I know for a fact, if angled riht you can work on much more of it.

                        As Alinestra Covelia eluded to, it is exciting and breath taking to sit down in the pilots seat and take control. I have done so on many occassions. With the engines churning and burning all that fuel, its a downright heady ride. Of course, thats the so called show and go but the real work is in the hangar, take it down open it up and give 'em a good servicing.

                        Nothing like being on a team, and crawling around with all that massive power above you.

                        Whew, and the least little slipage and ya got a mess on your hands. Ugh, you need to stay on top of it and accomplish your goals.

                        No need to be the center of attention, the massive machine is the center and its your job to do what iks needed to service it. On some ships the old nose opens up wide and you can actually put yourself in that area, of course, some less experienced workers and even those that actually are the pilots get real excited and want to start telling you how to do this and that, merely tune them out.
                        Now, polish helps the appearance and makes one proud to be associated with servicing it. Take time to adjust the controls, the aerloins and also the rudder. Remember, all them fancy gadgets one sees from the outside boils down to basic flight of stick and rudder, hold firmly, not too tight and ease forward allowing revolutions to steady build up.

                        new pilots wanna buzz the ground and show off. A more experienced pilot will cruise for a long time. This often causes extended wear. This is where the maintenance team excels, lubrication of all joints and checking fluid levels are a must. Be assertive, I have never heard a pilot say they didnt appreciate someone on the ground servicing thier craft if they know how. The pilot controls the craft in the air, but you can almost be at one with it in your own hangar.

                        Use the tool as it is designed and keep that baby in the air.

                        Be it a bomber or a fighter, you do your best to help the pilot accomplish the mission and he will gladly pat you on the back and give a thumbs up when he completes his mission. This way, when he turns it over to you, you know you have given your all to make an enjoyable ride for him and you.

                        Gramps the Maintenance Man
                        Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Grandpa Troll
                          Be it a bomber or a fighter, you do your best to help the pilot accomplish the mission and he will gladly pat you on the back and give a thumbs up when he completes his mission. This way, when he turns it over to you, you know you have given your all to make an enjoyable ride for him and you.

                          Gramps the Maintenance Man
                          Back in the 50's, my dad was the crew chief for experimental jet aircraft. He was the only crew chief on the base not to lose a test pilot.


                          • #73
                            @Grandpa Troll & Alinestra Covelia:

                            The odd thing is that some people aren't getting this.
                            Modern man calls walking more quickly in the same direction down the same road “change.”
                            The world, in the last three hundred years, has not changed except in that sense.
                            The simple suggestion of a true change scandalizes and terrifies modern man. -Nicolás Gómez Dávila


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Heraclitus
                              @Grandpa Troll & Alinestra Covelia:

                              The odd thing is that some people aren't getting this.
                              Well Heraclitus, to be fair, it may be a cultural thing.

                              Me, as many know, have walked many miles in many shoes on many paths.

                              I have led a wild lifestyle by many and even wilder life than Marlin Perkins it would appear.

                              But speaking of pilots, Pappy Boyington who flew as a member of the Black Sheep squadron, well I am an honorary member.


                              I was overseas in the Army, and a member of USAREUR NATO, heck Wittlich is a member of same club, only I have had many covert missions, I can talk some generalities with specifics, no names or exact places........

                              I was asked to work under cover as an operative, no not James Bond but more from a matter of shadow ops, kinda worked under the cover of darkness.

                              I had to do surveilance work at a business.

                              I worked in the storage room where I was virtually undetected.

                              I had to don attire so that I blended in, covered myself in camoflage so as to be undetected.

                              I had to remain undetected and unobserved by looking through a portal into the working operations of an "enemy" unit.

                              They are not all bad, even the big disgusting types, they say all brawn and no brain but I tell you some of thiose so called big enemy operatives moved very smoothly in and out of our operations area, specifically why I was tasked to handled this job.

                              I am known for taking control, sometimes, when things get out of hand I have to choke out an operative. It doesnt do any real damage, although if you place your hands (hands because these guys can be HUGE) just under the nape of the neck, and shake em back and forth real smooth like, they go out like a light and sleep like a baby.

                              Of course, one must be very quiet, when they approach your position, and if they suspect that your cover will be blown, you must jump on the situation quickly.

                              Ever so smoothly with slight of hand, when he pulls his weapon, you grab his club or his gun, whatever he is gonna use on you and once he is aware you have the "drop" on him and his boys, you must assert yourself to let him know 1) your a pro and 2) your not scare of a little confrontation with Mr. Big Boy, nope, your chew him up and spit him out like he was yesterdays gum.

                              The important thing to remember is that the mission is allways more important than the man. Thusly, your are there to extract all and I mean i available information from his head. He may try to hide it but you must not let one of his boys off until they too spill what they know.

                              Its not as bad as some movies make out, although sometimes, when confronted, if you "feign" like your busted, things actually work out a lot better, heck, them big boys will spill the good when they think they are in control

                              Remember, you are their to serve!

                              do so with honor and do so with less dignity than you would normally show, it all works out for the best when often, your a super secret subservient agent when undercover.

                              It doesnt matter who people think you are, some think Pappy Boyington is a great pilot from WWII but other remember him as a rebel rouser?

                              Are you a pilot or do you like to stir up the pot and see what happens

                              Until next we speak of hairs and are they a necessary evil of the life we want or need,

                              I am

                              Gramps da Gunners mate
                              Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                              • #75
                                People have said they can't tell when I'm being sincere and when I'm honestly being just smutty.


                                Now looking at Grandpa Troll's description I have to ask him the same question - I don't know when he's just happy from his painkiller meds, or whether we all should be very, very scared of his past!
                                "lol internet" ~ AAHZ

