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The weirdest place to find a hair...

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Alinestra Covelia
    .... or whether we all should be very, very scared of his past!
    Yesterday is dead and gone.
    Live for today.


    • #77
      Originally posted by Alinestra Covelia
      People have said they can't tell when I'm being sincere and when I'm honestly being just smutty.


      Now looking at Grandpa Troll's description I have to ask him the same question - I don't know when he's just happy from his painkiller meds, or whether we all should be very, very scared of his past!

      I could actually come right out from my hiding spot and say

      But rather, I simply enjoy one person fidgeting it in their seat, wondering, why, they are looking at me and what exactly I plan to do next.

      I enjoy exiting stage right only to slowly whisper from behind in ones ear "Are you enjoying the ride"? and then snugging the seat belt a little tighter and whispering to them to hold on

      I must continue with more stories from ones past

      It is like the analogy of the circus mirros

      You walk in and know things will be distorted, but yet you still wanna see how it will look

      I ask what makes you seek a quick gasp of air, a slight bite of your bottom lip followed by a slow circular motion of your tongue as it moistens the outer lip area?

      Does one deny self or does one indulge in release?

      Medicines help calm me, but they also release the hounds from my heart, to go, frolick, run bark, bite and retrieve an audience.

      tell me folks, dare I share more?

      Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


      • #78
        This thread was good before, but now it's officially "Best thread of the year"
        I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


        • #79
          Where does one go for a Frothy Mug of drink?

          Hairs, Hairs and more Hairs.


          Ok, so we know where they come from, and yes, some come from areas in question.

          Wait, why question once you reach the age of experiencing growth in new unchartered regions, its normal and healthy to have hair and yes boys and girls, it is fun playing connect the hair on the hide!

          Actually, determining where a hair may have come from can be not unlike the rituals of a day in the life of a Bobbie or Scotland Yard employee.

          Imagine, you are sitting there, faced across from a suspect or suspicious individual. They are not from the parts you have travelled in until today. No, they have a long face, yes even a somewhat thick neck of which you would find on a fighter, swollen from many beatings, missing an eye, and maybe it should have a patch covering it but you try to not concentrate on it, you instead focus on the one good eye. You take in its size, and wonder why atop this massive individual speciman of humanity, sits a helmet not unlike the German War Machine.

          "Achtung" springs to mind as he take's his coat off and you see beneath his taught skin, he is all business! Muscular and thick across the girth of his shoulder, his darth Vader looking helmet, shiny, polished and mean looking.

          But you are not intimidated, so you are in charge, and he leaps into action as you point out you are in charge.

          He thrusts forward at you and you tighten up as he lands the first attack.

          You know now this is going to be all you have trained for. He assaults you again,he twists and contorts but does not bend.

          His strength and endurance is admirable and appealing. You have heard have these big strong soldiers of the deep. Now you are grappling with all your might. You have never been over taken, no you yourself delve deep into all that your fiber has but he struggles and pushes and with a mighty swing of te sword, unleashes an attack that knocks you on your back, and then he is on top.

          You question what happened to normallcy as he penetrates your defenses or what are left and ashamedly you are in a submission hold as he sticks you clean, blood rushing and pumpiong now as your utter an inaudible scream.

          Your cries are muffled, he is too much and he hold you under the warm stream and the sensation of helplessness has no given way to a desperate measure of survival, not victory but survival. You knwo you will do anything now to come out on the other side.

          Your pride or maybe arrogance cries out as the burning agony of reality repeatedly beats a deafening drum in you head, your throat was dry and raspy but now you are hard pressed to find any breath.

          This is what you have heard of from other soliers mouths but never you!

          You remember looing down upon them and muttering punk, sissy and worthless as those whom have gone before you have struggled but were unable to defend themselves from your onslaught!

          You now feel the surmounting reality as this vile and malicious attacker releases all his energy, leaving you reeling and then your are flooded and overwhelmed, unable to fight but now gasping for a breath as you realize what has happened.

          He stands above and says you were good and tell you he thanks you for the opportunity and hopes he meets me again, yet I know, I will never be the same.

          You see, As a member of the Secret Service, and wanting to be a tough member of the Bobbing Bobbies or Scotland Yard Investigators, I now know, I will look again, even as I struggle to deal with what just happened, I shall eagerly seek my revenge.

          The last words he says will ring in my heart, "I was good"

          Maybe I am, maybe I just need to switch sides from the Gunners mate of the ship to a real Seaman Swabbie!

          I am Gramps "Going For the Gusto"
          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


          • #80
            I wonder how many people know what exactly I was talking about?

            Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


            • #81
              Re: you're not alone

              Originally posted by paul costanza they chuckle at these neurotic posts in their pjs with a cup of non-caffienated tea.


              • #82
                This thread is now up to #2 on the Google results for "tonsil hair".

                Evidently there aren't that many other sources of information out there for this affliction.
                "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Alinestra Covelia
                  This thread is now up to #2 on the Google results for "tonsil hair".

                  Evidently there aren't that many other sources of information out there for this affliction.
                  I know of a few.......
                  Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                  • #84
                    Update: my teeth are fine now. I have a checkup in just a few days to make sure but I'm able to bit bread and chocolates without wincing.

                    The boyfriend, as you might imagine, is ecstatic.
                    "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                    • #85
                      you guys might want to be careful with all the war stories, some people might think they have some good dirt on you now, you never know when those undercover operatives may be ready to strike like a cobra
                      "Life is the only RPG you'll ever play, The religious want to be one with the moderator, the scientists want to hack the game, and the gamers want to do both."


                      • #86
                        It's a bit late for that
                        "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                        • #87
                          AC, I'm suprised that a search for "weird Durham Graduate" doesn't come up with you as the number 1 link.
                          You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                          • #88
                            "beware those of you who may wish to go deep into the bush below the equator, for sometimes there lies nimrod the mighty hunter playing his silent flute" - old ANZAC Kokoda Trail war quote

                            "We remember" - ANZAC DAY 25 April
                            "Life is the only RPG you'll ever play, The religious want to be one with the moderator, the scientists want to hack the game, and the gamers want to do both."


                            • #89
                              [q=MattBowron]"beware those of you who may wish to go deep into the bush below the equator, for sometimes there lies nimrod the mighty hunter playing his silent flute"[/q]

                              That is oh so ****ed up...
                              You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                              • #90
                                most definitely messed up

                                by the way, one of my ancestors was arrested in Durham, Jonathan Bowron, first Bowron sent to Australia, (convicted 1844 for highway robbery)

                                oddly enough to mention is that ANZAC day is on 25th of April to mark the day a legion of British and Australian boats entered a Turkish beach

                                though oddly enough it was the British and the Australians who were ****ed, because bayonets and running men don't do well over machine guns
                                Last edited by MattBowron; April 26, 2008, 21:48.
                                "Life is the only RPG you'll ever play, The religious want to be one with the moderator, the scientists want to hack the game, and the gamers want to do both."

