People were made for this earth but when the environment changes so should our bodies and genetics gives us the tools we need. Our spirits, souls, self awareness or whatever it is that provides the spark will not be altered by altering the double helix imo. Bones that don't decay in space could be one advantage.
It may be that there are space faring civilizations out there that visit us to gather genetic material for the purpose of perfecting themselves, or creating beings of their species able to survive the various environments they encounter. If there is no such space faring civilization then we may well become just such in a million years or ten million. Imagine finding life on an otherwise uninhabited planet that would, by using its dna, allow us to breath methane or amonia, or to withstand terrific gravitational forces.
Perhaps the life forms that survive on volcanic vents in the sea would allow us one day to occupy Venus. Don't change the planet, or change what you can, but change the people.
It may be that there are space faring civilizations out there that visit us to gather genetic material for the purpose of perfecting themselves, or creating beings of their species able to survive the various environments they encounter. If there is no such space faring civilization then we may well become just such in a million years or ten million. Imagine finding life on an otherwise uninhabited planet that would, by using its dna, allow us to breath methane or amonia, or to withstand terrific gravitational forces.
Perhaps the life forms that survive on volcanic vents in the sea would allow us one day to occupy Venus. Don't change the planet, or change what you can, but change the people.