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What is your zombie apocalypse survival plan?

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  • #46
    My plan is very pessimistic, but I think it would work. I have given this thought, clearly. This was my plan for my FOREMER residence, before I recently moved. My new residence does not have anything good nearby. I am in a quasi-urban area with WAY too many people and no good holdouts. I would die and quick, i'd take my own life in whatever painless manner I could.

    My OLD residence though.... whow boy, it was perfect for a zombie apocalype holdout.

    There is a large mostly empty office building within running distance from me. At a dead run, I could make it there in 3 minutes. It is tall, the only way up is a very tall, very narrow staircase with heavy duty doors on every level and 2 old elevators. It is a modest size town in the apilachains, it is not the middle of nowhere but it is FAR FAR from any urban centers and real, remote, uninhabited wilderness is not all that far away.

    When said zombie apocalypse breaks out, I can be ALMOST certain the place will be empty. It is not where most people would think to go in a zombie apocalypse(I think). It is part of a much larger building, but the tower is very tall and mostly empty, except for perhaps 2 dozen people at peak hours mid-day on a work day, out of around 100 offices.

    Haul ass there, try to barricade the stairways and cut the power to the elevator. Try to cordon off as much of the tower as possible, so I have as much free room as possible. I think with no skills I could make a good barricade of the stairs simply by jamming it full of crap office furniture, etc.

    Notice I said bring no supplies? Thats right, I wouldn't. My #1 priority would be to HAUL ASS there, getting there is more important then having any supplies. You might get eaten while trying to get stuff so in my opinion, getting to a safe spot is priority #1, food, water etc, everything else once you get there, is secondary.

    I might be able to find a month or 2 worth of food on "starvation" rations amoung the stuff people left in their offices. There are quite a few vending machines..... in the basement, which is in the zombie zone and not possible to barricade, too many doors. So I'd have to sacrafice that unfortunatley. Depending on zombie status, I might try to put them into the elevator and haul them to the top floors. If that is the case, I have starvation-rations for maybe 4 or 5 months. I mean starvation rations. Food has gotta last. I am a tad(but not very much) overweight. I think on the crap in offices and the vending machines I could last perhaps 4 or 5 months on a starvation diet if I am lucky, the vending machines really could be the difference between life and death.

    Water is a non issue. I can stick anything out a window to collect rain water. It rains at least once a week, regularly. I have ALL the water I need, which is a life saver.

    Also depending on if I have time, I write in big letters near the stairs/elevator, before I barricade them

    "THE ZOMBIES BROKE THROUGH UPSTAIRS!" or some similar message to try to persuade people away.

    I do not want any company or suvivors with me. I might, MIGHT outlive the zombie apocalypse on the little food I have, with even one person, there won't be enough supplies. Lots of professors have their offices in the tower, thats basically all it is, professor offices. *TONS* of reading in there, enough to keep me entertained and not go insane, for a year or more in isolation. The history professors floor in particular has ton and tons of books in every office, history being a passion of mine, quite fortunatley, the history floor is the top floor also, if I have to make a last stand.

    It gets cold there in the winter. Snow might be on the ground for a month solid. There is *PLENTY* to burn and good ventilation, heating won't be an issue, people also leave extra clothes in their offices here, coats etc. It is feasible that the zombies could freeze solid in the winter. They might freeze to death or starve..... the big problem is there might not be any matches or any lighters. If so, I'll be cold, but between a dozen or so coats, I might be allright.

    This is my goal, try to outstarve the zombies in a place where I do not need to go to get supplies. I absolutley will not go out to get supplies under ANY condition. You go out, you might get eaten. You stay inside a good barricade, you might not. Dying of starvation or well, anything else, is far, far, far preferable to being eaten. My #1 goal is not get eaten, surviving long term is secondary to not being eaten.

    The tower also gives me a great view of well, everything for a large radius from the roof. I might also be able to set snares or traps on the roof to catch birds, though I do not know if I could figure it out, I doubt it would work.

    There is also one big advantage to this plan I did not mention. It is a big office tower. If you dive headfirst from the top floor, you WILL die, no doubts about it. Why is this good? I am not being eaten. If somehow all my plans fail, no matter how dire, or I am wasting away from starvation, I can take a swan dive and end it quickly. Having a quick release there is important to me.

    Barring all of that failing, not being able to set any barricades for most of the tower, I can still barricade myself in a *SINGLE* office on the top floor with all the furniture in there. I'll have rainwater so without food I think I could last a week. If the barricade breaks, I can still take a swan dive.

    Find a flaw or a weakness in my plan! I defy you!


    • #47
      Where is our zombie sub-forum?!?!?!
      Founder of The Glory of War, CHAMPIONS OF APOLYTON!!!
      1992-Perot , 1996-Perot , 2000-Bush , 2004-Bush :|, 2008-Obama :|, 2012-Obama , 2016-Clinton , 2020-Biden


      • #48
        Originally posted by Donegeal
        Where is our zombie sub-forum?!?!?!
        It died and then came back to the OT...

