Explained easily the issue is
catholics and orthodox, who separated in 1054, both believe they are the only real church founded by christ 2000 years ago, and that there is only one real church.
Catholics think the theology of the eastern orthodox, their mass, their priests, are 99% ok, that the only defect they have, or the only big one, is not submitting to the bishop of Rome, AKA Pope. So they are schismatics.
There are some former eastern orthodox churches, which became catholic, mainly in orthodox territories which Poland ruled, where everything is done just like in orthodox churches, only they accept the Pope, so their way of worship is seen as an ok way of worship, the same I think happened with the maronites of lebanon, they all accepted papal authority and kept worshipping as before.
The orthodox have an even worse opinion of Catholics, they think they are plain heretics, not schismatics, they have problems with papal infalibillity, original sin as explained by Agustin and the filioque of course.
They also think catholic priests due to being in heresy have lost their "magic powers" to turn bread into Jesus and others.
Catholics believe orthodox still have the "magic powers".
For the orthodox a priest who falls into heresy, even if ordained correctly by a proper priest, loses his "magic powers",
for the catholics, once a priest, always a priest, meaning even if the priest falls into heresy or becomes super evil, serial killers, rapist etc he is still a priest
I think some orthodox even rebaptize catholics who convert to the orthodox church
For the orthodox church, protestants are heretics, who separated from the already heretic catholic church, some even say protestants and catholics have more in common than catholics and orthodox.
For catholics, the orthodox are schismatics, meaning, all they have to do is accept the pope and they can keep their theology and way of worship unchanged, but protestants are heretics, meaning their beliefs are very wrong.
catholics and orthodox, who separated in 1054, both believe they are the only real church founded by christ 2000 years ago, and that there is only one real church.
Catholics think the theology of the eastern orthodox, their mass, their priests, are 99% ok, that the only defect they have, or the only big one, is not submitting to the bishop of Rome, AKA Pope. So they are schismatics.
There are some former eastern orthodox churches, which became catholic, mainly in orthodox territories which Poland ruled, where everything is done just like in orthodox churches, only they accept the Pope, so their way of worship is seen as an ok way of worship, the same I think happened with the maronites of lebanon, they all accepted papal authority and kept worshipping as before.
The orthodox have an even worse opinion of Catholics, they think they are plain heretics, not schismatics, they have problems with papal infalibillity, original sin as explained by Agustin and the filioque of course.
They also think catholic priests due to being in heresy have lost their "magic powers" to turn bread into Jesus and others.
Catholics believe orthodox still have the "magic powers".
For the orthodox a priest who falls into heresy, even if ordained correctly by a proper priest, loses his "magic powers",
for the catholics, once a priest, always a priest, meaning even if the priest falls into heresy or becomes super evil, serial killers, rapist etc he is still a priest
I think some orthodox even rebaptize catholics who convert to the orthodox church
For the orthodox church, protestants are heretics, who separated from the already heretic catholic church, some even say protestants and catholics have more in common than catholics and orthodox.
For catholics, the orthodox are schismatics, meaning, all they have to do is accept the pope and they can keep their theology and way of worship unchanged, but protestants are heretics, meaning their beliefs are very wrong.