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Economy: unemployment in Germany on a 5 year low.

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  • Economy: unemployment in Germany on a 5 year low.

    160,000 new jobs in May. Let the Panzers roll!

    Die Arbeitslosenzahl in Deutschland ist im Mai auf den tiefsten Stand seit fünfeinhalb Jahren gefallen. Da der Winter jedoch so mild war - und damit auch die Erwerbslosenquote geringer war als im Vorjahr - fiel nun der Rückgang weniger stark aus, als erwartet.

    (Also, 730,000 less unemployed than in same month last year)

    The article states what has been driving the news for a few months - the German economy is on a recovery from its past recession, triggered by the NE / Dotcom collapse in 2001. But the side effects of this boom reach further - unemployment is decreasing to degrees even lower than before the last boom.

    While a few years ago some shock horror news reported that we were close to 5 million unemployed, pre-Hitler levels and blah blah, the same experts [] are now assuming we might get down to 3 million within this year.

    Meanwhile, lefties claim the boom only serves the upper class while the small people don't see nuthin of it. Time will tell.

  • #2
    Another reason why I'd like to move to Deutschland.
    Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
    Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!


    • #3
      What? That the boom only serves the rich? Or that we actually have one?

      What are the other reasons?


      • #4
        That there is a boom.

        Other reasons

        The Patriot Act
        Cynical Paranoid Liberal Beliefs
        Germany = pretty
        German = cool
        Merkel > Bush
        Leveling population
        progressive stance on energy efficiency
        The prevalence of notable scientists and philosophers
        Close to CERN
        In Europe
        The Euro
        Beggars don't hassle you
        Good disability services from what I hear

        Reasons not to

        Allegedly the most complicated tax code
        other stuff I'm unaware of
        Last edited by bipolarbear; May 31, 2007, 05:43.
        Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
        Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!


        • #5
          You should live in Berlin for a month and then decide.


          • #6
            Yeah I'm not one to go balls deep without a toe dip first. I was actually thinking of living in a less populated area though. Cities are kinda .

            Is there a reason you suggest Berlin?
            Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
            Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!


            • #7
              It's a cool city to live, for yuppies and hippies as well, though I think it's not so cool for preppies. Anyway, it features music scenes of all sorts, big parks, nice public transport, cool unis, lots of young people. I see you're of a slightly different generation, so it would depend on your culture too. Since personally I'm more of a city dweller, I can't give you advice on less crowded places.


              • #8
                Go to a smaller town in the West. Bamberg is a pretty good choice, and there are tons of towns similar to it.

                Originally posted by bipolarbear
                Merkel > Bush
                Generally yes. Only an ameba would be < or = Bush, and I'm not even sure about that. But Germany has a lowlife like Schäuble, who more than cancels out this advantage.


                • #9
                  Thread title

                  This should have been another installment of "Let the good times roll"


                  • #10
                    No schbäm blies

                    Originally posted by BeBro
                    Thread title

                    This should have been another installment of "Let the good times roll"
                    That's what DanS does. I already quoted it in the OP.

                    What gives, am I fighting off spammers until the economy crowd arrives?


                    • #11
                      Yeah I was generally thinking the West would be better than the East.

                      Ooh, Schauble sounds kind of....icky, at least by a quick wiki check.
                      Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
                      Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Serb:Please, remind me, how exactly and when exactly, Russia bullied its neighbors?
                        Originally posted by Ted Striker:Go Serb !
                        Originally posted by Pekka:If it was possible to capture the essentials of Sepultura in a dildo, I'd attach it to a bicycle and ride it up your azzes.


                        • #13
                          CNN article on it:

                          NUREMBERG, Germany (Reuters) -- German unemployment unexpectedly rose in May to snap a run of 13 consecutive monthly falls but economists said the rise merely marked a pause in the labor market's recovery and further falls should ensue.

                          The adjusted jobless total rose by 3,000 on the month to 3.855 million and the adjusted rate held at 9.2 percent, the Federal Labor Office said on Thursday.

                          The mid-range forecast of 38 economists polled by Reuters was for the adjusted jobless total to decline by 20,000 on the month (ECONDE), and the jobless rate to dip to 9.1 percent.

                          "It is not a major problem, just a temporary effect," said economist Ulrike Kastens at Sal. Oppenheim bank.

                          "We have had some very, very good developments in the last few months. Unemployment will fall significantly in the next few months because of good economic developments and employment will pick up," she added. "Companies are confident."

                          Other recent reports on the German economy, Europe's largest, have been largely positive. Business sentiment held near a post-reunification high this month, a survey by the Ifo economic institute released last week showed.

                          "The upswing in Germany is continuing and remains a support for the lab our market," Labor Office chief Frank-Juergen Weise said in a statement.

                          However, some economists were concerned by a drop of 4,000 in the number of vacancies to 601,000 in adjusted terms.

                          "There is a slight worry in that job vacancies fell again, perhaps a further sign that the employment boom may be losing momentum," said David Brown at Bear Stearns International.

                          "This is something that the ECB must pay very careful attention to, a reminder that it cannot keep raising rates with impunity," he said.

                          The European Central Bank is widely expected to raise its benchmark rate a quarter percentage point to 4.0 percent next week. But most analysts say rates would have to head even higher for ECB policy to rein in growth and restrict inflation.


                          • #14
                            SPON article on,1518,485892,00.html

                            Bundesagentur meldet zu geringe Arbeitslosenzahlen

                            Die offiziellen Arbeitsmarktdaten der vergangenen Monate waren falsch. Knapp 40.000 Arbeitslose sind nicht in die Statistik eingeflossen, gab die Bundesagentur für Arbeit heute zu. Ein ganzer Datensatz war einfach verloren gegangen.

                            Nürnberg - Zwischen der amtlichen Statistik und der tatsächlichen Arbeitslosenzahl gab es eine Differenz, sagte der Vorstandsvorsitzende der Bundesagentur für Arbeit, Frank-Jürgen Weise, heute in Nürnberg bei der Vorstellung der aktuellen Zahlen (mehr...). Wegen einer Panne bei der Datenübertragung habe die Bundesagentur monatelang zu niedrige Arbeitslosenzahlen gemeldet.

                            Angefangen hat alles mit einem Fehler im Dezember 2006. Nach Angaben Weises waren damals knapp 40.000 erfasste Arbeitslose nicht in die Arbeitsmarktstatistik eingeflossen. "Ein ganzer Datensatz ist nicht verarbeitet worden", sagte er. Besonders pikant: Das in solchen Fällen automatisch erstellte Fehlerprotokoll blieb von den Mitarbeitern der Bundesagentur unbeachtet liegen.

                            Die Statistik vom Januar weist dadurch beispielsweise 37.500 weniger Erwerbslose aus, als es tatsächlich gab. Die Differenz zwischen der amtlichen Statistik und der tatsächlichen Arbeitslosenzahl habe sich allerdings in den darauf folgenden Monaten nach und nach verringert und betrage im Mai nur noch 6000, sagte Weise. Der Grund sei, dass viele der nicht erfassten Jobsucher inzwischen eine Stelle gefunden hätten.

                            "Die Differenz in der Arbeitslosenstatistik ändert aber nichts an unserer generellen Arbeitsmarkteinschätzung und dem Trend", sagte Weise. Die amtliche Statistik werde nun nachträglich korrigiert. Außerdem werde künftig bei auftauchenden Fehlermeldungen die Verarbeitung von Arbeitslosendaten sofort gestoppt.

                            Weise zufolge deckte erst eine Plausibilitätskontrolle im April die Statistik-Lücke auf. Es sei aufgefallen, dass sich erfolgreiche Jobsucher bei den Arbeitsagenturen abgemeldet hätten, die statistisch gar nicht erfasst waren.

                            (learn German )

                            Never trust a statistics you didn't forge yourself. Let the heads of some dumbasses roll.

                            (I know, I know... it's still lower than it used to be...)


                            • #15

