Originally posted by rah
So as far as I'm concerned people that are over reacting to this really are just using it as another excuse to bash the administration.
So as far as I'm concerned people that are over reacting to this really are just using it as another excuse to bash the administration.
Or, lets go back a bit further and remember Iraq "having enough oil to pay for their own reconstruction" (i.e. we'll take their oil and give contracts to our buddies), and becoming "a beacon of democracy" in the mideast?
It would be nice, especially for those who are still members of Bushie's Bootlicker Brigade, if this was just a case of propaganda during wartime, as opposed to just one more piece of a systemic pattern of playing so fast and loose with reality that it's not clear that our fearless leaders having a ****ing clue what's going on, or what they're even doing.
I highly doubt (in fact I'd be shocked) that making up this crap about Lynch and Tillman happened anywhere near Rumsfeld's level, or that it was directed from anywhere near that level. It just sounded good to work with, and put out to the public, so it was worked and pushed out, and the BBB (see above) did their part in pushing it out without question.
If we were anywhere near success in Iraq or Afghanistan, it'd be a trivial footnote, but administration incompetence has us heavily committed in two long-running wars against enemies who are far from defeated, with no clear success in sight, and quite likely, no clear success possible after this much ****ing up.
IMO it's not a "propaganda" issue, it's an issue of "have these dumb bastards ever had the slightest idea what's going on or the slightest ability to competently execute anything?"
I think most of the emotional reaction is wonder at if there's an end or limit to the stupidity of this administration (at least in its original form - Gates is probably 1000 times better as SecDef than Rummy), and if so, where is the limit?
(We know when, thank God, only 635 days to go!