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  • Originally posted by b etor
    b etor is dreadful with relationships and will probably never get married.
    How can you possibly extrapolate your so-called "relationship" attempts at 15 to your prospects as a young adult? By the time you're that old you won't even recognize the person you are now. And that's assuming the road you're racing down now doesn't lead to slitting your wrists in a bathtub before getting a chance at adulthood.

    Why take the risk of changing "probably" to almost certainly? As MRT said, your very perceptions of men and relationships will be irrevocably altered by choices made at your age.
    Last edited by Darius871; March 26, 2007, 19:12.


    • Originally posted by Elok

      Huh, how'd I miss that? He's right, Spiff, we don't call it a morning-after pill. RU-486 is a straightforward abortion drug, or rather a combination of two pills taken one after the other. What we call the morning-after pill is just a megadose of birth control used as a last-ditch defense against impregnation. It can prevent the implantation of a fertilized embryo, hence the controversy over it in pro-life regions/Wal-Marts, but will not cause a miscarriage/abortion if the embryo's implanted.

      Dis: Has anybody said they're okay with guys using girls for sex so far in this thread? I didn't see it if so, all I saw was the (true) statement that it happens.
      thanks for the correction
      "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
      "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
      "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


      • Originally posted by Darius871

        How can you possibly extrapolate your so-called "relationship" attempts at 15 to your prospects as a young adult? By the time you're that old you won't even recognize the person you are now. And that's assuming the road you're racing down now doesn't lead to slitting your wrists in a bathtub before getting a chance at adulthood.

        Why take the risk of changing "probably" to almost certainly? As MRT said, your very perceptions of men and relationships will be irrevocably altered by choices made at your age.
        i was reffering to all relationships. with anyone. i fail. i have a ton of friends, but i don't care for most of them. or i'll just not return their calls because i dont feel like it.
        there was no bathtub involved.

        b etor IS psycho. and you have all been contaminated


        • Originally posted by b etor
          i was reffering to all relationships. with anyone. i fail. i have a ton of friends, but i don't care for most of them. or i'll just not return their calls because i dont feel like it.
          Again, what does this have to do with 26-year-old b etor? How do you know what she'll be like?

          And did you ever consider just buying a damn vibrator? I guarantee it'll be at least five times better than the 1-minute joke the punks at your school can manage, and without any of the psychological baggage to boot.


          • Originally posted by Darius871
            How can you possibly extrapolate your so-called "relationship" attempts at 15 to your prospects as a young adult? By the time you're that old you won't even recognize the person you are now. That's assuming the road you're racing down now doesn't lead to slitting your wrists in a bathtub before getting a chance at adulthood.
            Whoa! Aren't you getting a little carried away? I agree that in five or ten years she'll probably be rolling her eyes at the way she thinks and acts now (I prefer not to think of what a douche I was at fifteen). And I admit I have no sexual experience. But all she's said is that she's sexually quite active and that her parents are living in Jesus Camp rather than reality. Those two factoids put together are rather troubling, but suicide? Tons of fifteen-year-old boys hump like bunnies, and I don't think they're all boning older women. Are you implying that there are that many seriously messed up chicks out there, or is it a case of every dozen sexually hyperactive boys passing around only three sexually hyperactive girls?

            Spiff: You're welcome. Was it a simple mistranslation, or were you getting RU mixed up with what we call the MAP? I'm wondering, because of what you said about the factories; I can't believe such a tempting terrorist target could be protected just by moving it overseas.
            1011 1100
            Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


            • Originally posted by Elok
              Spiff: You're welcome. Was it a simple mistranslation, or were you getting RU mixed up with what we call the MAP? I'm wondering, because of what you said about the factories; I can't believe such a tempting terrorist target could be protected just by moving it overseas.
              Actually, I really confused the two
              "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
              "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
              "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


              • Originally posted by Darius871

                Again, what does this have to do with 26-year-old b etor? How do you know what she'll be like?

                And did you ever consider just buying a damn vibrator? I guarantee it'll be at least five times better than the 1-minute joke the punks at your school can manage, and without any of the psychological baggage to boot.
                i have no idea. she'll probably be alive.

                because vibrators are so easy to come by... besides, that takes most of the fun out of it.
                people at my school are gross. i'd never do anything with any of them, except like 2. but i wont, because they go to my school.


                • Originally posted by b etor

                  b etor is dreadful with relationships and will probably never get married.
                  practice makes perfect. or something like that.

                  I don't have room to talk. I have given up on relationships.


                  • Originally posted by Elok
                    Whoa! Aren't you getting a little carried away? I agree that in five or ten years she'll probably be rolling her eyes at the way she thinks and acts now (I prefer not to think of what a douche I was at fifteen). And I admit I have no sexual experience. But all she's said is that she's sexually quite active and that her parents are living in Jesus Camp rather than reality. Those two factoids put together are rather troubling, but suicide?
                    I wouldn't say suicide is very likely, but it's a safe bet that any 15 year old lifting her skirts for any mouth-breathing schmuck with a pulse is going to accumulate very distorted perceptions about men and sex, and this will seriously diminish the potential for healthy relationships in adulthood. I thought that was just common sense.

                    There's no guarantee that this would mess with her head enough to cause serious depression and self-destructive urges, but I've seen enough examples in my time to think it's possibility worth considering.

                    Originally posted by Elok
                    Tons of fifteen-year-old boys hump like bunnies, and I don't think they're all boning older women. Are you implying that there are that many seriously messed up chicks out there, or is it a case of every dozen sexually hyperactive boys passing around only three sexually hyperactive girls?
                    Bingo. The guys identify a few easy lays and pass em around like doobies. At least that's what it was like in my highschool, and I can't imagine things are very different elsewhere.


                    • Originally posted by Darius871

                      And did you ever consider just buying a damn vibrator? I guarantee it'll be at least five times better than the 1-minute joke the punks at your school can manage, and without any of the psychological baggage to boot.
                      What about she have sex with OLDER guys?? That could also be better than the 1 minute efforts of her punks at school.

                      Dateline here I come
                      You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                      • Originally posted by Darius871

                        I wouldn't say suicide is very likely, but it's a safe bet that any 15 year old lifting her skirts for any mouth-breathing schmuck with a pulse is going to accumulate very distorted perceptions about men and sex, and this will seriously diminish the potential for healthy relationships in adulthood. I thought that was just common sense.

                        There's no guarantee that this would mess with her head enough to cause serious depression and self-destructive urges, but I've seen enough examples to think it a possibility worth considering.
                        not likely, but it's been attempted. that's why i was gone for like a week or 2 in january.
                        b etor has been depressed all her life. it is not the result of sex.
                        also she would NOT lift her skirt for "any mouth-breathing schmuck". she has very high standards.


                        • Originally posted by Darius871

                          Bingo. The guys identify a few easy lays and pass em around like doobies. At least that's what it was like in my highschool, and I can't imagine things are very different elsewhere.
                          Ditto. The "passing around" was sometimes pretty literal with some intoxicated young things at parties. I recall a couple of girls that seemed to pride themselves on doing the basketball team or the hockey team or whatever

                          The few very promiscious girls had way more sex than even the most active of the boys
                          You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                          • Originally posted by b etor
                            because vibrators are so easy to come by... besides, that takes most of the fun out of it.
                            people at my school are gross. i'd never do anything with any of them, except like 2. but i wont, because they go to my school.
                            Have you ever tried a vibrator? "Try them, try them, and you may--try them and you may, I say." And I don't see why you can't order one online from Amazon or eBay or somewhere else like that, along with a pile of innocuous books. Do your parents inspect your online purchases and such, or do they respect your privacy that much?

                            Come to think of it, I'm not sure that even the handle of a hairbrush wouldn't be more effective than a teenaged boy, though you'll have to ask an, ah, experienced woman to know.
                            1011 1100
                            Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


                            • while sex is fun, so is Scrabble, A Prairie Home Companion, and White Russians on a Sunday afternoon. Take a look as to why sex (and all of those other things) is more fun than masturbation and its the human element. It's the connection and the feeling(s) with the other person. Which is great when you are mature and stable enough (job, eduaction, network of friends/family) to handle consequences of the actions.

                              having sex for the sake of getting off is well and good, but that really becomes a sustainable, mutually beneficial action, when both people involved are able to handle the bad things that can happen.

                              at 15, I dare say no one, nor anyone who would have sex with a 15 year old are at that point.
                              "I hope I get to punch you in the face one day" - MRT144, Imran Siddiqui
                              'I'm fairly certain that a ban on me punching you in the face is not a "right" worth respecting." - loinburger


                              • Originally posted by b etor

                                b etor has been depressed all her life. it is not the result of sex.
                                No but the sex might be a result of the depression as you look for something "exciting" to brighten things up and some people, both men and women seek validation of themselves as attractive and desirable through sex.

                                Or the foregoing could all be psychobabble and people have sex since having things rubbed right , feels good
                                You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo

