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Happy Putin!

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  • Originally posted by Julian Delphiki
    And for that the newspaper which published it was closed down?
    Of course not.
    Joking doesn't pay in Russia.
    Bullsh!ting about Russia surely paid well in your western brainwashing media, 'cause you (a reader)seem to swallow any crap about Russia.


    • Reliable as ever.

      grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

      The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


      • Putin Denies Reports of Divorce; Newspaper Suspended

        Interfax reported Friday evening that publication of Moskovsky Korrespondent had been suspended "for financial reasons," according to its parent company, National Media Company.


        • Originally posted by Julian Delphiki

          Putin Denies Reports of Divorce; Newspaper Suspended

          Do you understand the difference between the publication of Moskovsky Korrespondent had been suspended “for financial reasons,” and the newspaper which published it was closed down ?

          Personally I think that they just made it up that publication was suspended. It's BS, 'cause otherwise how could anyone know about this publication if the publication was suspended?


          • After denying the article’s contents, Mr. Putin softened a bit and remarked that Moskovsky Korrespondent was not the first to speculate on his personal life. “In other such publications other successful, beautiful young women and girls have been mentioned,” he said with a smile...
            “Society has the right to know how public figures live,” he said. “But even in this case, there is a limit: private life, which no one has the right to trespass. He added, in familiar form, “I have always disliked those who, with their infected noses and erotic fantasies, break into other people’s private affairs.””
            Yellow press

            But even the owner of the newspaper, Aleksandr Lebedev, distanced himself from it.

            “I do not like when journalists pull sensations out of thin air,” he wrote. “Everything that is written there falls into this category.”

            He called the report “nonsense” and said it was based on a source he described as the “O.B.S. news agency.” Those initials, he said, stood for “one babushka said.”
            In Russian the abbreviation "OBS" means "pure bullsh!t".


            • Originally posted by Serb
              Bullsh!ting about Russia surely paid well in your western brainwashing media, 'cause you (a reader)seem to swallow any crap about Russia.
              Ignorance truly is bliss

              The eXiled: We’re Back, And We’re Very Pissed Off
              By Mark Ames

              The eXiled Coat of Arms Is Back With A Vengeance

              One month ago, our newspaper The eXile got stomped into extinction by some ham-fisted Russian government officials, who decided that since there’s a new president in the Kremlin who’s talking up some nonsense about a new “liberal era,” what better way to show your boss that you understand what he means by “liberal”—with a big wink-wink—than to shut down the only good thing that Russia ever had going for it.

              On June 5, four officials from the Ministry to Defend Russian Culture—one of whom was an FSB lawyer seconded out to ministry—arrived at our radon-poisoned basement office in Chisty Prudy to carry out an “unplanned [ie: ordered] audit” of The eXile’s articles. As the head of the Glasnost Defense Fund NGO told us, we were the first and still only Moscow newspaper to ever be subjected to an “unplanned audit” of our editorial content. What a ****ing honor it was.

              They came exactly on time, 11am—just like Stalin’s proverbial trains. There they were, all fitted out in their crusty retro-Soviet outfits, subjecting us to a three-hour interrogation about Edward Limonov and the Recession Penis and why did we write the things we write and why do we mock and insult Russia’s great culture and great traditions… The officials were surprisingly polite and by-the-books during the audit, but that didn’t matter, because they still scared the **** out of anyone with an understanding of Russia’s past and present. The Ministry to Defend Russian Culture (since renamed the “Federal Agency for Media and Communications”) is merely the least scary ministry in the extremely-scary Russian state apparatus—so saying that the RosOkhranKultury wasn’t all that scary is like saying that the eyeball-like pits on the sides of a Flecker’s Box Jellyfish’s bell aren’t all that scary compared to its 60 deadly tentacles—which pack the most toxic venom in planet earth’s seas. The slightest contact with one of the box jellyfish’s 10-foot-long tentacles, and you’d wish that you could trade places with one of Mengele’s victims: the box jellyfish’s venom literally sizzles through your flesh like Alien blood, eating its way into your blood vessels, racing through your circulation system like a burning gunpowder fuse, until finally the venom reaches your vital organs and napalms the entire ****ing thing like it’s a Vietnamese village, turning your organs into a pot of boiling jelly, and transforming you—brave, chin-up little you—into a screaming, gargling, blood-puking freak—a one-note freak, to be precise—that note being: “PLEASE SOMEONE ****ING KILL ME NOW! AGGGHHHH!!!!”

              So when the four Russian government officials finally left our offices, and we realized we weren’t dead or in jail, at first we were kinda relieved, like, “Hey, we bumped into a Flecker’s Box Jellyfish and all we touched were its slit-eyes, and you know, there’s more to that creature than venom and tentacles.” But then a few hours later we came to our senses and realized, “Um, wait a minute—as a matter of fact, there isn’t much more to that creature than venom and tentacles.” And speaking of venomous tentacles, a Duma deputy (and former Nashi spokesman) Robert Schlegel went on Govorit Moskva radio a few days after the audit and announced, “I don’t have to read The eXile to understand that it is guilty of extremism.”

              It was time to get out of the venomous-vermin-infested waters. We’d been spotted by the jellyfish’s eye-like pits. The Flecker’s Box Jellyfish doesn’t have a brain, but it does have four “nerve-nets” connecting the eye-pits to the tentacles. Only a fool would stick around to see how the Flecker’s Box Jellyfish, or its human variant “the Russian government,” will react after it takes a stack of eXile articles for “analysis,” articles which contain lines like “Russian Government is bloody beast eating human flesh” and we “fart in Russia’s face” and “urinate into the president’s mouth.” How does a jellyfish’s nerve-net read lines like that? Does it get angry and want to thrash its venomous tentacles around? Since we don’t want to be the subject of some future Werner Herzog documentary called “Flecker’s Box Jellyfish Man,” we decided to respect Mother Nature and leave the venomous jellyfish to their brainless floating-death world, while we’ll go back to ours. Flee: it’s what our investors did when they pulled a David Copperfield disappearing act on us a week before the auditors rolled into our office…and that’s what we did after the Russian government’s highly-unusual audit of our paper.

              And that’s how The eXile died: just as it was born: in sin and in epic glory. We were never like the others: the fake-alternative, fake-angry papers. That’s why our spectacular death has pissed off so many people who never had the nerve to go where we went, and who always wanted to see us snuffed out—quietly, without a fuss. We lived out our name as we lived out everything else. We’re now in true eXile, just as we’d announced from the beginning 11 years ago—and that is why we’ve named the new online webzine that we’re launching today “The eXiled.” It’s now an accomplished fact.

              But our job isn’t done. We’ve got a lot of bile yet to be pumped, a lot of unfinished business—and thanks to our readers, we’ve got a little pot of money to fuel our insurgency against what we can only describe as “the ****s.” You know who we’re talking about here.

              How will “The eXiled” differ from our now-abandoned Mother Ship, the USS eXile? For starters, we’ve pulled out of Russia for good—we’re not going to stick around there and see what the ministry experts think of our literary golden shower into Medvedev’s mouth. Like the pro-Chechen site, we’ve moved our servers out of Russia and to a secure location that’s more appropriate. Which in our case means that we’ve moved our operations to Panama.

              Yes, Panama. Just because we like the sound of it. Fact is, Russia just ain’t fun anymore. We’re bored of all the overpriced low-quality nonsense that governs every aspect of that birch-infested bog. We’ve moved to somewhere a little nicer, where we can exchange our mud-stained parkas and boots for loose-fitting short-sleeved Hawaiian shirts, and where we no longer get harangued into “bonding” with the locals via their filthy peasant drug alcohol, because we can bond with Pedro and Manuel via their clean pure white rock cocaine, a far superior and more noble substance. I mean, everyone in Panama smiles all the time! A cynic might say “That’s because they’re ****ing cokeheads!” to which we could only reply, “Cynic!” Unless we’re on coke, in which case we’d answer, “Haha! Yeah, you’re totally right. In fact, I never thought of that before…”

              So, what do you folks out there in reader-land have to look forward to here? Death. But before you die, we at The eXiled will be there to hold your hand and make sure your last days and months on this planet of ours really, really hurt. We’re the doctor who refuses to give you morphine for that tumor eating its way through your pancreas, telling you, “We don’t think it’s right for you to cop out and get high simply because you’re in excruciating pain day and night, and you’ll continue to shriek in pain until you finally die from shock in about four months, which is really three months and twenty-nine days more than any living creature could possibly bear. So, suck it up, you nation of whiners you!”

              What sort of pain-enhancing medicine are we at The eXiled prescribing you? All of your favorites from The eXile, and more. With one big difference: instead of being Russia-centric, we’re going to be as unabashedly America-centric as we’ve always bashedly been. **** Russia—we’re tired of working out on the second-stringers.

              While the focus is shifting, The eXiled staff is essentially the same. The eXiled’s editorial junta consists of: Mark Ames, Yasha Levine, eXile guru Dr. John Dolan, and our latest and bestest addition to our Evil Justice League, Eileen Jones. Most of the contributors will be with us too, starting with Gary Brecher who’ll publish two “War Nerd” columns per month at The eXiled. Reviews and rants—Dr. Dolan’s literary reviews, Ms. Jones’ film reviews, and so on—will be classified under our new “Fatwahs” section. Yasha Levine will be our special undercover Evil Empire correspondent, (thankfully the Russian government’s pit-eye hasn’t trained its nerve-net on Mr. Levine yet). For all of you wondering what happened to Vlad Kalashnikov, so far it looks like he’s agreed to come back again, starting to write for us next week. (Did you hear that, Daniel Allen?) We’ll also have a new feature called “The eXiled Factor,” whereby The eXiled’s editorial junta will conduct a kind of topical McLaughlin Group pundit-riffing.

              And just so you know, there will be NO open commentary allowed to readers. That is the first fatwah of The eXiled. You will send letters to and you will take what we give you and be happy with it. We used to be patient and reasonable people until our paper was shut down. We saw things in people close to us that…well, we’ll never be reasonable to anyone ever again. It’s war from here on out.

              You can contact Mark at
              Originally posted by Serb:Please, remind me, how exactly and when exactly, Russia bullied its neighbors?
              Originally posted by Ted Striker:Go Serb !
              Originally posted by Pekka:If it was possible to capture the essentials of Sepultura in a dildo, I'd attach it to a bicycle and ride it up your azzes.


              • Oh Serb had responded, i hadn't noticed.

                How weird that these news and financial worries happened around same time - what are the odds of that happening?

                Propaganda of west

                Free Russia


                • Shutting down The eXile
                  They were the only paper worth reading.
                  Graffiti in a public toilet
                  Do not require skill or wit
                  Among the **** we all are poets
                  Among the poets we are ****.


                  • Originally posted by onodera
                    Shutting down The eXile
                    They were the only paper worth reading.
                    QFT. Ames' whore (and his own flaccidity) stories are brilliant.
                    Originally posted by Serb:Please, remind me, how exactly and when exactly, Russia bullied its neighbors?
                    Originally posted by Ted Striker:Go Serb !
                    Originally posted by Pekka:If it was possible to capture the essentials of Sepultura in a dildo, I'd attach it to a bicycle and ride it up your azzes.


                    • Originally posted by Saras
                      Ignorance truly is bliss
                      Sometimes it is.
                      I wasn't aware about existance of this paper and never read it. So my ignorance about that was really a bliss.

                      The Weekly World eXile published in English in Russia and other CIS countries posted an interview under the headline: “Pavel Bure. Horrifying news: Anna Kournikova has got two vaginas.” This became a reason for the hockey player to appeal to court... The court declared that information published contradicted reality and insulted Pavel Bure. The unhappy joke cost the newspaper 500,000 rubles. Moreover, the newspaper is obliged to publish a refutation to the article within thirty days.

                      Full story:
                      The Weekly World eXile published in English in Russia and other CIS countries posted an interview under the headline: “Pavel Bure. Horrifying news: Anna Kou...

                      The Moscow Times writes that "The eXile, which publishes Gonzo-style journalism on topics such as drugs, prostitution and Moscow nightlife side-by-side with political analysis, has often pushed the limits of decency -- not to mention libel law."

                      Articles published in the eXile have focused both on Moscow- and Russia-related topics, as well as issues of more general interest... "The 90's in Moscow were a great time," Ames told the New York Observer, "like what they say about the 20's in Paris or the early 30's in Berlin. It was completely hedonistic and nihilistic and full of crime....A lot of [Taibbi's] prose was written on smack and a lot of mine was written on speed....We wrote a whole bunch of editorials about the size of Putin's penis."

                      And this, however, is a pure gem:

                      "Former editor Matt Taibbi has said that operating a periodical in Russia was much easier without the burden of American libel laws. Similarly, Ames asserted in his article “Democracy Sucks” that “we'd be sued out of existence within a few weeks of appearing in any Western democracy, but here in Russia, in the so-called kleptocracy, the power elite has been too busy stealing and killing to give a **** about us, allowing us to fly around the capital beneath their radar, like a cruise missile. A real democracy would never let us get off the ground.”

                      In a July 2004, an eXile article entitled "We Dunnit! the eXile Prank Hits Halls Of Domer" claimed authorship of the "Kiriyenko letter", a forged document purportedly from five U.S. Republican Congressmen which expressed concern over Russia's "democratic transition," and accused former Russian Prime Minister Sergei Kiriyenko of stealing IMF funds. After claiming to have forged the letter, Ames was condemned by U.S. Representative Henry Bonilla (R-TX), who demanded that Ames be "prosecuted" and "punished" for forgery. Some US media outlets also believed that the eXile had sent the letter. After the letter was printed verbatim by Novaya Gazeta, both it and the eXile's claim of responsibility were covered by Russian news media. Kiriyenko won a libel suit against Novaya Gazetta on the grounds that the paper had not fact-checked properly.

                      "The eXile" regularly publishes columns by the politician, Russian dissident, and avant garde writer Eduard Limonov. Limonov is the founder and leader of Russia’s banned National Bolshevik Party


                      So, hell yeah, my ignorance about existance of this stinking piece of BS was a bliss, because

                      In October 2006, co-editor Jake Rudnitsky summarized the eXile's editorial policy to The Independent: "We sh!t on everybody equally."

                      I don't like papers which sh!t on all other people (including its own readers, I assume).

                      p.s. And seeing how you in your anti-Putin paranoia defend Limonov and his nazis is just -

                      The eXile's regular columnist Eduard Limonov's boys:

                      Last edited by Serb; July 21, 2008, 04:48.


                      • Originally posted by Julian Delphiki
                        Oh Serb had responded, i hadn't noticed.

                        How weird that these news and financial worries happened around same time - what are the odds of that happening?

                        Propaganda of west
                        Those news are BS. Nobody closed that paper.

                        Free Russia
                        Russia is already free.
                        Just mind your own bussines and stop lecturing us how we should live. If you didn't get it, that was a polite term for "**** off". I don't mean you personally, I mean your media. The West should really **** off from Russia. Go bomb... build democracy in another Iraq or something.


                        • It's a pity you didn't like The eXile, Serb. It balanced the heaploads of crap from Vesti. And I just skipped Limonov's columns, so he didn't worry me at all.
                          Graffiti in a public toilet
                          Do not require skill or wit
                          Among the **** we all are poets
                          Among the poets we are ****.


                          • A: This thread is still open?

                            B: Solver drove Lord Shiva away!
                            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                            • One more happy putin for LS

                              (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.

