by kid...
I didn't say it is racism. God damn, are you going to put up and honest discussion or not! They are different just like races are different, and some people don't like people who are different.
I didn't say it is racism. God damn, are you going to put up and honest discussion or not! They are different just like races are different, and some people don't like people who are different.
ALSO by kid...earlier...
Why are you saying that this isn't like racism?
Why are you saying that this isn't like racism?
care to rephrase your last statement kid? backtracking the flamboyant point youve been trying to make for 2 days wont work now...
race: group of humans: any one of the groups into which the world’s population can be divided on the basis of physical characteristics such as skin or hair color
the youth group is NOT a race kid. comparing this to the civil rights movement is unfair. yes they are different but
PLEASE dont play the race card here.