I was born and raised in Christchurch, New Zealand, my parents were semi-hippie's when I was born, entering the world at 1979.
My childhood life has been very good, very well balanced. My mum (mom) took care of me left right and center and my Dad and relatives taught me great insights of the world. When I was 5, Dad presented to me Superman, which of course, awed me, watching those movies, reading those comics, jaw-dropping stuff. Superman is, who I wanted to be.
Anyway, on to the real point of this thread; I have, throughout my life, been mostly a good person and have not done anything a Christian would claim to be sinful and I have maintained that up until about 3 months ago. I'm losing it, losing my ability to be good-hearted. I'm failing, the world is getting too tough, the instincts are getting too needy and I don't recognise myself when I look in the mirror anymore.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not depressed, I am more confident than I have ever been - thanks to experiencing things I have avoided my entire life. Sure, it's great to have that experience, but the baggage of knowing I have done things I did not want to do is heavy to carry.
One problem is, I am getting worse as days go by, I am relaxing into this new world of "anything goes", I fear that I will lose what is good about me, and become what I don't want to become. Is all of this a necessary evil? Can I stop what I am doing, and go back to who I was and still continue to succeed, still continue to be confident and be happy with my humble life that I had not long ago?
Anyone else here experienced these phases?
My childhood life has been very good, very well balanced. My mum (mom) took care of me left right and center and my Dad and relatives taught me great insights of the world. When I was 5, Dad presented to me Superman, which of course, awed me, watching those movies, reading those comics, jaw-dropping stuff. Superman is, who I wanted to be.
Anyway, on to the real point of this thread; I have, throughout my life, been mostly a good person and have not done anything a Christian would claim to be sinful and I have maintained that up until about 3 months ago. I'm losing it, losing my ability to be good-hearted. I'm failing, the world is getting too tough, the instincts are getting too needy and I don't recognise myself when I look in the mirror anymore.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not depressed, I am more confident than I have ever been - thanks to experiencing things I have avoided my entire life. Sure, it's great to have that experience, but the baggage of knowing I have done things I did not want to do is heavy to carry.
One problem is, I am getting worse as days go by, I am relaxing into this new world of "anything goes", I fear that I will lose what is good about me, and become what I don't want to become. Is all of this a necessary evil? Can I stop what I am doing, and go back to who I was and still continue to succeed, still continue to be confident and be happy with my humble life that I had not long ago?
Anyone else here experienced these phases?