Originally posted by Flip McWho
Religions fundamentally about politics. It's about structuring society, or was till it became individualised.
Religions fundamentally about politics. It's about structuring society, or was till it became individualised.
I rather think of the beginnings of christianity, i.e. the original teachings of Jesus (or more exactly, what christians believe to be the original teachings of Jesus, i.e. those things written within the new testimony).
They seemed to strictly separate worldly matters from spritual matters (for example the teaching about giving the emeror what belongs to the emperor and god what belongs to god). And (in the beginning) you didn´t have any hierarchy yet (at least as far as I remember from the new testimony)
Only later the christian church began became to establish itself (and its followers weren´t persecuted anymore) you saw the church becoming a mighty political power (with political organisations like the catholic church which developed to some kind of state during the medieval ages with a strict hierarchy.
But IMHO these organizations don´t have anything to do with the basic principles of christian faith (i.e. the absolute christian ideals), but are rather something into which the christian faith mutated after millenia.