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Gay events, lack of logic IMO. explain this to me.

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  • don't blow the normal out of proportion. Normal just means like a majority of the population. It would be foolish to say gay people are a majority of the population.


    • I predict a scandal in which a heterosexual athlete joins the Gay Olympics pretending to be gay because he could win a gold medal while he couldn't in regular Olympics. Then somehow he get busted after he wins the medal
      Who is Barinthus?


      • Originally posted by Barinthus
        I predict a scandal in which a heterosexual athlete joins the Gay Olympics pretending to be gay because he could win a gold medal while he couldn't in regular Olympics. Then somehow he get busted after he wins the medal
        a lapsed gay, perhaps


        • One other thing -- there are gays who want many of the same things that many straight people want. Many gays, for instance, would like to belong to a community church, synogue, mosque, or what have you, while positively affirming part of who they are (gay).
          See the thing here I don't get is how do gays reconcile with the church when the message from there is gayness is plain wrong? How can you go to something that states that a part of who you are is gonna send you to hell. Unless of course its a totally different intrepretation of the book which again doesn't make much sense to me as as far as I can gather being against gayness is kinda apart of the book.


          • Great -- nice to see that you buy into the same hypocrisy and ignorance that Spec does.

            Yep. I sure do!

            And I'll be quick to point out that I'm an equal opportunity guy when it comes to finding such things rediculous.

            I see little value in gay pride parades, just as I see little value in having a "Miss Black USA" pagent.

            I'm a Celt, be descent.

            The Celts, while they did have their day in the sun in centuries past, have had a long history of bloody persecution that makes the "persecution" the gay community has felt seem rather akin to a Sunday picnic.

            This, however, has not prompted me to form a Celtic Pride activist group, or participate in Celtic Pride marches to celebrate our differences.

            If there were such a group (and frankly, I don't know if there is or's not something I have any interest in either way), I would regard it as being just as silly as the other two examples I mentioned above.


            The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


            • Yeah I personally can't see how having a gay pride parade does much for the gay cause.

              I don't remember any blacks or woman having parades. Unless you wanna include protests and riots but they're not really parades.

              Though there is much to be said about comparing gay parade events to st paddy day events and the like.

              The gay olympics is stupid because it assumes that gays aren't equal in sports to the rest of humanity which seems to contradict the gays message of acceptance.
              Also bleating about gays sports people being prosecuted and what not is a fault within the system, just like gays being bullied at school, yet you don't see gay only schools popping up do you.


              • Though there is much to be said about comparing gay parade events to st paddy day events and the like.

                See, the reason I disagree here is that Gay Pride Parades carry an implied (and often, and implicit) political message.

                I've never yet been to a St. Patty's Day street party where groups of people of Irish Descent were protesting their centuries of abuse over in Europe, or bemoaning their plight.

                Mostly, it's about wearing green and being drunk in public.

                Markedly different from what you see at the Gay Pride marches.

                The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                • Originally posted by Velociryx
                  The Celts, while they did have their day in the sun in centuries past, have had a long history of bloody persecution that makes the "persecution" the gay community has felt seem rather akin to a Sunday picnic.
                  I admitedly don't have specific knowledge of Celt persecution through the ages, but I doubt that.


                  • Whoa! OTBOT rules!

                    edit: I see some mr_G influence in this OTBOT.
                    Last edited by Richelieu; April 5, 2006, 07:55.


                    • Velociryx,

                      But, kind sir, we do have "Celtic Pride" stuff. They're called Highland Games.

                      Who is Barinthus?


                      • Originally posted by Barinthus
                        I predict a scandal in which a heterosexual athlete joins the Gay Olympics pretending to be gay because he could win a gold medal while he couldn't in regular Olympics. Then somehow he get busted after he wins the medal
                        Nothing a good testing regimen won't fail to put a stop to.
                        He's got the Midas touch.
                        But he touched it too much!
                        Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


                        • good one, Sikander!
                          Who is Barinthus?


                          • Originally posted by Velociryx
                            Though there is much to be said about comparing gay parade events to st paddy day events and the like.

                            See, the reason I disagree here is that Gay Pride Parades carry an implied (and often, and implicit) political message.

                            I've never yet been to a St. Patty's Day street party where groups of people of Irish Descent were protesting their centuries of abuse over in Europe, or bemoaning their plight.

                            Mostly, it's about wearing green and being drunk in public.

                            Markedly different from what you see at the Gay Pride marches.

                            As someone with a good amount of Celtic blood in him I must disagree. I see a lot of Celtic pride crap and hear plenty of whining from people who've never suffered anything of the sort in their lives. This culture of vicimization is a sickness. The Irish have mild case of it compared to Arabs and Serbs, but it really should be beneath anyone who lives in the U.S. and hasn't personally suffered dick.
                            He's got the Midas touch.
                            But he touched it too much!
                            Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


                            • Well, I gotta agree with you re: the culture of victimization nonsense. I hate it.

                              As to the celtic pride stuff....*shrug* Never seen the first sign of it least not here, and definitely not at any St. Pat's celebration.

                              The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                              • Gay Pride parades have served as one of the remedies to reverse this dehumanizing unspeakability -- we stand up for ourselves as human beings, worthy of dignity and respect. The closet in which gays for too long have confined themselves in is the sad result of this dehumanizing unspeakability that still persists in society today.
                                I dont see how blocking traffic and waving flags gets your cause farther. The comparison that comes to my mind is like a guy that never went out, never had fun, never did anything, and then blam, he hits 35 and goes crazy.

                                Your OP is hypocritical in that you see nothing wrong with other types of parade events in which participants positively and openly affirm part of their human identity (unless I take the time to read the rest of thread and proven mistakened).
                                Where do you see I said that? I see something wrong with all parades unless the're linked with a celebration, like the stanley cup, christmas and so on...But not for Black pride day or gay pride or whatever...So much other things that can be done that will accomplish stuff other than creating traffic....I'm a cancer victim, do I go in parades telling people how I survived the ordeal and how it was so unfair how I lost my job because of this and how people treated me differently? No, I'd rather give blood or stand in a hall in the mall raising money for the cause. That's helping..

                                Your OP is ignorant in that you seem to know nothing about the history of homosexuals in Western societies and non-Western societies in which for most of history, they had been systematically denied basic human rights such as right to their own conscience. On top of that ignorance, you seem to know nothing about present societies, where huhomosexuals still face denial of basic man rights.
                                That's where the ''Mr.Fun, explain this to me''. comes in. I bet if I were gay I'd know and I wouldn't have to ask. That's why we invented questions.

                                -Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.

