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Gay events, lack of logic IMO. explain this to me.

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  • In the begining...
    Life was very harsh in the Americas,refugees,criminals,very poor,mostly young males.
    Few women...few women...
    (can a storywriter go on,please?)
    Best regards,


    • Originally posted by Sava

      what is going on here?
      Now now, I'm sure a lot of your posts are read.
      He's got the Midas touch.
      But he touched it too much!
      Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


      • Way to clear up things Fed

        Now we know why.

        -Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.


        • Originally posted by Elok
          I, too, have had enough of this gender-based discrimination....Playboy magazine needs to start giving equal coverage to man-breasts. Penthouse and Hustler too!

          "So they're not attractive. They're still breasts."
          Already done. It's called Playgirl.
          (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
          (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
          (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


          • {sarcasm}

            Yes, but....but...what about people who swing both ways!? It's not FAIR that they should have to spend twice the money on mags!

            We MUST, in the name of Political Correctness and Fairness, do something for the poor, beleaguered bi-sexual community! Give them an income subsidy to allow them to afford to purchase both, or give them a special tax break on them, or simply outlaw both sexist magazines and replace it with one that's much more politically correct, pandering equally to BOTH genders.


            The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


            • I think that's an actual government program in the Netherlands.


              • Originally posted by Gibsie
                You know what though? I'll bet that such changes aren't so much because of women campaigning to be let in, but because some bureaucrat somewhere decided that it'd be far too much time and money to train women to equal standards as men, and so they just made it easier for them to pass: same "result", less work. I also bet that few women who make it into the job appreciate being substandard. I hope as far as the military goes, women don't get the most physically-demanding posts if they aren't meeting the same qualifications as men.
                at I said, in the navy women usually got the deskjob and paperwork jobs. They usually weren't expected to get dirty.


                • I think that's an actual government program in the Netherlands.

                  Oh PLEASE tell me you're joking!?!

                  The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                  • Originally posted by reds4ever
                    They have Jewish athletes?
                    I resent that, you racist.

                    Seriously, the "jewish athletes" jokes have got to stop. Not because I am this jock - hardly. It's just because that **** isn't nearly true. Jews do very well at sports.

                    As to the "special group" olympics, they are silly. The Maccabia is silly too, btw.


                    • Originally posted by Dis
                      at I said, in the navy women usually got the deskjob and paperwork jobs. They usually weren't expected to get dirty.
                      Well, that explains the Village People song. "In the Navy, it's just us boys, wink wink." Every career opportunity denied women, it seems, is another niche of society for disco to make gay-sex innuendo about. More women in the workplace leads to fewer campy homosexual icons.
                      1011 1100
                      Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


                      • Originally posted by Az
                        Jews do very well at sports.
                        Which one? Penny snatcher? Is there is such a sport?

                        -Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.


                        • Re: Gay events, lack of logic IMO. explain this to me.

                          Originally posted by Spec
                          First off, let me just say something before you all judge me when reading this post, I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST GAYS.

                          Now that being said, wtf is wrong with some of you?! Where is your logic?!

                          You want to be accepted like everyone else, you want to be treated like everyone else, you want equality. yet, you have to have a parade to show you're different. Wtf?!

                          Every year in Montreal there's the stupid gay parade that prones equality while all you really do is insist on the fact that you are different...And now, this year, oh lucky us, we are the hosts for the 2006 gay olympics...WTF is that about...And you say you are like everyone else...Then why do you need your own olympics? How, physically, are you different?
                          In my mind its just an excuse for all gay athletes not good enough for the normal olympics to compete somewhere...While maybe having extra activities between disciplines...But that's a whole other matter, and frankly, none of my business...
                          I dont see how this is helping your cause, because it has absolutly no logic. We are like everyone else, but we need our own parade and olympics because we are different...Omg, who cares where you stick your thing, what happens in the bedroom should stay in the bedroom. Do you really need a parade to block all the traffic in the streets to be absolutly sure we gonna get agravated by your event and lack of logic?

                          If you wanna be treated like everyone else, act like everyone else. Period.

                          How hypocritcal and ignorant of you to say such things.

                          First of all, homosexuals have a history of being a minority group deprived of basic human rights in similar ways that blacks and women have. And I can already predict your retort to this -- ZOMFG you're saying that homosexuals have had literally the exact, same history as blacks and women!?!? But of course, you already know that is not my point, but that is the standard, cliche retort from people such as yourself when we draw analogies and parallels in order to distort my argument.

                          So given the fact that homosexuals have had their own long history of being deprived of human rights, our Gay Pride parades are an expression of positive affirmation of who we are. Every person has their own right to their own conscience and to develop their own sense of self.

                          We, as homosexuals also have long suffered from bigoted suppression in that the heterosexist and homophobic society had long forced gays into the realm of unspeakability. We had been so dehumanized and so degraded by society that the majority believed that for gays to speak out on equal grounds and to engage in thoughtful, rational discussion as human beings was unthinkable.

                          Gay Pride parades have served as one of the remedies to reverse this dehumanizing unspeakability -- we stand up for ourselves as human beings, worthy of dignity and respect. The closet in which gays for too long have confined themselves in is the sad result of this dehumanizing unspeakability that still persists in society today.

                          Your OP is hypocritical in that you see nothing wrong with other types of parade events in which participants positively and openly affirm part of their human identity (unless I take the time to read the rest of thread and proven mistakened).

                          Your OP is ignorant in that you seem to know nothing about the history of homosexuals in Western societies and non-Western societies in which for most of history, they had been systematically denied basic human rights such as right to their own conscience. On top of that ignorance, you seem to know nothing about present societies, where homosexuals still face denial of basic human rights.

                          EDIT: For every individual who wishes to express part of their identity in positive ways is not grounds to deny that person their rights, as you imply towards the end of your OP. We are not required to conform like clones, nor should everyone act like everyone else in order to be entitled to equal rights. Diversity and equal rights ought to go hand-in-hand.
                          A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


                          • One other thing -- there are gays who want many of the same things that many straight people want. Many gays, for instance, would like to belong to a community church, synogue, mosque, or what have you, while positively affirming part of who they are (gay).

                            Some gays desire to have their own families as gay/lesbian couples, or as single gay dads or as single lesbian mothers. But the laws that try to disguise their bigoted motivations under "family values" discourage establishment and legal protection of such families, and allow for attempts to even destroy such families that already exist, much to the suffering of the parents and the child/children.

                            There are also gays and lesbians who wish to serve in the military and many of them already are -- but the minute their sexual orientation is exposed, their patriotism, competence, and skills do not count anymore -- they are dishonorably discharged.

                            So yes, gays in many ways wish to conform to some of the more fundamental, basic values of society, Spec, but they are not allowed to do so, because they are gay and lesbian and are proud of this part of their identity. So even if they wanted to act like everyone else, Spec, they are not allowed to, unless they bought into the quack-bull**** of changing their sexual orientation and become "straight."
                            A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


                            • Originally posted by Velociryx

                              Great -- nice to see that you buy into the same hypocrisy and ignorance that Spec does.
                              A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


                              • Originally posted by Spec

                                Dont be so angry because you're gay, not everyone is born a normal human being. Sadly, god decided that you had to be a handicap. Shlt happens.


                                Even if you don't mean this, and this was a sarcastic post -- it was completely uncalled for.

                                It was even worse if you really meant this. In that case, your bigotry shines through in all it's "glory."
                                A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.

