Originally posted by Asher
You're sounding like a broken record, and it's not phasing me.
I've got the SO, I've got the job, I've got the grades, I've got the friends, and I don't drink myself to sleep every night.
You know what you are, nye? Bitter. That pretty much explains this whole thing you're doing.
You're sounding like a broken record, and it's not phasing me.
I've got the SO, I've got the job, I've got the grades, I've got the friends, and I don't drink myself to sleep every night.
You know what you are, nye? Bitter. That pretty much explains this whole thing you're doing.
You obviously aren't capable of maintaining a meaningful human relationship with anyone other than your mother.
How close do you live to that SO?
When was the last time you saw your mother?