A Léger poll which came out last night has the Conservative party at 16% in Quebec. Pluging the numbers from that poll into my seat predictions model:
Canada .....104 119 25 60 0
BC ..........12 21 3 0 0
AB............2 26 0 0 0
SK MB.........2 20 6 0 0
ON...........52 38 16 0 0
QC...........12 3 0 60 0
NB NS PE NL..21 11 0 0 0
This poll has whe NDP down everywhere except Ontario which is pretty much the opposite of what has been true in every other poll to date, but this could be due to the large margin of error on the numbers from the smaller regions (everewhere but ON and QC).
[EDIT]I fixed the Leger poll seat predections, I had typed the Liberals as having 2% in MB/SK into my model whereas the poll actually has them at 21%[/EDIT]
Canada .....104 119 25 60 0
BC ..........12 21 3 0 0
AB............2 26 0 0 0
SK MB.........2 20 6 0 0
ON...........52 38 16 0 0
QC...........12 3 0 60 0
NB NS PE NL..21 11 0 0 0
This poll has whe NDP down everywhere except Ontario which is pretty much the opposite of what has been true in every other poll to date, but this could be due to the large margin of error on the numbers from the smaller regions (everewhere but ON and QC).
[EDIT]I fixed the Leger poll seat predections, I had typed the Liberals as having 2% in MB/SK into my model whereas the poll actually has them at 21%[/EDIT]