Both of the approaches are silly. You cannot guess that the immigrant cross-section is identical to the crossection of the country of origin. The only way to go about it is go and count 'em.
No announcement yet.
Islamic Revolution in Denmark!!
Originally posted by germanos
That's an assasination.
Cruel, certainly, but a far cry from the claim the country was conquered by the Taliban through terrorism."The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.
"The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton
I made an estimated guess about how many muslims there was in denmark without specially thinking about the correct amout since it actually didn't had any point according to the other 95 % of the posting.
Approx 50 postings has quarreled about this single point so now I quote myself with a minor correction.
Originally posted by BlackCat
Well, thirty years ago there was less than 0.5 % muslims here - now there is approx52-7 %. If anyone had said that 30 years ago they would have been rediculed.
I don't mind muslims as such, but some of them gives problems. It's not only a religious problem - there are also cultural issuses involved, but they are some kind of linked.
- we had a lot of family joints(?) through forced marriage - that is reduced drastically through our 24 year rule.
- many women of islamic tradition isn't working partly because of belief, partly tradition. That would not be a problem if they were just housewifes, but they are treated as unemployed and gets the benefits of that.
- there has been several cases where children that apparently has gooten used to normal danish life has been send back to the origin country for "reeducation".
- there has been way too many "honor killings" (in my opinion then anyone participating in such are the ones that loose their honour and disgraces their family). This isn't a muslim treat but a ethnic/cultural such, but is a part of the picture.
- last but not least, many of these people doesn't see it as natural that their children should marry locals - they prefer that they marry someone from their origin country.
Guess that from now on, I'm considered an evil racist by everyone here at Poly
With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.
Steven Weinberg
Originally posted by Winston
These are the countries I looked up. The layout is pretty crappy, but I had to include the numbers to give you a chance of judging it.
1st # is Immigrants with Danish citizenship
2nd # is Immigrants without Danish citizenship
= Total for immigrants
3rd # is Descendants with Danish citizenship
4th # is Descendants without Danish citizenship
= Total for descendants.
I'm aware that Sri Lanka's inclusion is dubious, although a good portion of the people from there are Muslims.
Same for a number of countries in Africa (they're all included, to ease the calculation), but most of those with little or no Muslim tradition have very low numbers of people migrating here.
Could be trouble with a couple of the ex-Soviet republics as well, but again, the numbers are to low to significantly skew the picture.
1 January 2005
Immigrants 343,367
Descendants 108,728
Albania 12+158=170 5+19=24
Armenia 241+277=518 65+32=97
Aserbaidjan 41+173=214 52+22=74
Bosnia-Herzegovina 5857+11993=17850 1379+1646=3025
Georgia 24+118=142 9+10=19
Yugoslavia (ex-) 4227+7719=11946 3081+2501=5582
Yugoslavia, Federal Republic 26+1616=1642 37+315=352
Kasakhstan 11+81=92 9+5=14
Kyrgyzstan 0+7=7 0+1=1
Croatia 279+357=636 104+47=151
Macedonia, Former Yug. 410+1461=1871 499+497=996
Serbia-Montenegro 6+602=608 2+80=82
Slovenia 21+68=89 6+7=13
Soviet Union (ex-) 895+341=1236 221+20=241
Tadjikistan 2+17=19 1+0=1
Turkmenistan 2+6=8 0+2=2
Turkey 9729+21194=30923 14998+8938=23936
Usbekistan 7+143=150 4+2=6
Europe, not disclosed 39+7=46 11+0=11
Algeria 506+369=875 338+56=394
Angola 31+91=122 10+7=17
Benin 9+24=33 7+4=11
Botswana 8+14=22 3+1=4
Burkina Faso 6+21=27 3+0=3
Burundi 70+325=395 36+57=93
Cameroun 33+275=308 7+11=18
Centr.African Rep. 0+5=5 0+1=1
Comores 10+7=17 9+0=9
Congo 15+304=319 10+23=33
Djibouti 6+15=21 20+3=23
Egypt 783+566=1349 441+72=513
Ivory Coast 128+248=376 33+13=46
Eritrea 72+102=174 72+7=79
Ethiopia 488+388=876 320+56=376
Gabon 0+0=0 0+0=0
Gambia 185+335=520 136+40=176
Ghana 379+908=1287 148+81=229
Guinea 19+48=67 20+7=27
Guinea-Bissau 12+19=31 3+0=3
Kap Verde 10+7=17 0+0=0
Kenya 294+438=732 95+35=130
Lesotho 8+10=18 2+3=5
Liberia 35+57=92 11+1=12
Libya 53+77=130 86+9=95
Madagascar 2+20=22 1+0=1
Malawi 7+18=25 3+0=3
Mali 5+19=24 2+2=4
Morocco 2567+2372=4939 3374+661=4035
Mauretania 16+10=26 4+4=8
Mauritius 61+32=93 18+0=18
Mozambique 25+94=119 2+2=4
Namibia 1+24=25 3+1=4
Niger 1+6=7 1+0=1
Nigeria 134+464=598 58+37=95
Reunion 0+0=0 0+0=0
Rwanda 25+222=247 8+26=34
Sao Tome & Principe 0+0=0 0+0=0
Senegal 26+52=78 13+2=15
Seychelles 8+8=16 0+1=1
Sierra Leone 86+198=284 31+24=55
Somalia 2823+8401=11224 2896+2832=5728
Spanish Terr. in Africa 0+0=0 0+0=0
St Helena 0+0=0 0+0=0
Sudan 80+376=456 42+58=100
Swaziland 5+3=8 3+0=3
South Africa 269+389=658 49+10=59
Southwest Africa 0+0=0 0+0=0
Tanzania 260+360=620 69+46=115
Tchad 0+6=6 0+0=0
Togo 50+76=126 22+3=25
Tunisia 362+402=764 294+81=375
Uganda 405+630=1035 115+54=169
Zaire 71+123=194 26+26=52
Zambia 78+179=257 11+3=14
Zimbabwe 77+116=193 5+6=11
Equatorial Guinea 0+1=1 0+0=0
Africa not disclosed 51+33=84 12+2=14
Abu Dhabi 0+0=0 0+0=0
Afghanistan 1117+8263=9380 564+932=1496
Bahrain 32+9=41 13+0=13
Bangladesh 73+149=222 70+18=88
Brunei 0+4=4 0+0=0
Dubai 0+0=0 0+0=0
UAE 15+32=47 49+8=57
India 1194+1888=3082 828+175=1003
Indonesia 210+474=684 39+36=75
Iraq 5306+15465=20771 2883+2697=5580
Iran 7441+4246=11687 2270+332=2602
Jordan 495+501=996 759+146=905
Kuwait 335+762=1097 344+189=533
Lebanon 8357+3720=12077 9000+1155=10155
Malaysia 133+198=331 22+6=28
Maldives 1+3=4 0+0=0
Middle East not disclosed 273+181=454 39+3=42
Oman 0+0=0 0+0=0
Pakistan 4077+6567=10644 6354+2303=8657
Palestine 0+0=0 0+0=0
Qatar 5+3=8 34+2=36
Saudi-Arabia 30+50=80 68+7=75
Sri Lanka 4149+2541=6690 3045+556=3601
Syria 865+788=1653 1175+218=1393
Trucial Oman 0+0=0 0+0=0
Yemen, Arab.Rep 0+0=0 0+0=0
Yemen Dem. People's Rep 95+61=156 74+24=98
Asia not disclosed 44+13=57 6+0=6
No citizenship, 'state-less' 145+183=328 82+36=118
Not disclosed 1898+419=2317 565+35=600
Total ???+???=180919 ???+???=85028"I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!
Yeah well look at the insignificant numbers of most of those countries. I hate to repeat myself, but all of Africa was included solely to ease the computation, bearing in mind that the numbers were too low to skew anything too much. The top 23 countries I posted above are what matters; they account for 92% of the 4.91% total.
And about Lebanon: Christians may constitute an important part of this country's demographics, but I can assure you that the immigrants we have from Lebanon are very close to being exclusively of Palestinian descent, and thus Muslim.
Anyway, the homemade, highly in-direct tally was meant as an approximation. To show that claiming only a 2 or 3% Muslim immigrant segment is in actuality just an attempt of trivializing the matter by some..
Originally posted by Winston
Yeah well look at the insignificant numbers of most of those countries. I hate to repeat myself, but all of Africa was included solely to ease the computation, bearing in mind that the numbers were too low to skew anything too much. The top 23 countries I posted above are what matters; they account for 92% of the 4.91% total.
And about Lebanon: Christians may constitute an important part of this country's demographics, but I can assure you that the immigrants we have from Lebanon are very close to being exclusively of Palestinian descent, and thus Muslim.
Idea. Since you are ignorant of these things, STFU.
Anyway, the homemade, highly in-direct tally was meant as an approximation. To show that claiming only a 2 or 3% Muslim immigrant segment is in actuality just an attempt of trivializing the matter by some..Best MMORPG on the net:
An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. -Gandhi
Winston... get out more.
Muslims are no more dangerous than Christians. Fundamentalists and political exploiters of any religion are.
Let the Muslims come. Slowly but very surely we make them better people by corrupting their religious morals with our lack of any. They are no greater threat to basic human ethics than Christians are.
If Muslims are a threat to Christians? - I couldn't care less!
For multiple angles to some of the sickening views on the Muhammad cartoon crisis, check this article out please.
Originally posted by Az
I think they managed a million and a half, was it, with rifles and bushknives in numbered weeks.
Germans? created an entire industry of death, still something around 8-9 million total dead in deathcamps, in two years.
Though the machines and systems can be cruel, and genocidal, it seems that the old-school human approach is so much more ruthless, and thorough.