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Does anyone know anything about a repressed libido?

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  • I don't know. I think masturbation would be a bad idea. Take an obsession over a girl that's already probably unhealthy, starting to masturbate to her (I wouldn't be able to help it, she'd enter my mind) would make things really f***ed up and turn me into a really creepy, unhealthy, pervert.

    Otherwise known as a man.

    I can see your problem straight off. You think that women are unapproachable goddesses who would never deign to think about you in that way.

    That's crap.

    Women are human beings. They get as screwed up as guys over what to do with people they like. It's just different for them, since the social norm requires men to do most of the initiating. They do have other problems though (like being considered a slut if they are honest about what they want).

    And if you think that this girl doesn't know that you either think about masturbating, or do masturbate about girls, or doesn't know that your casual conversation is in fact concealing the dark purpose of wanting to ravish her like a wild animal, then you are entirely mistaken.

    They know exactly what we are up to and what we want. They aren't stupid. They also know that there's a torturous veneer of respectability and polite expectations involved. So although they know that you'd like to drop your pants and hump them right there and then, and even though some of them might secretly like that ****, the social consequences are such that you have to play the game, because if you did attempt the pants drop, disaster would ensue.

    If some woman calls you a sick perverted creep when you make your desire evident, she is feigning surprise. Unless she's completely retarded she already knew the score, and this is just a particularly crappy way of saying no once things have been brought to a head.

    What you need to get in your mind is that it is the same for them. They aren't marble statues who would find your feelings unfamiliar and perverted. Rather they are much like you. Women have all sorts of foul desires, and get just as worried as men about this stuff. One thing that bothers them a lot is that you will think they are a slag if they show overt sexual interest in you, so they bottle it up. If you have female friends they will often tell you things like "I followed this guy all around campus just to stare at his cute butt".

    Courtship basically involves a relatively slow dance that continues until one party gets sick of it and plants one on the other. Immediately, all inhibitions are removed as if by magic (it's amazing how quickly people can take their clothes off).

    The only difficult bit is getting to that point and taking the plunge.

    Just start thinking about women as people rather than ice queens and you'll be OK.
    Only feebs vote.


    • You think that women are unapproachable goddesses who would never deign to think about you in that way.

      That's crap.


      I sometimes shudder at the stuff I hear from girls ( my girl friends that is - studying with a bunch of them in uni really pays off if you're curious about relationships from an outsider's point of view )

      They are just the same creepy *******s as we are - only with a certain air of insanity and narcissism.


      • Originally posted by Agathon
        I don't know. I think masturbation would be a bad idea. Take an obsession over a girl that's already probably unhealthy, starting to masturbate to her (I wouldn't be able to help it, she'd enter my mind) would make things really f***ed up and turn me into a really creepy, unhealthy, pervert.

        Otherwise known as a man.

        I can see your problem straight off. You think that women are unapproachable goddesses who would never deign to think about you in that way.

        That's crap.

        Women are human beings. They get as screwed up as guys over what to do with people they like. It's just different for them, since the social norm requires men to do most of the initiating. They do have other problems though (like being considered a slut if they are honest about what they want).

        And if you think that this girl doesn't know that you either think about masturbating, or do masturbate about girls, or doesn't know that your casual conversation is in fact concealing the dark purpose of wanting to ravish her like a wild animal, then you are entirely mistaken.

        They know exactly what we are up to and what we want. They aren't stupid. They also know that there's a torturous veneer of respectability and polite expectations involved. So although they know that you'd like to drop your pants and hump them right there and then, and even though some of them might secretly like that ****, the social consequences are such that you have to play the game, because if you did attempt the pants drop, disaster would ensue.

        If some woman calls you a sick perverted creep when you make your desire evident, she is feigning surprise. Unless she's completely retarded she already knew the score, and this is just a particularly crappy way of saying no once things have been brought to a head.

        What you need to get in your mind is that it is the same for them. They aren't marble statues who would find your feelings unfamiliar and perverted. Rather they are much like you. Women have all sorts of foul desires, and get just as worried as men about this stuff. One thing that bothers them a lot is that you will think they are a slag if they show overt sexual interest in you, so they bottle it up. If you have female friends they will often tell you things like "I followed this guy all around campus just to stare at his cute butt".

        Courtship basically involves a relatively slow dance that continues until one party gets sick of it and plants one on the other. Immediately, all inhibitions are removed as if by magic (it's amazing how quickly people can take their clothes off).

        The only difficult bit is getting to that point and taking the plunge.

        Just start thinking about women as people rather than ice queens and you'll be OK.


        • "Hello legs, breasts, and ass."
          “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
          "Capitalism ho!"


          • I can relate to the attracted to girls out of your league bit. I do this too often.

            My problem is being attracted to coworkers. Including ones I shouldn't be attracted to. What should I do about this?

            The problem is they are both smart and pretty. In other words, way out of my league. But I love smart women, and of course I cannot deny a pretty woman. One girl is mixed race african american, the other is mixed race japanese/american. What can I say. I love mixed races. .

            It's hard enough to find smart women in my city. But to find them that don't smoke is a rare treat indeed. In fact one of them is married, that's why I say I shouldn't be attracted to them. I have to stop being attracted to married women. This was much easier when I was in the navy. I worked with only guys. But that is also a bad thing. Because it hasn't prepared me for civilian life, and having to work with women on a day to day basis. I find that hard to do (pun intended ).

            Is there a place to meet intelligent women? I have yet to find it. I would say college. But judging by all those college movies you see, that doesn't seem to be the case.


            • My problem is being attracted to coworkers. Including ones I shouldn't be attracted to. What should I do about this?

              Go on welfare.
              Only feebs vote.


              • I don't believe in welfare and think it should be abolished. But that's another thread. . And I seriously don't think they give out welfare to single white men who own homes. I haven't checked on this though.


                • Originally posted by Urban Ranger

                  You too jag? Long long time ago when I was young and naive, there was a Caroline that did the same thing to me.

                  BTW, lovely avatar
                  Thank you. I am honored to have a crush on a girl with the same [relatively common] name as you once did. You are a colossus among moderators, bestriding the forums like, erm, a colossus.

                  - - -

                  Agathon's post is one of the most on-target ones in this thread, although it is, in typical Agathon style, stated very crudely.

                  - - -

                  But my main question is how do I not obsess over one particular girl?

                  Well, in retrospect it looks pretty stupid. I'm betting you noticed a pattern to your behavior, and whatever girl you're obsessing over now is not the first. I started the silly practice of devoting myself religiously to one girl about six years ago. The goddess, the object of my worship, the one girl I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, was named Alexandra. But then it was Eleony, then Samantha, then Genevieve, then Ryan, (not gay, it's sometimes a girl's name too) then Caroline.

                  Sometime over the past few months I took a serious look at the way I think about girls, and I realized just how silly that was. And I think it's helping me a lot. I am able to see Caroline for who she is- a smart, pretty, shy girl with whom I have a few things in common- however, I also realize that I don't know her that well, and she may or may not be right for me. I also understand that she's not a big part of my life right now, so I shouldn't lose sleep over her.

                  That attitude might seem sacreligious, but it has helped me see the good in other girls as well. Although Caroline is, no question, the one I want most, I should treat the others well, because one day, I might change my mind. God knows, it's happened before.

                  If you decide a girl is meaningless to you, simply because she isn't the flavor of the month, then the feeling is probably going to be mutual.
                  "You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran

                  Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005


                  • Originally posted by johncmcleod
                    I agree. I know what I am doing is bad. My problem is that I don't know how to not do this. I do it naturally and can't help it.
                    My suspicion is you are having a crush on a mental image of a young woman, not on the actual person.

                    The best treatment is to get out more and interact with the gentler sex more.

                    Originally posted by johncmcleod
                    But my main question is how do I not obsess over one particular girl? It is unhealthy.
                    Find another crush

                    Seriously, since you are just falling over an image in all likelihood, the best approach is then to take her down from the pedestal, so to speak. Try to get a realistic angle on her - she's just human, afterall, and must have flaws and weaknesses, some of which you may dislike.

                    Volunteering is always an excellent option IMO.
                    (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                    (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                    (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                    • Agathon's post is one of the most on-target ones in this thread, although it is, in typical Agathon style, stated very crudely.

                      That's because we New Zealanders aren't a bunch of sissy fairies like you North Americans.
                      Only feebs vote.


                      • Whatever

                        I just went outside and chopped down 10 trees with a sword because I felt like it
                        We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln


                        • Originally posted by Agathon
                          Women are human beings. They get as screwed up as guys over what to do with people they like. It's just different for them, since the social norm requires men to do most of the initiating. They do have other problems though (like being considered a slut if they are honest about what they want).
                          This Puritan social norm has to go. There is absolutely nothing wrong with young women expressing their true feelings. It is nice to have that happen to you from time to time

                          Originally posted by Agathon
                          ...because if you did attempt the pants drop, disaster would ensue.
                          OTOH, that may be audacious enough to impress her

                          Originally posted by Agathon
                          What you need to get in your mind is that it is the same for them. They aren't marble statues who would find your feelings unfamiliar and perverted.
                          Just because they are familiar with these urges doesn't mean they don't find them perverted. Don't forget women are biologically different from men, and on the average they are much less driven to have sexual gratification.
                          (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                          (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                          (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                          • Unfortunatly UR Agathon is right. Women have a harder time then youd think. We can love sex as much as men and do the same thing you guys do. But for doing things like this we are usually called easy and sluts etc. I dont know why this is it just is.
                            For the last comment, i dunno Ur I have met a lot of women that are bigger horn dogs then some men i know
                            When you find yourself arguing with an idiot, you might want to rethink who the idiot really is.
                            "It can't rain all the time"-Eric Draven
                            Being dyslexic is hard work. I don't even try anymore.


                            • My advice is basically Ted's plus Agathon's. From what I've read you need counseling. This is nothing to be ashamed of. You need to be honest concerning your own anxiety with your parents - they want the best for you. They're not going to automatically think "my son is crazy" - rather, they will (if they're good parents) want to know why you didn't let them know sooner, and try to help you with a cure.

                              A really good therapist seems like the best of all courses to me.
                              "mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
                              Drake Tungsten
                              "get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
                              Albert Speer


                              • Originally posted by Mrs. Tuberski
                                I have met a lot of women that are bigger horn dogs then some men i know
                                You got phone numbers or what?????
                                We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln

