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Bush has failed

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  • Originally posted by Sava
    maybe 200 or so buses there...

    you have to fuel all of them get drivers, have routes planned, coordinate pick up locations, destinations, and do it nonstop for over 24 hours...

    somehow, I just don't see it happening, even if you had a month to plan it and rehearse it...
    When a major city is expecting eradication within 48 hours, they should take extreme measures like override bus driver overtime regulations.
    So get your Naomi Klein books and move it or I'll seriously bash your faces in! - Supercitizen to stupid students
    Be kind to the nerdiest guy in school. He will be your boss when you've grown up!


    • Bush failed years ago. He hasn't stopped failing since, and it's time he gets expelled.
      Visit First Cultural Industries
      There are reasons why I believe mankind should live in cities and let nature reclaim all the villages with the exception of a few we keep on display as horrific reminders of rural life.-Starchild
      Meat eating and the dominance and force projected over animals that is acompanies it is a gateway or parallel to other prejudiced beliefs such as classism, misogyny, and even racism. -General Ludd


      • I'm in the camp that right-wingers and left-wingers have said and/or done stupid things WRT the disaster in New Orleans.

        For the righties, Bush claims the crown so far with enough examples cited in this thread alone. For the lefties, I didn't even fathom a "racial" element to the people left in New Orleans. All I saw were folks in need of help. Not black. Not white. Just folks. But, hey, leave it up to the lefties to inject racism into the equation.

        The blame game can wait (heck, Congress is already planning hearings, so we'll be indunated with finger-pointing within weeks, if not days) for the time being. Folks need to volunteer to help out down there if they can, or send financial help, if they can. Those two things will make a greater difference than any hot air ever floated by righties *or* lefties.

        "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll die defending your right to say it." — Voltaire

        "Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart." — Confucius


        • Bush is the president who lost a city.


          • Originally posted by Gatekeeper
            I'm in the camp that right-wingers and left-wingers have said and/or done stupid things WRT the disaster in New Orleans.

            For the righties, Bush claims the crown so far with enough examples cited in this thread alone. For the lefties, I didn't even fathom a "racial" element to the people left in New Orleans. All I saw were folks in need of help. Not black. Not white. Just folks. But, hey, leave it up to the lefties to inject racism into the equation.

            The blame game can wait (heck, Congress is already planning hearings, so we'll be indunated with finger-pointing within weeks, if not days) for the time being. Folks need to volunteer to help out down there if they can, or send financial help, if they can. Those two things will make a greater difference than any hot air ever floated by righties *or* lefties.

            I Agree

            Jon Miller-
            I AM.CANADIAN
            GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


            • Originally posted by Gatekeeper

              Unfortunately, all America has left are raving right-wingers and drooling left-wingers. The extremes did a fine, Sith-like job of wiping out the moderate middle in their quest for absolute power.

              Sorry, America. You're stuck with what you got. Idjits!

              The US doesn't HAVE a left (except maybe Chegitz). If it did, many of the problems it's now facing might have been solved.
              Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



              • Unfortunately, all America has left are raving right-wingers and drooling left-wingers. The extremes did a fine, Sith-like job of wiping out the moderate middle in their quest for absolute power.

                Bingo... that extremes have killed the centrists, who wouldn't have mucked things up in the name of partisanship.
                “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                • Easy for you to say, centrist.
                  "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
                  "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


                  • Originally posted by Theben
                    I forgot to mention Geronimo is also easily fooled.
                    by which you mean that I have been seen to occasionally change my mind in the face of verifiable facts contrary to my original pov?


                    • Unfortunately, all America has left are raving right-wingers and drooling left-wingers. The extremes did a fine, Sith-like job of wiping out the moderate middle in their quest for absolute power.
                      Yeah. Everyone I've talked to who says Bush has FUBARd is a drooling left-winger.

                      You centrists are trotting out worse name calling than a lot of the righties...what an imaginary high horse to be on..."I'm a centrist! I'm not just a glorified indecisive flip-flopper! I'm an educated rational person that thinks things through even though I'm going to just cut the problem in half, say it's a compromise, and call it a day!"
                      meet the new boss, same as the old boss


                      • Originally posted by mrmitchell

                        Yeah. Everyone I've talked to who says Bush has FUBARd is a drooling left-winger.

                        You centrists are trotting out worse name calling than a lot of the righties...what an imaginary high horse to be on..."I'm a centrist! I'm not just a glorified indecisive flip-flopper! I'm an educated rational person that thinks things through even though I'm going to just cut the problem in half, say it's a compromise, and call it a day!"
                        (emphasis added)
                        None of the centrists I know of use that philosophy. show me an example.


                        • Originally posted by mrmitchell ..."I'm a centrist! I'm not just a glorified indecisive flip-flopper! I'm an educated rational person that thinks things through even though I'm going to just cut the problem in half, say it's a compromise, and call it a day!"
                          Actually, that's a damn good idea. There's the Wisdom of Solomon about that half-baby, too...

                          Solution: Cut New Orleans in half. Put all of the stranded in the half that will no longer exist.

                          That way, we just have property damage to worry about! Solved!


                          • Originally posted by Sava
                            maybe 200 or so buses there...

                            you have to fuel all of them get drivers, have routes planned, coordinate pick up locations, destinations, and do it nonstop for over 24 hours...

                            somehow, I just don't see it happening, even if you had a month to plan it and rehearse it...
                            the route is pretty obvious, those busses are next to a highway that leads straight to the super dome, and the other way heads out of the city. Check out the satellite photos. By the way, those busses are fueled, one was "stolen" and a couple of people used it to get out.

                            as to the # of busses, someone counted 205, and there are a couple outside of the shot as well.


                            • You know what? The other problem with this whole mess is taht we haven't really seen any heroes being reported to the same extent as in after 11 Sept.

                              In the wake of 11 Sept, we had lots of reporting on how noble and how glorious those firemen and police officers were, but for Katrina, nothing.

                              Well, almost nothing. I admire this kid for what he's done.

                              Taking refuge in the Astrodome
                              Thursday, September 01, 2005 Updated: 11:32 AM

                              HOUSTON -- NEWSCHANNEL 5 crews were in Houston as some desperate refugees arrived in a stolen bus.

                              HOUSTON -- Thousands of refugees of Hurricane Katrina were transported to the Astrodome in Houston this week. In an extreme act of looting, one group actually stole a bus to escape ravaged areas in Louisiana.

                              About 100 people packed into the stolen bus. They were the first to enter the Houston Astrodome, but they weren't exactly welcomed.

                              The big yellow school bus wasn't expected or approved to pass through the stadium's gates. Randy Nathan, who was on the bus, said they were desperate to get out of town.

                              "If it werent for him right there," he said, "we'd still be in New Orleans underwater. He got the bus for us."

                              Eighteen-year-old Jabbor Gibson jumped aboard the bus as it sat abandoned on a street in New Orleans and took control.

                              "I just took the bus and drove all the way hours straight,' Gibson admitted. "I hadn't ever drove a bus."

                              The teen packed it full of complete strangers and drove to Houston. He beat thousands of evacuees slated to arrive there.

                              "I t's better than being in New Orleans," said fellow passenger Albert McClaud, "we want to be somewhere where we're safe."

                              During a long and impatient delay, children popped their heads out of bus windows and mothers clutched their babies.

                              One 8-day-old infant spent the first days of his life surrounded by chaos. He's one of the many who are homeless and hungry.

                              Authorities eventually allowed the renegade passengers inside the dome. But the 18-year-old who ensured their safety could find himself in a world of trouble for stealing the school bus.

                              "I dont care if I get blamed for it ," Gibson said, "as long as I saved my people."

                              Sixty legally chartered buses were expected to arrive in Houston throughout the night. Thousands of people will be calling the Astrodome "home," at least for now.
                              I can't say I always agree that the ends justify the means, but this kid has guts, and did what he thought was right.


                              • Originally posted by Sava
                                maybe 200 or so buses there...

                                you have to fuel all of them get drivers, have routes planned, coordinate pick up locations, destinations, and do it nonstop for over 24 hours...

                                somehow, I just don't see it happening, even if you had a month to plan it and rehearse it...
                                That is plain BS - or I ****ing damned well hope it is!

                                A city knowingly under the threat of catastrophic inundation had better damned well ****ing have a disaster plan worked out to the nth degree.

                                Personally I find it inconceivable that didn't have some kind of intricately planned evacuation drill involving the public buses of NO(at least to save the ****ing buses!)! How many public buses do you think the city owns in the form of school buses and public transport buses? Hundreds? thousands?

                                You would be surprised just how many buses are owned by your average city. Without knowing specifics, I am even tempted to suggest that NO's buses alone could have evacuated all those that could not leave independently in one, two - three at the most, journeys!

                                And that is not including extra buses from all over the state helping out if needed...

                                If that planning was in place, everyone would know exactly what to do and where to go the moment word went out!

                                I put it to you that the poor and infirm were simply forgotten about, or worse - left to their own devices!

                                And that is chilling indictment of NO's disaster preparedness plans!

                                However, FEMA should have acted in an overwatch capacity and made certain NO's disaster preparedness actually worked without forgetting anyone...

                                Sorry, but the more I find out about this whole debacle - the more outraged I am by it!
                                Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?

